After the August Moon Ball, the MCST chairman and the Law Commissioner spent “all night at an open air club”

Published: August 5, 2013 at 12:59am

Did you notice how neither the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, nor the Law Commissioner, felt when they spoke to Times of Malta that the public deserves an explanation as to what they were both doing at Is-Serkin at 5am?

Well, from TVM footage we were able to work out that the MCST chairman and his wife, at least, were at the August Moon Ball. And now, through the serendipitous discovery of something posted on Facebook by a Malta Football Association official called Mark Attard, quoted below, we know that both the MCST chairman and the Law Commissioner were with this MFA man “all night at an open air club”.

Lovely. The 50-year-old MCST chairman and the 40-year-old Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform, both of them reluctant for some reason to go home at the witching hour when a party is over, and heading off to a club instead, to mingle with their friend’s children – or in the MCST chairman’s case, his children’s friends.

And after the club, at 5am, they STILL don’t want to go home and put it off further by going to Is-Serkin instead.

Also, Pullicino Orlando fibbed to Times of Malta when he suggested that the Law Commissioner wasn’t with him at Is-Serkin, but only turned up “coincidentally”:

He confirmed that Dr Debono, who arrived on the scene coincidentally, was warning him and others not to touch Mr Azzopardi.

Then his friend the MFA official blows his cover by making it clear that the Law Commissioner and the MCST chairman were out clubbing all night TOGETHER and with him too. Oh, and this man is very Labour.

Mark Attard, on Facebook:

Shocked with the news about the incident that took place this morning, 5am, at Rabat. Happened to be with JPO & FD all night at an open air club. The whole group enjoyed it to bits without annoying anyone. None of us was drunk. Half of us went home, the other half decided to go eat pastizzi. This was a pure organised story. Back to the ’80’s???…Provocate & fight…than we try to build stories to put people in a bad light, who after all were only minding their own business. SHAME!!!!

Mark Attard 1

Mark Attard 2

Mark Attard 3

Mark Attard 4

Mark Attard 5

The Law Commissioner/Chief of Constitutional Reform and the Malta Council of Science & Technology chairman went clubbing "all night" with this Labour supporter and Football Association official

The Law Commissioner/Chief of Constitutional Reform and the Malta Council of Science & Technology chairman went clubbing “all night” with this Labour supporter and Football Association official

58 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    This guy is very presumptuous to speak for others. ‘ None of us was drunk.’

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Partying till 5AM? So that means that they’ll be in bed, say, at 6AM? Let’s map this out :

    These two idiots spend

    a. 2/7 of their week partying
    b.. 2/7 of their week recuperating from tiredness or hangovers (unless they use drugs to recuperate rapidly)
    c.. 3/7 of the week pi##ing around going through the motions

    This is utterly scandalous. It could be happening under a Mugabe regime.

    • Grace says:

      I am older than JPO and sometimes stay up till 5 am Sunday morning, and sleep till noon. On Monday I go back to work ready for a week’s work. What is so scandalous about staying up late and having a good time, with you comment you are insulting 50% of the Maltese nation. You seem to be the one who desires to live under a Mugabe regime, where people are not allowed to enjoy themselves, get a life.

      [Daphne – You’re mixing with a strange crowd, Grace, if you think “50% of the Maltese nation” goes nightclubbing till dawn when they’re past the age of 30, let alone past the age of 50, like you. You miss the point: it is PRECISELY BECAUSE you still enjoy yourself this kind of thing in your 50s that there must be something wrong with you. Normal human beings are programmed to move on to other things by then. Enjoying large crowds of jostling people, mindless ‘conversation’, banging music and alcohol-fuelled idiocy at 50+ is like enjoying jars of baby food at 20. Our tastes and preferences are supposed to evolve.]

  3. Weird no ? says:

    I just love his “provocate”.

    We do have to admire the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology for handling high society and lowlife in the same night.

  4. charon says:

    Of course none of you was drunk, but who asked you whether you were in the first place?

  5. Giraffa says:

    Do not read the comments on, beneath the reported incident, unless you want to fall into an irreversible depression.

    Full of PL acolytes saying that this is a storm in a teacup (and even an egg-cup) and PN is blowing it up, so better if Simon Busuttil looks at scandals, etc. and totally bypassing the fact that these two ex-MPs, as a reward for destabilizing Gonzi’s government, are now public officials who shouldn’t be trawling clubs and bars at 5am.

    The era of ‘mur ara, mhux xorta’ is well and truly established.

    • etil says:

      Agree – I was totally sickened by reading the first comments and then I gave up. Nothing that the PL and its supporters do is wrong and all that the PN and its supporters do is right.

      So we are back to square one and have once more become a severely divided nation and that means that whoever can take advantage of our situation because they know that we can never be united even on national issues.

      Tra il due litiganti, il terzo gode.

    • Eve says:

      Giraffa, they’re not bypassing any facts – they’re just plain ignorant and very happy to be so.

      Bad luck for all of us.

    • Pandora says:

      I just cannot stomach the comments on Those hinting that it was actually Mr. Azzopardi who intentionally provoked JPO with the aim of “creating” a scandal and damaging the Labour government must have 3-inch thick blinkers on.

      Just analysing the bare facts, Mr. Azzopardi would have had to stand up against/provoke not only JPO but also the rest of the crowd who joined in with him. Unless Mr. Azzopardi was suicidal, it would not make sense. His story – that he walked out – is the most rational behaviour for that situation.

      Moreover, JPO’s statement that Franco Debono just happened to be there has been exposed as a blatant lie, not only by Mrs. Caruana Galizia, but also by a well-meaning (but stupid) friend of JPO who published this information on Facebook.

      Should not this be the further scandal? Why are most people not reacting at all? If this has become normal or not much of a big deal, then I am really glad I left the island when I did.

      • Jozef says:

        JPO just had a taste of Labour’s style.

        If it’s true that as he argued, someone tested his knuckles against Azzopardi’s face, JPO’s obliged to give the name of this individual to the police.

        As for Franco ‘Zommuni’ Debono, the chamber should consider suspending him at once.

        Yes, are they serene and in possession of a clear conscience. Living proof of how strong the PN’s moral advantage in this country is. Even because Muscat’s degeneration is measurable by the hour.

    • Andrew Vella says:

      They must have re-deployed their elves already, barely five months after winning the elections…

  6. QahbuMalti says:

    If he wasn’t there how does he know what happened? Unless he spoke to his fellow clubbers Jeffrey and Franco, of course.

  7. TinaB says:

    As they say in Maltese “lil min tafu tistaqsix ghalih”.

    It is clear that the little twerp is an anti-social troublemaker. Wasn’t he also involved in another brawl after the David Guetta show a couple of years back, and told us that his drink had been spiked?

  8. r meilak says:

    Even when stopped by police for drink-driving they all say they’re not drunk. Who was behind the wheel? Did the police give any of them a breathalyser test, or did they just let them drive themselves home? Was this an issue of being drunk and disorderly in public?

    Taking into consideration the abusive language hurled towards Mr. Azzopardi seems to be proof enough.

  9. Joe Micallef says:

    Two things this moron says:

    1. that although he was not there he can explain what happened;

    2. that the 80’s violence perpetrated by his masters was all made up by the PN.

    I expect the Malta Football Association to rap him. It is already struggling to make ends meet and such behaviour does not help its efforts.

    Mark Attard: pastaz u laghqi.

  10. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Mangled language apart, some Labour supporters have this warped idea that provocation has a basis in law justifying a violent reaction. It does not.

    Even if there was any sort of provocation (I was not there so I don’t know and have no bias), that grown men old enough to be his father reacted to a 22-year-old’s ‘provocation’, whatever that was, speaks more about them, especially when they hold a public office and should lead by example.

  11. Vinzint says:

    Daphne, stop provocating because than they will fight you even if they isn’t drunk.

  12. Grace says:

    Jahasra I wish these people would stick to Maltese. They make fun of people who can’t speak Maltese well but then think they are justified in using appalling English; ghax on FB kollox jghodd.

  13. mark says:

    Mela kemm kien hazin l-ikel l-August Moon Ball……biex wara marru ghal pastizzi.

    [Daphne – That’s the effect of alcohol. You spend the night drinking and then you need something to soak it up. At 5am they would have finished their August Moon dinner six or seven hours earlier.]

    • Steve Ganado says:

      Actually the food was very good, but there was a dearth of alcohol unless you paid to have extra at your table.

      Most people were leaving by 1am so these guys definitely went elsewhere to fill up on booze.

      After many years not attending, this year we decided to join a group and we were very lucky to find ourselves placed on a terrace cut off from the ‘high society’ crowd.

      It turned out to be a hilarious evening watching the riff-raff feeling uncomfortable in their Sunday best and dancing the wrong dance to the music being played.

  14. sammy says:

    ‘ none of us was drunk…… ‘ How would he know?

    Ghax ma marrux id-dar! You’re not 25 anymore….GROW UP.

    • etil says:

      I do not think that grown ups do not have a right to spend the night out clubbing once they behave in a dignified manner as is expected of their age. Trying to be 25 year olds and behaving like ones, makes one look even more ridiculous.

      • mattoe says:

        I am not impressed by people who boast about partying till the early hours of the morning. As Sammy correctly said, they’re not 25 any more.

        They have no respect for themselves – sleep is to the human brain what water is to thirst, so partying hard and returning home to the family, girlfriend, boyfriend and what not is a sign of disrespect whoever is waiting up for them.

        Having no self-respect means there’s no respect to the people in their family, their friends and the people they work for. If they return home early in the morning, how on earth can these people expect to look normal at their work place, and with the people around them? Do their brains function?

        If these people have no respect to the simple things of life, how can they have respect to the more important things, namely the country they work for?

        I am appalled.

      • Grace says:

        For crying out loud, this was Saturday night or rather Sunday morning, I am much older than these people and sometimes I stay up till 5.a.m and sleep it off on Sunday. If a person feels like having passtizzi and coffee before going home let them be. I can name many a person who goes to bed at 9 pm and still does not give his days worth at work. Staying up late on Saturday will not interfere with Monday’s work.

        [Daphne – Get a sense of perspective, Grace. This is not ‘staying up till 5am’. I do that sometimes, when I have a deadline. This is STAYING OUT till 7am at the age of 50, when you’re married with three grown children, trawling round clubs and bars. It signals despair even when the individuals concerned are private, but when they are public officials, they have the integrity of their position to consider. What next – the police commissioner (only a couple of years older than the MCST chairman) drinking at Marrakesh and going to Crystal Palace for pastizzi afterwards? Get a grip.]

      • Jozef says:

        That’s not trying to be 25, it’s clearly inability to control one’s drink.

        I can imagine the macho talk, ‘giblu iehor’.

      • mattoe says:

        Grace has missed the point completely.

    • Gahan says:

      I don’t have anything to do with the Mistra Disco.

  15. mattoe says:

    This man thinks he’s god’s gift to the ladies.

  16. Calculator says:

    “None of us was drunk.”

    Well, 1) he said he wasn’t there and 2) if it were true, I think that would just make matters worse, though, wouldn’t it?

    It would be bad enough that the MCST Chairman and Law Commissioner got drunk in the first place.

    If they weren’t drunk, that means that they behaved like utter tits while in full control of their faculties. This makes their behaviour all the more disgusting, scandalous and resignation-worthy.

  17. Paddy says:

    If they were drunk, then i presume they were not driving.

    Any breathalyzer tests carried out by the protectors of the law?

  18. tory says:

    il-jet set tal-lum. jitkesshu u jkesshu. Pero’ l-iehor messu wera iktar prudenza u harabhom daqs li kieku kellhom it-tefojde.

  19. Abulafia says:

    Mr. Azzopardi’s backpfeifengesicht notwithstanding, I think we all know that 99% of the people who go to Serkin at 5am after a night out clubbing are drunk.

    I don’t know if anybody here has actually eaten Tas-Serkin pastizzi, but you really need to be inebriated to appreciate them.

    My question is: how did they get there? Did they drive there drunk like everybody else does, or did they actually choose some poor sod to be their designated driver?

    • Jozef says:

      Exactly, pastizzi ‘tar-Rabat’ have a horrible semi-raw texture, oily and squashed.

      Only alcohol pushes people there. Getting into a brawl simply proves it.

      Muscat’s wants this one go away now. No investigation please, taghna lkoll.

      Let’s see, Dalli health commissioner in the Bahamas, immigrants and Al Jazeera, Mallia’s cash, catering and defunct clients, and now these two lowlifes.

      Hard bargain these ex-nationalists.

  20. DORIS SOLER says:

    I would say that late nights don’t agree with your spelling, Mark Attard, as the work ‘provocate’ has yet to be invented.

    Nicky Azzopardi refrained from provoking anybody but was disgusted by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s behaviour. Clearly JPO recognized him on arrival as the writer of articles detailing his interesting political progress and the rest is history.

  21. Josette says:

    How can he say who provoked and who didn’t when he wasn’t there? The facts speak for themselves.

    There was a rabble, there were rabble-rousers and there were two drunk grown men who occupy official positions and who turned on – and turned the rabble on – a young, slight, bespectacled man. Things could have really been worse.

    And, no, they were not entitled to attack him, even if provoked. Which, apparently, they weren’t.

    And I’d like to thank him for bringing up the 80s because those of us with a good memory and who were there know who attacked whom then and that the only provocation necessary was to be able to think for yourself and not to swallow the government line.

    • Grace says:

      Where you there?

      • Josette says:

        No, but the facts speak for themselves and JPO has already been caught lying about what happened (re Franco).

        Mr Azzopardi has certainly provided the most rational and believable story and he had the bruises and the broken specs to prove it. He was also the one who called the police.

        Now, I’m expecting you to get all PL paranoid and declare that he caused his own bruises and broke his own spectacles. I can just imagine him socking his own face.

        The whole story is an obvious case of bullies who had the advantage of numbers and attacked a weaker prey.

        This is hardly fitting behaviour for any adult particularly one occupying JPO’s position.

        But then JPO is not exactly known for his discreet behaviour is he? Any normal person would think twice about defending a 50 year old man who seems intent on behaving like a particularly immature 20 year old.

        Forget that, I’m insulting 20 year olds, as the ones I know wouldn’t behave like that.

        JPO has a history of lying and playing with words and until PL decided that he was their friend, they were at the forefront accusing him of lies. This behaviour is typical of him.

        It’s also typical of Labour to defend him – after all, to them, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

        I support the Nationalist Party but I have never defended JPO. If there was one good thing which happened over the last couple of years, it was that JPO and Franco Debono became persona non grata to all those supporting PN.

      • Jane says:

        Chill out, Grace. Partying hard and getting drunk in-between and when you’re in a very important job, does not look right.

        As for you, party hard as much as you please – it only means you need to if you insist on doing it on a regular basis.

        As for these men – NO – being on the Maltese tax payer’s payroll means they need to behave decently or just resign. There’s the people’s money involved.

        And whatever happened to the “Meritokrazija” crap billboard ta’ dik hemm? Dottoressa whatever – forgot her name.

        Lanqas haqq il-flus li nhlew. So muct for MERITOKRAZIJA!

  22. The Mole says:

    They were at the Marrakech Club.

    [Daphne – My God, how sad. Talitha Getty died in 1971. But I guess the reference is pointless, as probably not even the people who named that club know why the word is a cipher for boho glamour.]

  23. Tracy says:

    Wiehed mill-akbar valuri li suppost ghandu l-bniedem hu l-kontroll. Lanqas jaf xi jfisser.

  24. The Mole says:

    Technically Marrakech Club is at Gianpula Fields, since there is also Gianpula Club, opposite Marrakech :-)

    Interestingly enough, they were not even hosted at the VIP area, or at least given a VIP table. They were just standing there near the entrance. Mark was more lurking in their shadows, than being with their group. Kinda trying hard to be their friend, while being largely ignored.

  25. mattoe says:

    And then they go to Facebook to explain, to blow their side of the story out of proportion. To probably get a thousand likes but to declare to the people who have brains, that they’re still in the wrong.

  26. Natalie Mallett says:

    I wonder if Simon Busuttil can keep this government in check. At least he made a good move in the right direction but posting pictures of himself at village feasts to show us that he is mixing with the common people is simply not enough when there are so many other serious matters to attend to.

  27. Critical says:

    We have to give him credit for four of the words that he said: “back to the 80s”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Stella says:

    The gianpula music was clearly heard from Verdala Palace. It must have been a siren call to Jeff & Co and off they went to enjoy some young company which was not available at the ball.

  29. John Higgins says:

    It isn’t the first time that JPO was caught telling fibs.

  30. mattoe says:

    These are the people who work hard and who take their work seriously:

    They work day and night to practice, rehearse and deliver what they love doing most.

  31. Jane says:

    I met this man a couple of years ago, was introduced to him by a friend we had in common at the time. He looked like someone really desperate to get hooked as he kept pestering me. In practical terms and to cut a long story short, I think he somehow puts women off him and I shall tell you why.

    All through our conversation he kept talking about PORN movies and how important PORN is to men, so much that even though he worked at Super One, he and his colleagues were allowed to watch PORN movies during office hours. PORN sites at ONE were not filtered or blocked as they usually are in decent offices or companies. He was NOT drunk; we met at a reception and during office hours.

    Oh God, I thought. I found the conversation was so distasteful, I couldn’t believe I was talking to people who have ‘important’ roles and jobs. Like you I felt there were not so many normal people left in Malta so I did myself a big favour and went off to the UK where I currently live.

    At the moment I am in Malta enjoying some sun as that is the only thing I really miss about this place. NOTHING ELSE. Some people here are very mixed up.

  32. pale blue my foot! says:

    Looks like the MFA buffoon gave it all away!

  33. Anton Camilleri says:

    U ghadkom ma tafu xejn x’gej ghall wicckom. Mark Attard se jipprova issa jiknes il barra mill-MFA lil xi hadd jismu bhalu u se jipprova jehodlu postu fil-UEFA, li ma jafx Mark Attard hu li fil-UEFA trid tkun taf titkellem bl-ingliz u idealment ma jkollokx laqam bhal : id-DIMONJU.

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