Comment of the day

Published: August 29, 2013 at 5:35pm

Posted by Antoine Vella, on the subject of Malta’s new ambassadors to Australia and China, both of whom live there already, and one of whom (the former) was raised there and lived there all his life as an Australian citizen:

Charles Muscat and Clifford Borg Marks are not even eligible to vote in Maltese elections. And yet they are representing the country.

Clifford Borg Marks 1

8 Comments Comment

  1. Neil says:

    Short and sweet, and mind-boggling!

  2. Joseph Borg says:

    One has to understand the mentality of the Maltese in Australia. To them the Australian Labour is the Maltese Labour Party. A good percentage of them believe that Malta is still in the pre-war years.

    When I used to tell them nowadays in Malta we have to replace their heart in the morning and be home the next day, they just stare at me. And some entertainment one have to listen how they pronounce their Maltese surname, oh what a laugh.

  3. La Redoute says:

    The other mistake being that they were appointed to promote business. How could they do that, when they’re running their own businesses full time?

  4. Janie says:

    U kieku minn qed japponta dan-nies, jimpurtah minn Malta u l-poplu Malti, ibqa certa li japponta nies ta’ kalibru xieraq, nies cittadini Maltin, u li jhobbu l-Malta.

    Biex tara kemm jafu x’qeghdin jaghmlu.

    Skond iz-zokk il-fergha – il-laburisti ma jinbiddlu qatt imma nazzarda nghid li jekk naghmlu paragun xieraq nindunaw sew li z-zminijiet ta’ Alfred Sant, kienu hafna ahjar.

    • SZ says:

      Agree perfectly. I can still vividly remember Sant’s mess with his indirect taxation experiments. However, I would say that what we’re witnessing now is even worse.

  5. Paul Bonnici says:

    With LP all is possible, even the impossible and incredible.

  6. S.H. Rink says:

    Id-Dinja Taghna Lkoll!

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