Exactly what was Jimmy Magro thinking when he uploaded these pictures on full public view on Facebook?
Surely this is the Facebook equivalent of drunk-dialling, when you’re about 18 and have had too much to drink, pick up the phone and say something you deeply regret the next day.
But Jimmy Magro has had FOUR MONTHS to consider the wisdom of keeping these pictures up on public view, and yet they’re still there. Four months later, he continues to think that the world really needs to know what Jimmy Magro’s broom, gas cylinder, dustbin, empty plastic flower-pots and messy yard (which he calls a garden) look like, in a series of out-of-focus shots.
And birds in a cage? Please. I have had a lifelong horror of that kind of thing, and think it says so much about those who enjoy seeing birds in cages or worse, are oblivious to the fact of what caging them actually means.
It is no surprise that Franco Debono keeps hundreds of caged birds. It is entirely consonant with his character.
Note to Jimmy Magro: if you really do think it’s appropriate for a grown man and a politician to be plastering Facebook with pictures of his yard (it isn’t), then at least bother to tidy it up first.
But you really do have to wonder about the mind of a man who takes a photo of his gas cylinder, broom and dustbin and uploads them on Facebook.
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Mela ma tafx li Jimmy taghna only uses the fejsbuk for the real things? What can be more real than l-ixkupa u l-pala.
Love the blurry bird-pics…especially the ones where it seems they’re alarmed at the proximity of the lens…or is it something else? Sir Attenborough would be proud,
Don’t ask me why… i wouldn’t know how to answer… I have tried to find the dustbin but cannot see it. And now I feel I really need to….
[Daphne – I don’t think I uploaded it. Now I’m trying to spot his cilindru tal-gass, and meanwhile that broom keeps swimming before my eyes.]
There is one behind the birds.
In photography one focuses on the main theme and the rest is background. Hence the focus on the restraining metal cage and the out of focus birds. Like life in Malta.
Mhux ahjar imur isaqqi?
Ghax tghid, is-Segretarju Generali Laburista ta’ warajh ukoll kien gardinar.
Perhaps we should be thankful that he doesn’t have a drip system installed, with little black plastic pipes running from one cheap plastic pot to another.
The Piano plans are God-awful, that foreign architect has no taste whatsoever.
X’inhu ferhan, l-iblah! I thought he didn’t have time for bullshit on FB?
Anqas jaf jorganizza daqsxejn ta’ bitha daqs toqba fid-dar tieghu bil-pjanti u tjur, ahseb u ara kemm se jorganizza kumpaniji tal-gvern.
U dan kien Segretarju Generali tal-Malta Labour Party, ghal giehna.
Jimmy, in case you’re reading this, your citrus trees are slightly chlorotic; give them some iron chelate.
And papyrus is best kept submerged in water.
The same can be said of other plant-like beings,
If that is a garden, I am the king of Spain.
I’m speachless. So common and dirty too. What poor standards this man has.
The birds are out of focus intentionally, to protect their identity.
Data protection issues?
The birds look so sad
His dosage needs to be increased.
Kemm hu nkapaci, lanqas hila jigbed ritratt m’ghandu.
Anzi ma halliex il-qalziet ta’taht minxur meta gibed ir-ritratt.
It says a lot about Magro, but it says a lot more about Maltese party leadership (or lack of it).
Unfortunately, the PN is pretty much in the same boat as we regularly get pictures of Madonnas, hugs with supporters, coffee mornings and all that nonsense from party members or people close to it.
Any serious organisation would have very strict guidelines with regard to social media usage.
Jimmy Magro’s well has its own address. One wonders where it leads to… I’m thinking it’s a parapett around a rabbit hole.
Sad plants, caged birds, a broom and a gas cylinder. What a charming place.