And how can we forget that Dalli supported Gaddafi at the start of the civil war, and was rapped by Barroso?

Published: July 1, 2013 at 5:54pm

EU Observer

Come on, surely you remember that he accused the rebels of faking it for the news network cameras, and just pretending to be dead?

And that he asked how come their placards were in English (when all Libyans are ignorant and illiterate)?

I remember listening to the actual thing live and thinking to myself, can he make it more obvious that he’s damned scared of losing his network and contacts.

Link below.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Mister says:

    And I quote the last person to comment on the story:

    ”To comment I need to know the facts and I don’t yet know exactly what is happening,” he told The Times yesterday afternoon, adding that he had not kept himself fully updated since he was on holiday in Gozo.’;

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    I hope he’s not doing the dirty on someone he shouldn’t and ends up in a wheelie bin somewhere.

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