Did John Dalli fly to the Bahamas from London on a private or scheduled flight?

Published: July 1, 2013 at 5:58pm

His shady explanation about meeting those people with millions on the plane, which he never left, don’t make sense if it’s the latter.

But none of it makes sense anyway.

6 Comments Comment

  1. A Montebello says:

    It’s all very sinister…. my guess is the person Dalli met had a an eye-patch and sat there silently stroking a Persian Blue.

  2. Natalie says:

    If I had 100 million in the bank, I would hire a private jet and avoid the discomfort of a long-haul flight aboard a commercial aeroplane. Although paying 2000 – 3000 Eur for a Business class ticket is not a bad option either.

  3. Cittadin Malti says:

    It seems that there must be a more complex explanation. If I read his explanations well, they tend to be full of foresight, as to what may need to be proved later should an investigation arise. This explanation might be linked to what documentary evidence may or may not be available.

    Could it be that his passport was never stamped at the Bahamas?

    Could it be that his passport shows no evidence that he ever visited the Bahamas?

    Of course, Peter Paul Zammit has the authority to check this, maybe between taking one pizza home delivery order and another.

    If that passport was never stamped, who were “these people” Dalli was dealing with? Could it be that they were persons who could overrule customs procedures?

    The Bahamas is a small country where access to the political class is not that difficult to establish.

    After all, Mr. Barry Connor, a resident of the Bahamas, did speak to Mr. Dalli.

    • nathan says:

      Very good points, they cover carelessness with influences, but their arrogance is always their main enemy.

      It is very possible a private plane was used. They told me a high level immigration officer in Bahamas was with the group meeting in there.

      Those meetings hide some of the answers – the “church groups” from the USA.

  4. Natalie Mallett says:

    Il-giddieb ghomru qasir. X’tahwid! Kemm ahjar taqlaghha u tiekolha.

    Min jaf x’ugieh ta’ ras ghandu b’dan l-inkwiet kollu.

    Nahseb li veru aktar facli li gemel jidhol minn ghajn ta’ labra milli ghani …

  5. mamma mia says:

    There is also the fact that if he was hiding money in Cyprus, he would have to move it quickly before it was all lost.

    The Cyprus connection especially to launder money received from the Gaming Industry .. would make a lot of sense.

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