“DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” More arrogance from Silvio ‘Zero 88’ Scerri.
July 3, 2013 at 3:16pm
Here’s the car used by the chief of staff to the Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister, neatly and legally parked at a 45-degree angle to the yellow line round the facade of the Prime Minister’s Office.
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Din karozza li il-middil kless ser jibdew isuqu? Grazzi Joseph tal-gid li qed taghmel maghna.
Fejn hi il-BMW tieghi, halli nigi ghaliha. tenks hafna.
Le, l-ewwel it-tablet u wara il-Beemer.
No I don’t know who you are. But going by your number-plate, you’re nothing. U bel zero.
U ajma Daphne jahasra. I guess the police were busy preparing take-aways for Manuel and Codruta Mallia, otherwise I’m sure he’d have been booked.
You can take the guy out of Hicksville, but you can’t take the Hicksville out of the guy.
The “ER” should be deleted from his number plate