Why don’t those 59 men put Joseph in a real quandary by saying they’re gay and fear persecution?

Published: July 9, 2013 at 6:00pm

Or that they believe they are women in the body of a man, and want a sex change and transgender marriage?

Then he might sit up and take notice – but only because of what the LGBT navel-gazers will say if he doesn’t.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Mark says:

    Don’t be ridiculous, Daphne. Asylum seekers don’t have a right to vote, therefore they cannot possibly be gay.

  2. Neil says:

    Michelle should be dispatched immediately, along with a team of roving (police) waiters, to serve them all canapes and gingerbread men.

    • Liberal says:

      Michelle’s a fascist like her husband. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t stay silent.

      • Joseph Caruana says:

        So much for Michelle Muscat wanting to be an Eva Peron or Michelle Obama. Fascist bi’ nisa wkoll.

  3. curious says:

    Asylum seekers have a right to appeal a decision. Those being sent back today were not even given this basic right.

  4. FP says:

    Oh, listen to Joseph Muscat in parliament threatening the protesters outside the Police HQ!

    Don’t you know who he is?

  5. Paddling Duck says:

    It’s only OK if you’re gay, if you’re camp and Labour in a ‘tieghi tieghi’ fashion, if you wear over flamboyant shirts to show you are ‘high society’ and you contribute to filling up Mona Liza bar ha tidher linfa.

    These immigrants do not fall under these categories and so, they’re not gay by Joseph’s standards.

  6. Josette says:

    Actually we should all be afraid and very.

    Joseph is ruthless in that way the truly pig-ignorant excel at.

    He doesn’t respect the standards of common decency, let alone human rights.

    I’m pretty sure that this type of modus operandi will soon become pretty normal and that anyone seen as a soft target will be summarily dealt with.

    I’m starting to think that he’s worse than Mintoff. After all he is still in the first four months of taking over.

    • ciccio says:

      Younger generations of Laburisti are worse than the ones before them. They have been building up their frustration for 25 years, and in the 2 years between 1996 and 1998 they did not have enough time to take it to an org*sm.

  7. caflanga says:

    Joseph, shame on you.

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