Fair’s fair, and in this I agree completely with Joe Grima’s girlfriend and respect the fact that she took a stand

Published: July 6, 2013 at 2:42pm


Marlene Mizzi, Malta’s loudmouth MEP who can’t write a sentence without several errors of grammar and spelling if her life depended on it, has told us to unite behind our prime minister in his redneck, National Front, far-right stance against those desperate enough to risk their lives by crossing the Mediterranean in rickety boats, after first having crossed the Sahara with thousands dying en route.

Mrs Mizzi bolsters my long-standing observation that those who anthropomorphise cats and dogs do the reverse to human beings. She fills her Facebook account with pictures of her pampered pussies, cossetted as though they are human infants, and shows us how she rolls around with the rescued pooches in the animal shelters she occasionally graces with her presence.

And then she tells us that we should back Joseph Muscat when he speaks about men, women and children – suffering and desperate men, women and children – as though they are a plague of rats to be exterminated or led away by the Pied Piper.

So well done, Lynn Zahra, for saying to this spoiled, selfish woman who completely lacks imaginative empathy and cannot even begin to visualise what she hasn’t experienced herself, that she has completely missed the moral issues involved.

Lynn Zahra on timesofmalta.com
Today, 11:14

We can’t be united behind the Prime Minister because many rightly don’t agree that his push back policy is THE solution. It certainly is not a moral solution, is it?

Marlene Mizzi, speaking like a member of the British National Front or Jean Marie Le Pen’s sidekick, had said:

This is a national issue and we should tackle it as a united nation. We should all be united behind the PM who, after seeing the country’s plight being ignored for many years by the other members of the Union, has left him no option but to stand up and be counted. We should back this stand. This is no time to resort to partisan politics and seeking political kudos. This is the time to stand united in the interest of these people and in the interest of our country.

Mrs Mizzi is far too poorly educated for ‘Enoch Powell’ or ‘rivers of blood’ to have any resonance at all in her mind. If she were better educated, she would know that her words, the prime minister’s words, and the words poisoning the comments boards on timesofmalta.com and other sites with sheer, plain xenophobic ignorance are nothing new at all.

Theirs is an old refrain, and as far back as 1968 in Britain there was a speech given by a Conservative MP, Enoch Powell, which became lodged in history as the ‘rivers of blood’ speech. Mrs Mizzi and her xenophobic, illiberal friends should read up about the consequences, and while reading the speech itself, they should bear in mind that Enoch Powell meant the Maltese, too.

But first, they should read the speech and remember that this was Britain in 1968. The link is below.

50 Comments Comment

  1. David says:

    A prophetic speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkBr-qvo-4

    [Daphne – Yes, you would say that, wouldn’t you, David. Prophetic of what? People do not argue with Powell’s numbers, but with his sentiments.]

  2. Aston says:

    Enoch Powell was slightly (though of course not wholly) more justified than the PM and Marlene Mizzi in that the immigrants he was referring to were in most cases not as desperate and drowning at sea.

    It was less of a humanitarian crisis and more an economic one, and still they didn’t let him get away with it.

    [Daphne – That’s because of the tone he used, the racist sentiments betrayed (however eloquent and overtly civilised the language) and also because the real theme of the speech was not immigration but racial difference and being ‘taken over’ by those who are different. Those sentiments are always unacceptable, whether the immigration is legal or illegal, and whatever the exent of the desperation of those involved.]

    • Aston says:

      Oh I totally agree. I’m not saying Enoch Powell’s speech was not entirely despicable. I’m just saying that the local variant is even worse because of the more implicit threat to lives.

  3. john says:

    It is no longer generally known that prior to the ‘rivers of blood’ speech Enoch Powell led a recruitment drive for nurses from the Caribbean to come to Britain to work in the NHS.

    The NHS would never have been able to function without staff recruited from the Asian sub-continent and the Caribbean.

  4. Edward says:

    The Pl are about to be hoisted by their own rebranding petard.

    I remember the surprise I felt when, one fine morning I woke up and heard that Malta had a “liberal ” party, and that Labour was it.

    “RUBBISH” I thought, ” There is no way anyone is going to believe that the party that reduced the country to underdeveloped status is liberal. No one will believe it. Such a deceitful and blatantly dishonest characterisation of the PL would never be believed by the Maltese”.

    But then the gay men and women started going on about how the PN is the conservative party, despite all the liberal policies it has passed over the 25 years it has been in power. I couldn’t believe my ears.

    “But Mintoff decriminalised sodomy” they cry. “The PN are the conservatives” they exclaimed, as if to paint them as Tea Party members.

    I still stood firm and would not believe a word of it, but sadly there are many who, even now, will not only stand by the lies they believed, but also try and twist their logic around so as to still feel comfortable associating themselves with the PL.

    And when I say lies, I am not talking of the cliche “they promised this in the election but didn’t deliver” which could easily be the result of unforeseen circumstances. Like an international financial crisis.

    I’m talking about lying about their identity, making people believe they are something they are not, just to get into power.

    It wasn’t a difficult lie to spot, but many people, reluctant to be seen as narrow-minded and part of a tribal mentality, decided to go with it. They have never been more wrong.

    Now is the time for them to stand up and try and right some of the wrong they have done. Where is Mr Cyrus Engerer and his equal rights brigade?

    Shouldn’t all the LGBT lobbies be standing outside the PM’s office yelling ” Human Rights for Everyone!”? I know that’s what I would be doing if I were in Malta right now, or at least trying to organise something of the sort.

    This was exactly the reason why I wouldn’t be part of the LGBT groups within the Labour Party, because the PL are only liberal on the matters that suit them, and not as a matter of principle. Something I thought was obvious, but I guess not to some, especially when they had the prospect of a job dangled before their eyes.

    So those gay men and women who have tied themselves to the PL, and now have very little choice in what they say lest they end up with no iced bun, have to stand by the PM.


    • ciccio says:

      I do believe that in a European country, my following comment is allowed.

      I do in fact think that all immigrants coming into Malta should declare to the armed forces out at sea that they are lesbian, gay, bisex, or transgender.

      Joseph Muscat will then be compelled to bring them to shore.

    • george grech says:

      Do not put everyone in the same basket. Cyrus and company do not represent all the gay community. As a gay man I never fell for the PL’s deceitful propaganda.

      What about other minority groups lobbyists? Shouldn’t they also be outside the PM’s office shouting “human rights for everyone”?

      • Edward says:

        I am gay too, George, and neither did I fall for the whole LGBT Labour stint.

        I would like to see them standing shoulder to shoulder with Muscat now, with an “oh-shit” look on their faces.

      • Edward says:

        And in true “think positive” fashion, Cyrus Engerer has put pictures of a village festa on his Facebook wall, completely ignoring the obviously negative statements made by his leader, who he has repeatedly said better reflects his opinions and views.

        Nice going Cyrus! Human rights for all!

  5. mark says:

    Daqs Marlene Mizzi ghamilt success f’hajtek Daphne, int u hi l-istess!

    [Daphne – Define success.]

    • etil says:

      Always the same whining – we will trod over and insult anyone who does not agree with our so-called reasoning.

      What about John Dalli’s press conference and the fact that the prime minister passed over the Bahamas saga as being of no consequence. Well I suppose he does owe a lot to John Dalli if he financed his electoral campaign.

    • Natalie says:

      I’ve always wanted to be Marlene Mizzi.

      • La Redoute says:

        Publish a photo of your kittens, then, and learn how not to spell.

      • Michelle Pirotta says:

        A man is in a garden, when a ladder comes down from the heavens.

        He hears an unearthly voice saying: “Climb the ladder to success”.

        So he goes up, and after a while, there’s a really ugly woman on a landing on the side of the ladder. She says to him: “F*ck me or climb the ladder to success.”

        He thinks about it, but decides he rather have success.

        He goes up, and sees two quite nice women sitting on a landing on the side. “F*ck us or climb the ladder to success.”

        He thinks about it, but decides its not worth it.
        He goes up again, and there are three really beautiful women on the next landing. “F*ck us or climb the ladder to success.”

        He thinks about it, but realises that the women are getting much more beautiful, younger, and are increasing in number as he climbs the ladder.

        So he climbs the ladder, and reaches the top.
        Theres a old, bearded man sitting there.

        “Hi, I’m Cess.”

      • dak says:

        Mark, Noel Arrigo agrees with you.

    • xewka says:

      Some people use their minds to reach their goals. Others use their bodies.

    • just me says:

      Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. – Albert Einstein.

  6. blue says:

    I for one will definitely not back the Prime Minister in anything let alone on an international matter of such great concern.

    On the contrary, Mr Prime Minister, we should all rally together to help them.

    • silvio loporto says:

      Of course we should “rally together to help them”
      How ,is the big question.
      It is surely not by accepting them in our country.
      We just don’t have place for them.

      We should help them by sending them to bigger countries,like,. as the P.M.said Sweden.

      I wonder what Sweden nation would look like, in say 30years’time if,a few thousands of their Blondes are married off to some of our Halfar residents.

      [Daphne – A racist who has faith in John Dalli and voted for Joseph Muscat. Great going, Mr Loporto.]

  7. Karl Flores says:

    I would expect such a statement from Nigel Farage, the current leader of the UKIP, and not from Joseph Muscat, Marlene Mizzi et al.

  8. Jozef says:

    Jaslu nies bil-balal fl-istonku u l-iblah iwieghed li jibghathom lura meta ‘jkun safe’.

    Paroli fil-vojt, basta jirkeb u jbasbas.

    U l-kurja siekta, ma jmurx Michelle tiehu ghaliha waqt xi purcissjoni.

  9. il-Ginger says:

    What makes you think Enoch Powell is totally wrong on this subject?

    If you had to walk down certain streets in London dressed as you usually do, you’d probably have to start a new blog, but against Islam.

    [Daphne – Not true at all. I’ve been all over London and never had any problems. I can’t say the same for Malta, where people are most uncivilised.]

    • Zammit says:

      It’s usually people like il-Ginger who know all about London and I bet haven’t even spent a week of their life in London. Been here for 8 years and learnt to enjoy life in a multicultural society.

      Unbelievable how stupid the Maltese are when it comes to living with different cultures.

    • Denis says:

      Could not have answered any better, Daphne!

  10. Bubu says:

    The lejber party of Malta styles itself as being socialist, but the only socialists who would speak as the prime minister is doing are the NATIONAL socialists.

  11. Natalie says:

    “The black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

    The ultimate fear of all racists; finding that their boss is a black man. I have worked with many black people, mostly males. They are all hard-working and zealous people. For some reason, they all have a good sense of humour.

    I understand that some people are afraid that at some point,there will be as many blacks as whites in Malta. I understand their concerns about blacks taking over the country or about littering the place since they have a different culture from ours. They are also concerned about possible increased crime rates.

    However, just stop to think about it. There are rules and laws that have to be followed in Malta. Any new black citizens will have to follow these laws just as any white Maltese citizen would. Some black people may have a different attitude to cleanliness to what we’re used to, but then it’s down to a process called integration.

    In America, crime rates are high in areas where poor black people live. Crime rates are also high where poor WHITE people live. The key here is poverty. Fully integrated working black people function like indigenous working white people.

    And what about having a black person as your boss, or neighbour or president? Is skin colour such a big issue that it overrides other issues such as a person’s personality, diversity, humanity and plain decency? Aren’t these the characteristics we look out for when sizing up other people to make friends, choose lovers, establish colleagues or mark enemies? Why should skin colour be an issue?

    While I agree with Joseph Muscat that the EU seems to be taking us for a ride regarding immigration issues, one needs to keep in mind that the world demographics are changing, Africans and Asians have more children than Europeans do, so it’s a natural conclusion that Europe will not remain inhabited by whites only.

    I completely disagree with any talk of push back. We should focus on discussing the sharing of the financial burden of immigration and sending some immigrants to other EU countries since there is overcrowding at our centres and barracks. We should focus on integration of people who cannot return to their country into EU countries and help them with dealing with their terrible fate. We should also focus on removing all traces of racism within poor impoverished minds.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Natalie, although your comment is well taken and understood, there appears to be an underlying tone—one of ‘they’re different, but we have to cope’.

      I, personally, don’t find ‘them’ that different at all. How many have you met, or even acknowledged with a nod, as you pass by on the sidewalk. Try it, you will be surprised, pleasantly.

      • Natalie says:

        Harry, my point precisely is that there are no ‘us’ or ‘them’. There are people with different skin colour. Just as there are males and females, or tall or short. Skin colour is just another feature.

  12. george grech says:

    Ghaziz anonimu, tellawk fuq il-palk biex sfaccatament uzawk halli jigi elett persuna li flok ippremjak bhal ma ghamel lil dawk il-qabda opportunisti faccola li dehru fuq il-billboards, ippremjak bil-push back policy immirata lejn shabek, razztek u familtek.


  13. ciccio says:

    My feeling is that since Joseph Muscat has issued his threats about illegal migration, he and his party have been isolated.

    There were negative reactions by the UNHCR, the EU, the PN, Alternattiva Demokratika, the media and others.

    The political and diplomatic damage is already being done.

    They are now appealing to the national sentiment and looking for all the help they can get, trying to put pressure throught their MEPs.

    If Dr. Muscat really believes in what he is saying, he should go ahead and implement his pushback policy. If he does, this should be the end of the Muscat government. His government will remain responsible for the loss of lives and the violation of fundamental human rights under the international treaties. And the responsibility will fall squarely on his shoulders. He will be isolated by the international community and will be seen to be the Mintoffian maverick which he is. Any popularity in Malta will soon fade away as the international media will cover the stories of lives lost to the sea.

    Labour does not want to realise that the world has changed. It is Labour which has not changed, or if it did at all, to the worse. Labour continues to appeal to ignorance, to instinct, not to reason and logic.

  14. jojo says:

    I have spoken to many uneducated people (I am being very kind here), or rather they have stated to me when asked, that they will not touch fish caught in the Med, because fish eat the poor perished immigrants.

    That is the mentality the Prime Minister is addressing. Terrible.

  15. Chris says:

    For God’s sake will somebody please remind the PM that we are talking about a few thousands, not tens or hundreds of thousands.

    So far this year we have had 600 irregular immigrants. Last year it was 1,800! Hardly the stuff for major crisis.


  16. Basla says:

    I will never side with the prime minister on this issue. We should help this people as much as we can, it’s fine if we ask the EU to help us money wise. I ask In which country in world don’t have refugees? Fine, we should have rules to follow, and if they can work and pay taxes why not.

  17. Marie says:

    How can we say we are Catholics, go to mass every day, then when the time comes to help men women and children drowning right under our noses, we selfishly turn away, and retreat into our comfort zones. Who do we think we are?

    After all we own nothing in this world, and would like to ask whoever is against helping these wretched people, to put themselves and their children in their situation.

  18. lorna saliba says:

    Well in all fairness, Marlene Mizzi’s speech was nothing to write home about but the fact that people speak in the national interest does not mean they are xenophobic or racist!

    [Daphne – It does. ‘The national interest’ is a right-wing concept. Fear of foreigners, ditto. Deciding that ‘foreigners’ are different by virtue of being from another country, ditto again. My mentality couldn’t be more different from that of many of my fellow Maltese, certainly different from all those who voted for Joseph Muscat precisely because of that totally different mentality, and that difference exists even though we share the same passport and were born and bred in the same country.]

    Living in the country has obviously detached you from the harsh reality Daphne.

    [Daphne – That’s a ridiculous remark, Lorna. Malta is 17 miles by nine. And there are very many black people in Bidnija. They work for the construction company based up the road and even in the fields. They walk to and from the bus-stop, a hot and tiring journey, and I make it a point of always stopping to give them a lift, as I do with everyone else walking up or down the hill.]

    The island has been overrun by illegal and unwelcome immigrants and has begun to look like a suburb of Cairo.

    [Daphne – Malta always looked like a suburb of Cairo, Lorna, because its inhabitants are ethnically indistinguishable, and some of us Maltese look even more Egyptian than the Cairenes themselves, starting from me. I think you might find that your prejudices have blinded you to the obvious.]

    Just because these people are desperate enough to defy the Mediterranean and risk their lives does not entitle them to stay or more than than that, force us to keep them.

    While Europe was being crushed under Hitler, the Europeans, most of them also desperate did not invade the African continent en masse.

    • Melissa says:

      “While Europe was being crushed under Hitler, the Europeans, most of them also desperate did not invade the African continent en masse”

      Lorna, they went en masse as colonisers. Did they have any right to invade other people’s countries? Europeans (French, Spanish, Portuguese, British, Belgian, German, Dutch, and even Italians) wanted to enjoy the resources Africa and the Americas had to offer – and they took what they could. I bet my bottom euro they did not do so with visas…..

    • lorna saliba says:

      The national Interest is a right wing concept and there is absolutely nothing wrong in a right wing concept. It was the right wing concept under Margaret thatcher that gave the UK its identity back after the scourge of years of socialism and public handouts in the seventies and when it was on the verge of collapse. The UK at the time was even under scrutiny from the IMF and was paying exorbitant interest rates to attract foreign capital which is where many Maltese accumulated vast wealth.

      It is your fear of the right wing concept that amazes me. This concept has always been adopted when everything else seems to fail. It invariably seems to be the solution to economic and social discipline when other systems collapse and has always been throughout history. the austerity measures adopted in bankrupt European states are a purely right wing concept Daphne but that seems to be the only viable solution.

      [Daphne – In economics and finance, Lorna, yes, but certainly not in social control. And in any case, what you are talking about is not ‘right wing’ economic policy, but liberal economic policy, which is different. You favour the right wing in social control. I do not. At all.]

      the right wing had been taken to extremes but then, all political concepts have done so. If Hitler and Mussolini took the far right to war, so did the communists and the Imperialists throughout the passage of history who raped and plundered other inferior dominions. I’m afraid I have to disagree with you here. The right wing concept is, in fact the ONLY national interest in which the citizens of that country come first and the country is a priority rather than a communist movement nowadays disguised as liberal.

      [Daphne – Again, you are not speaking of the right or the left, but of totalitarianism.]

  19. ken il malti says:

    Marlene has really nice hands for a woman in her 60s.

    [Daphne – She is not yet in her 60s. She is two years shy of that.]

  20. Melissa says:

    You can easily see that they don’t like these foreigners because they don’t bring resources with them. This link points shows that they want foreigners – with money:


    And if they could get the money without the foreigners, even better……

  21. ketchup says:

    These people are judged by the colour of their skin, but what about all the other fair and olive-skinned people who live and are integrated with the Maltese? Oh, those are very welcome, especially with the male population, of course. Ask Labour for a few examples.

  22. thehobbit says:

    Bit surprised at Lynn’s comment there, particularly because of her extremely racist fiancé.

  23. Tabatha White says:

    In order to get a proper and real perspective, one should read up about the plight and numbers of displaced populations.

    What we see in Malta is really a drop in the ocean and the world, though large, is really a very small place. What makes one person more special than another?

    The fearful thinking behind this issue is not dissimilar to the votes earned by PL on the basis of ‘meritocracy.’ If people were more confident about their own reasoning, resources, abilities and had altogether a more sound and ethical reasoning base, they would get beyond their fears. We wouldn’t have to be discussing such issues.

    I am not fearful about the ‘invasion of immigrants’ but I do fear for the worst with the onslaught of stupidity, twisted truths and lies of government and those linked to it that has us snared, at least for five years.

    Democracy works both ways.

  24. P Camilleri says:

    Perhaps, we shall soon be hearing about ‘the final solution’.

  25. Eddy Privitera says:

    Now please explain if it is “MORAL” to keep so many of these poor people AGAINST THEIR WILL here in Malta, when they wanted to go to mainland Europe and not to Malta, but ended here as their boat was sinking or due to some other mishap !

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