Does Helena Dalli make no money at all from all those companies she owns?
There’s something about Helena Dalli’s declaration of assets that makes no sense at all.
She owns:
99% of Paba Builders Ltd
50% of Elcar Developments Ltd
50% of PR Co Ltd
And yet she declares no income from them. So what is the point of owning them, if they make no money?
Also – and this applies to her fellow ministers – exactly what is the point of declaring one’s shareholding in a company unless one also declares how much that shareholding is worth?
If ministers are expected to state the value of their bank deposits, then they should also state the value of their shareholding.
Helena Dalli also owns a sizeable percentage of some companies which are described as ‘non-trading’. This means exactly that: they don’t trade.
However, Carters Supermarkets Ltd, one of these ‘non-trading companies’, owns the actual supermarket building in Paola but leases it out. So one assumes that while Carters Supermarkets Ltd no longer trades as a supermarket business, it takes revenue from the rental of the premises it owns, otherwise the company would have been wound up.
This is Mrs Dalli’s shareholding in the non-trading companies:
33.3% of Parklands Ltd
50% of Carters Supermarkets Ltd
33.3% of Tadar Ltd
And she is the sole shareholder in Paba Shipping Ltd
Mrs Dalli’s stated income for 2012 is:
University lecturer’s salary – €15,787
MP’s honoraria – €20,129
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Reply to maryanne Click here to cancel reply
Yet another Socialist who is only socialist for others, as in she preaches for others to be socialist but sue os happy being wealthy. No wonder they are so at ease with Hollande of the Gauche Caviar.
Konrad Mizzi forgot to list his house in Malta (Paola/Sliema).
B’min tahseb li qed titnejjek din ic-cuc ?
Zgur li mhux bija.
I wonder what she is lecturing on at Uni.
Is it tax evasion or tax avoidance?
Or both?
Or is it on the concealment of assets?
There are detailed declarations like Louis Grech’s but many others are generic and lack a lot of important detail.
Karmenu Vella takes the biscuit for lack of detail while Mallia has nearly half a million Euros in cash…hoarder.
[Daphne – You have no way of knowing that Louis Grech’s details are complete. The fact that he gives some detail does not mean that he gives all the detail. Where are his business interests?]
So many companies, no income. Do we have a Maltese version of the IRS and if we do what the f*ck are they doing?
She’s put on one hell of a lot of weight. Maybe that’s where the ‘phantom’ earnings went.
I could never understand how wealthy people can let themselves go. I mean they’ve got all the money in the world to hire a personal trainer, haven’t they?
Wealthy people and Maltese politicians, plus their wives, don’t need personal trainers, friend, they’ve got photoshop.
One error may have been written off as a typo, but why is Pada Builders stated as Paba Builders, and Pada Shipping as Paba Shipping? Strange.
Kollha qed jghixu fil-faqar, msieken. Il-gvernijiet tal-PN qatluhom bil-guh.