Yes, this is exactly the point: Muscat wasn’t ‘gutsy’, but an irresponsible idiot flushing away at Malta’s reputation

Published: July 17, 2013 at 7:39am


I don’t think I’ve ever recommended something Jacques Zammit has written, for a great variety of reasons. I also distinctly remember that in the first week of this Labour government, he said he would not be writing about Maltese politics anymore, and was mocked for it.

But his post about Joseph Muscat, the rule of law and using human-beings as pawns to the detriment of Malta’s reputation while Maltese fools of all stripes praise him is just about perfect.

So do read it.

9 Comments Comment

  1. A la Fransina says:

    Excellent piece, thank you for bringing this to our notice.

  2. scott brown says:

    Excellent piece!

    Facts are there for everyone to see.

    This new influx of immigrants came after quite a long span of time. They seemed controlled.

    The influx came immediately after the John Dalli issue surfaced again.

    After Dalli explained to the Prime Minister and showed him documents which are too confidential for us to see.

    After the Prime Minister met (or was made to meet) the Libyan Prime Minister, at such haste I must say.

    Who is running Malta? Is there somebody here in Malta or in Libya who snaps a finger and all of a sudden hundreds of Africans appear on our horizons?

    With all this ‘charity work’ and billions of euros can one exclude it completely?

    Why is it that our Prime Minister seems more concerned with Libyan interests?

    • Jozef says:

      ‘Libyan’ interests are nothing but Chinese.

      Immigration at this stage is the result of mass displacement of native Africans to be replaced with ‘workers’ in de facto colonies.

      It is in China’s interest to keep the Maghreb destabilised and borders unchecked. Nigeria, Angola, Chad, Mali and Somalia must be cleared.

      The short sightedness of all those who think traditional nationalistic methods can achieve anything is incredible.

      Muscat’s threats to Europe have put us squarely in Chinese domain, any project for a European energy grid, strategic gas supplies, trade and crucially for Malta, the impression of a legal framework where financial services can prosper and evolve are being eroded.

      The fact he didn’t even inform his cabinet, let alone his parliamentary group before proceeding is evidence enough.

      We’ll see so much more of this, land reclamation, the power plant, the bridge, University ‘programs’, faked medicine, everything signed and treated as done.

      We’ve been had, the sooner we realise the more chances we have of saving ourselves. Gaddafi may be dead, but who needs him when our ‘old friends’ have moved in instead?

      Sounds familiar.

      • Jozef says:

        ‘….China’s political theorists are expected by Angolan leaders to show how development can be given to the people as a substitute for civil liberties and human rights…’

        ‘……Beyond the low engineering and construction standards, the Chinese intervention in Angola is widely seen as fostering social stultification and regression. It has enabled a string of political measures aimed at perpetuating the power of the president’s inner circle, while setting back internal dialogue on national reconstruction even within the ruling party itself….’

      • it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

        Isn’t it time Muscat told us what’s in that he agreement he signed on our behalf when we hadn’t elected him to do so?

        Here he is, boasting about it, as if it were something normal in a supposed democracy.

  3. M... says:

    Muscat becomes the new mad dog of the Mediterranean.

  4. carl savage says:

    At my halfway house, I like to stamp my feet until they wake up and smell the coffee.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Your comment is so very apt. I really like it – much more than J’Accuse’s article. I do not like it at all when people are not consistent like J’Accuse.

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