“DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” More arrogance from Silvio ‘Zero 88’ Scerri.

Published: July 3, 2013 at 3:16pm

silvio scerri car

Here’s the car used by the chief of staff to the Police, Army and Broadcasting Minister, neatly and legally parked at a 45-degree angle to the yellow line round the facade of the Prime Minister’s Office.


6 Comments Comment

  1. Mister says:

    Din karozza li il-middil kless ser jibdew isuqu? Grazzi Joseph tal-gid li qed taghmel maghna.

    Fejn hi il-BMW tieghi, halli nigi ghaliha. tenks hafna.

  2. Selit says:

    No I don’t know who you are. But going by your number-plate, you’re nothing. U bel zero.

  3. Mallia (not Manuel ) says:

    U ajma Daphne jahasra. I guess the police were busy preparing take-aways for Manuel and Codruta Mallia, otherwise I’m sure he’d have been booked.

  4. Mel says:

    You can take the guy out of Hicksville, but you can’t take the Hicksville out of the guy.

  5. Viva lejber says:

    The “ER” should be deleted from his number plate

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