Another excruciating headline, coupled with deservedly smug one-upmanship from the Italians

Published: August 7, 2013 at 11:04am

flattering headline

As though yesterday’s really impressive BBC headline and intro were not enough, now we have an excruciating one in Italy’s national newspaper Il Messagero:


22 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    EXACTLY! Perfect headline and perfectly true.

    And the dumbheads in government hail this as a victory.

  2. Overseas says:


  3. La Redoute says:

    This has to be the dumbest thing that Muscat has done so far. He’s been in hiding but it hasn’t stopped him shooting us all in the foot with his inane tweets and statements.

    He’s touting this as a triumph, claiming that Malta sent a strong message.

    He can say that again. He’s told the world that we’re part of the EU only in ways that suit us and that our entire foreign policy can be summed up as scrounging and NIMBYism.

  4. josef2 says:

    Staqsihom jekk iridux iktar. Plenty more where they come from.

  5. Klara says:

    Fl-edizzjoni ta’ 20.30 tat-TG2 (Servizzio 10) kien hemm servizz fuq Malta li tisthi tisimghu.

  6. Volley says:

    Biex xorta dahlu 86 ohra dalghodu ! Hoss fl-ilma Joseph!

  7. Plutarch says:

    Where’s that Anton Rea Cutajar of Bantu descent? And the rest of besotted ‘knights’?

  8. ela says:

    I have always been proud to be Maltese and I have always held the flag high when I lived abroad, for the first time in my life I am ashamed of being part of this nation. X’misthija.

  9. Mary says:

    Skont JPO (FB Page) din hi ”Rebha ta’ Gvern Sod”……forsi meta ma jkunx f’sakra

  10. Maltese Peasant says:

    Daphne, do you have any particular agenda to totally dismiss the fact that the abandonment of these 102 migrants lies solely in the hands of the tanker’s master and his employers who, so blatantly, defied international laws and clear instructions from Rome? Why not comment on the fact that the culprits in question used the lives of these migrants to avail themselves of the financial/commercial burden related to the detour to Libya?

    [Daphne – The ship’s captain did the right thing. He brought them to the nearest safe harbour: Malta. The nearest safe destination (for them) was certainly not, for obvious reasons, the one from which they had just escaped. If it is illegal and unsafe to ‘push back’ asylum seekers to Tripoli, then it is illegal and unsafe to take them back there when you pick them up at sea.]

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      It is wrong to assume that the rescued irregular immigrants were Libya residents trying to escape from the upheaval in that country where they resided in a freely chosen temporary sojourn.

      The more reasonable supposition is that they were not fleeing Libya at all.

      Most probably they were consciously availing themselves of Libya’s notorious facilities to reach their ultimate destination on mainland Europe clandestinely.

      For all we know their encounter with the M.V. Salamis so near the Libyan coastline may not have been accidental but contrived. The ship’s captain must have known, that at the time of the rescue, Malta was NOT the nearest safe harbour where to land the rescued refugees.

    • Jozef says:

      Exactly, what difference is there between putting them on a plane back to Libya and forcing a ship to turn back?

      Somalis, Ethiopians and Eritreians fleeing persecution have one direction left to go, north.

      The message being sent is that Malta may well be the stumbling block towards a cohesive foreign policy.

      Letta took them in even because he can rely on Kyenge’s capabilities. He didn’t choose her as the token black.
      He’ll bicker on the right to asylum later, Malstrom committed.

      Muscat, on the other hand, seems capable only of rushed irrational decisions. A panic to get things off his hands, he’s predictable and limited.

      Is anyone convinced Malta’s in a better position?

  11. Galian says:

    Damn! I’m going to have a lot of explaining to do to my Italian in-laws.

  12. TinaB says:

    As mad as a hatter.

  13. AE says:

    Those days during the Libyan revolution when I held my head high, proud to be Maltese seem so long ago. Joseph Muscat has brought shame on our nation and has managed the formidable task of destroying the excellent reputation we had. From safe haven to pariah state in a few months. Prosit Guz.

  14. Joan says:

    Our PM has no shame.

    More harm will be done to our country and the worst is yet to come.

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