Gonzi qatel lil Jose bil-guh

Published: July 17, 2013 at 11:11pm
"For God's sake, let me through. That's my one-euro coin down there on the pavement."

“For God’s sake, let me through. That’s my one-euro coin down there on the pavement.”

Culture PS Jose Herrera has declared his income to have been €51,387 in 2012. Given that this covers his MP’s honoraria of €20,129, it follows that he earned just €31,258 from his law practice and anything else.

Life was really tough under Gonzi.

6 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Minister Joe Mizzi keeps his portfolio really simple.

    Besides a residence in Kalkara, his only investment is in a grave in Addolorata, for the after life.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    We now have, for the first time, since 1987, a government covered in bullshit.

  3. matt says:

    They certainly know how to make a mockery of the system.

    These lawyers are violation the spirit and the intent of our laws. Where is the press in this? Why are these reporters so afraid to hammer these politicians. I thought we made progress from the 70s and 80s.

  4. matt says:


  5. Michael Seychell says:

    I do not believe most of the declarations made, but what annoyed me most was the fact that these statements were presented yesterday when most of the people were much more interested in Dr. Gonzi’s last speech in Parliament, and the speeches by the Speaker, The Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

    They were also presented on the last day of parliament before it goes into recess for the summer, which means that no questions can be asked there about these declarations.

    As a side comment a fantastic sentence was made by the Speaker Dr. A. Farrugia, when he said “Kemm hi sabiha meta wiehed jirrezenja minn jheddu kif ghamel Dr. Gonzi.” All he had to add to that statement or sentence was ‘Hu go fik, Joe Muscat’.

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