And while on the subject of Jimmy Magro and Facebook….

Published: August 3, 2013 at 2:03pm

Do please left-click on each of these images – what Jimmy Magro writes about them is much more amusing than the pictures themselves. “The PL grassroots that attended the conference”; “in the cold weather of Sweden”; “in the shit”.

All together now: QABZA FIL-KWALITA.

Jimmy Magro addresses the grass roots

Jimmy Magro discussing with Poles

Jimmy Magro EU citizens

Jimmy Magro in the cold weather of Sweden

Jimmy Magro in the shit

Jimmy Magro leads the change

Jimmy Magro makes his case for change and modernisation

Jimmy Magro's powerpoint presentation

The PL grassroots that took part

29 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    “In the shit in Sweden…”

    Ahjar ma nghid xejn. He should have continued: and in the drainage system in Malta.

  2. il-Ginger says:

    Jimmy Magro in the shit

  3. elena says:

    X’jifrah Dr Vincent Cassar (Organizational Psychologist) bir-ritratt ghax gie jidher hu! Ara veru jaqblu dawn it-tnejn.

  4. Toyger says:

    ‘car owners do not become a mechanic, and human beings do not become doctors’.
    So are we to assume that mechanics don’t own a car of their own and that all doctors are aliens?

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    I particularly like “…human beings don’t become doctors.” Next time I visit my GP I must ask what planet he comes from.

  6. Grezz says:

    “In the cold weather of Sweden”, holding a Leopard rucksack (qisu ghadu kemm xtrah minn fuq il-monti).

    X’misthija ta’ nies.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Clothing with huge logos are tacky and tasteless, only chavs wear them them. I would never wear anything with a very conspicuous logo.

  7. Grezz says:

    Gotta love the “making the case for change and modernisation” – L-izejd bih u bid-dinosawri kolla li hemm fil-partit Laburista.

  8. J. Aquilina says:

    Why are we exporting our d$$kheads, pardon my French? What’s he doing wearing that Russian hat and holding a satchel in his hands in the fourth picture?

    A Leopard satchel to be precise, which was the height of fashion among secondary school students sometime around 1994 when I was at school. He held onto his son’s or daughter’s and took it with him to Sweden on a trip 10 years later … tells you lots about him.

    As for the mess he calls his ‘garden’ – I’d rather not comment. Judging by such standards, it’s no wonder these people think Malta has been turned into some sort of heaven on earth since Labour came to power.

  9. Elephant says:

    He probably meant to say my little garden, not my small garden. But he wouldn’t know the difference.

    • La Redoute says:

      It isn’t a garden. It’s a yard, the sort in which you normally store brooms and buckets.

      How ridiculously pretentious. If that’s a garden, then I live in Versailles.

  10. Elephant says:

    Oops that was meant to go beneath the other post.

  11. Anna says:

    And the first prize goes to….’human beings do not become doctors’. Can’t stop laughing.

  12. Chris Portelli says:

    No wonder PL lost every electoin with this guy as general secretary – now where’s that rewind button?

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Are there no grassy knolls in Malta?

  14. Viva lejber says:

    “Human beings do not become doctors”

    Dogs do?

  15. PWG says:

    A timely warning to Clinton and Blair: beware of our Jimmy upstaging you on the international public speaking circuit.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    If those are roots Jimmy Magro was addressing, “Maria Debono” could well be a fruit (plum?) which is why he addressed her too.

    Because, you know, he talks to plants.

  17. C Falzon says:


    Vegetables more likely.

  18. rupert says:

    Jimmy should be used to ‘walking in the shit’. He was general secretary of the Labour Party for many years.

  19. Wayne Hewitt says:

    ‘Making my powerpoint presentation’…. LOL

  20. TinaB says:

    I didn’t know that to become a doctor one must be a robot.

    What a mess.

  21. Catherine says:

    Wow, a PowerPoint presentation no less. Kemm huma avanzzati dawn tal-Lejber imma. Kemm jifhmu.

    Btw, the set-up looks rubbish. He obviously knows sod all about the visual aspect of presentations.

  22. viking says:

    He must have felt quite at home – in Zebbug, he lives opposite a cow farm. He surely has no problem in Sweden as he is well traind.

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