The Health Czar wars are kicking in

Published: July 24, 2013 at 3:22pm

Or maybe it’s just trouble in paradise. The word is out that Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia has sacked his chief of staff, Claudio Tonna, who also happens to be his girlfriend Marlene Farrugia’s cousin.

No tears should be shed by sane and normal people, because Tonna shouldn’t have had that job in the first place. It doesn’t take much imagination to work out how he inveigled himself into it.

I mean, this is the man.

Claudio Tonna and Godfrey Farrugia

Claudio Tonna 8

Claudio Tonna 7

Claudio Tonna 6

Claudio Tonna 5

Claudio Tonna 4

Claudio Tonna 3

Claudio Tonna 2

Claudio Tonna 1

Claudio Tonna

14 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Dalli never forgave Marlene when she stated on Bondi+ that CCS technology doesn’t necessarily have to be Sargas.

    She was shadow for Enemalta at the time.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Is there a sane person left in government service?

  3. Peter Mallia says:

    One of the most peculiar aspects of this new government is the pomposity of the Heads of Secretariat (or Chief of Staff as they prefer to be called).

    It would be a nice exercise to ask how many people know who the previous Heads of Secretariat were. People would only recognize Manuel Delia, Austin Gatt’s man. As for the rest, they all worked tirelessly behind closed doors, keeping away from the limelight and the ‘don’t you know who I am’ pettiness.

  4. Mark says:

    Vile car. Still, it’s red.

  5. francesca says:

    Ara veru miskin dan il ministru biex accetta s-suggeriment tas-siehba tieghu biex jimpiega lill kuginuwha Claudio Tonna.

    Ma tigiehx wahda sew miskin lill Godfrey.

  6. Jar Jar says:

    Ghax il-problema hi din: dawn jahsbu li ghax jilbsu glekk u ngravata u jippuzaw serji ghar-ritratt saru bravi w kapaci jerfu l-piz tax-xoghol manigerjali.

    Claudio Tonna’s red car photo is Photoshopped – the passenger side rear wheel looks like it has successfully defied gravity.

  7. Stefan Vella says:

    Worse, The Times is reporting Mr Tonna as the new Project Manager for capital projects.

    What are Mr Tonna’s qualifications for this post?

  8. war says:

    From what we can see (or better read) any ‘Chief of Staff’ does not even require an O level in Maltese language. Vera tad-dahk.

  9. cikku says:

    Rebus kbir gej fl-isptar.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    What are this Tonna guy’s qualifications and professional credentials?

  11. Caramel Camel says:

    Good riddance Claudio Tonna. Enjoy your “construction projects”. What a shambles.

  12. Wayne Hewitt says:

    He doesn’t even know how to write well, still he was now given the role of ‘Project Manager’ for major projects like the new oncology hospital. Goodness help us.

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