I now realise that pose and bracelet-watch were modelled on this picture of Carla Bruni

Published: July 15, 2013 at 11:02pm

A bit, well, over-ambitious, wouldn’t you say?

Carla Bruni

Michelle Muscat

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    If her husband had the brains of Nicholas Sarkozy, he would probably wear them on his forehead.

  2. Aunt Hetty says:

    I thought that her pose was inspired by the cutie pose of some two -penny Playboy model, the ones where they’re naked and wrap their arms across their chest to cover their nipples.

  3. TinaB says:

    Carla Bruni?

    Dream on, Michelle.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    And there I was, thinking that Michelle’s bracelet was meant to remind us of her husband.

  5. pale blue my foot! says:

    10/10 for Carla Bruni! Zilch for the “First Lady” of all Laburisti.

  6. il-baks says:

    Kemm jaghmel mirakli il-Photoshop. Naqsilha hames pulzieri minn kull naha biex gaba hekk. Wahda sabiha naturali u l-ohra ghamluha sabiha bl-irtokk.

  7. Pandora says:

    Pathetic. Don’t know whether I should laugh at, pity or despise this woman.

  8. Sue says:

    Is this women a complete fake?

  9. Osservatore says:

    C’est pas la meme chose hein!

    As a general comment, photoshop and airbrushing do have the same fairy tale effect that turned Cinderella into a princess.

    Remember that Bruni now is not what she used to be! And while we’re on that point, neither am I.

  10. Pluribus says:

    Total narcissism.

  11. Jozef says:

    The ‘creative’ director should be fired.

  12. francesca says:

    that is exactly who we imagined she thought she was. Someone please buy her a mirror.

  13. Mario says:

    What a totally awkward pose. It reeks with mediocrity. What were they thinking.

  14. Carlo says:

    Lanqas ix-xita hdejn in-nida.

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