Update on Mary Swan (real name – Eloise Marie Corbin)
July 6, 2013 at 8:44pm
In the post immediately prior to this, I wrote that I have no information as to what passport or even name ‘Mary Swan’ used to enter Malta after being released on bail from a Bangkok prison in which she had been held for trying to enter Thailand using a fake Republic of The Philippines passport.
She arrived in Malta by private jet. I have no information as to the date.
Meanwhile, I have received information that might indicate the nature of the passport she is using in her dealings with John Dalli and his daughters.
Dalli has told a couple of people in his circle that he went to the Bahamas “with a millionairess from Paraguay”.
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Paraguay, eh? She wouldn’t be from Ciudad del Este, would she?
Seems like you are doing a better job than the current Police Commissioner. Pity you weren’t on a PL billboard because you could have gotten the job instead of him…but then again, you were on one.
Qed tigini nostalgija kbira meta niftakar fl-istorja ta` Pinokkju, fejn jekk niftakar sewwa, il-qattus qal lil Pinokkju biex billejl jizra` l-flus taht is-sigra u filghodu jsib sigra flus…..mar filghodu jfittixhom u ma sab xejn.
As a budding, but still learning frying pan chef, I have learned that dippity doo will, eventually, even stick to teflon.
I suppose it will always depend on the ratio of butter applied?
U Joseph sodisfatt
Dak bahnan, ghandu jkun, ghaliex kieku ma jitkellimx kif qed jitkellem dawn il-jumejn – u lanqas qabel, tafx!
“No change.”
This is the million-dollar-question.
Sodisfatt biex ezattament?
Bih innifsu, forsi?
I’m not well-conversed in journalistic etiquette but Net News and TVM should run this story with all the details.
Missu jisthi JDalliBAHAMAs jikkonfoffa ma’ frodista ta’ 72 sena, my grandmother’s age.
They are reluctant to do it because they have to acknowledge Daphne’s writing and research.
It’s as if the wrath of God will fall upon us if we mention her name.
No newspaper/television has mentioned this blog in the last 48 hours, while everybody is talking about it.
Doesn’t Super One dish the dirt on Johnny Cash anymore?
This corrupt adventure is quickly gathering so much momentum that I wonder where it will stop.
A very “satisfying” explanation indeed…
He accuses all and sundry of plotting against him whilst traveling across the seas and keeping house with a professional fraudster and bestowing on her the blessings of his professional confidentiality.
There is a lot of money flying round here and people have been bought.
How about this joke.
(Where there is MAN insert the name you want.}
So, this MAN arrived in the Bahamas and took a taxi to a famous bank.
He introduced himself as the special representative of his Govt,and asked to speak to the manager.
He was ushered into the manager”s office and given first class treatment.
The MAN started by telling him that he is his country’s minister of finance and his primeminister sent him to investigate rumors in his country,that one of his ministers had a secret account in this bank.
“We just want to know if this is true, and how much money is in the account”
The manager strongly refused to divulge any information and no amount of threats made by the Man would make him move from his position.
the MAn said “So not even if your life was at stake would you tell me”
“”, You are exactly the man I’m looking for. I have here a couple of million that I will be using for charity, and I would like to deposit them in your bank.”I’m sure they will be safe here”
Jekk il-Pulizija ma taf xejn dwar dan it-tahwid enormi sewwa jghidu li Malta Pulizija jilaghqu x-xemx u jikluha sew min fuq dahr il-poplu.
Mara sula skopriet dan kollu u b’Depot mimli nies ma jafu xejn meta huwa kas b’risponsabbilta’ diretta tal-Pulizija.
The silence from the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition is deafening.
Could their hands be tied?
What I cannot fathom is that all the national dailies and including today’s Sunday papers are treating it with virtual kidgloves in the interviews. Downplaying the significance almost to a minor point of “poor protocol”
How much more time will pass before the PN gets its voice back?
Is-sabiha hi li meta xi persuna maltija tal-affari taghha bi skop sincier tkun trid ghal xi moghd iggib jew tistieden xi persuna barranija min xi pajjiz mhux fl-Ewropa, il -Pulizija taghmel minn kollox biex dik il-persuna ma tithalliex tidhol Malta.
Imbaghd persuna kriminali u frodista ta’ din il-kwalita’ tidhol Malta qisu qatt ma kien xejn. Imbasta ghandna Pulizija b’resposabbilta’ diretta dwar l’emigrazzjoni u qishom xi Pulizija li qed jaghmlu xi xoghol ta’ barra min hawn.
Ta’ min jistaqsi jekk fi hdan il-korp tal-Pulizija issirx investigazzjoni interna ta’ kif din il-persuna irnexxiela tidhol Malta, issir parti minn kumpanija, tibqa tghix go pajjizna u hadd ma jinduna. Fejn huma il-Pulizija? Sewwa jghidu li l-Pulizija taghmel xogholha maz zghir biss u min hu kriminal professjonali anqas biss ixommuh.
Il-Ministru tas-sigurta’ u l-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija ghandhom jirringrazzjaw lil Daphne ghax qed taghmel xoghol li jaqa dirett taht ir-responsabbilta’ taghhom.
Din storja ohra tal-misthijja.
So by Dalli’s own admission and by providing “free” consultancy, he broke the Code of Conduct of EU Commissioners.
Now please if we believe that someone like John Dalli gives anything for free, then we are a truly gullible nation
It would have been wiser if she used Angela Merkel instead of Maling Wan as her pseudo name.