A moment of relief from pimps, thieves and scoundrels

Published: July 1, 2013 at 12:12pm

The June 29 edition of RAI TV’s Linea Blu, about Malta:

7 Comments Comment

  1. Rbugeja says:

    Indeed, all this is the legacy of the previous PN administrations…now Malta ‘is indeed on the map’.

  2. mattie says:

    I thought, I was going to see the ‘Taghna Lkoll’ video.


  3. ron says:

    Mela quddiem il-barranin nirriklamaw l-opra ta’ Piano u niftahru biha u Muscat imaqdar il-progett. Perli f’saqajn il-hniezer.

  4. Yanika says:

    Is there any other link available please? It seems to need some Microsoft product download, which I’d prefer to avoid if possible. Thanks!

  5. Gahan says:

    I watched the program last Saturday . It was obviously recorded before last elections.
    Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s Italian is horrible, he’s just a poser with a hand held fan.

    I was really impressed with the amount of restoration and development that’s been carried out around Malta in the last five years.

  6. Selit says:


    He is a bit late for the above conference


    Or maybe he is on his way to California.

  7. victoria scerri says:

    We really should be proud of our beautiful island. I wonder if it will remain like this FROM THIS FOOTAGE ONWARDS.

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