L-isptar ta’ Dalli lkoll

Published: August 13, 2013 at 6:44pm

Claire Gauci Borda

I have received the following email, with sender’s name and ID card number supplied:

Hi Daphne

Jien insegwi regolari il blog tieghek PROSIT hafna. Dalghodu kelli appuntament bit tifla Orthopaedic Out Patients apparti li l appuntament kien fit 8am u hrigt fin 12.30 mhux bilfors xi 8.45am harget ir receptionist tghajjat jekk hawx certu ragel jismu Adrian Gauci Borda u kien ezatt tfacca hiereg minn gol lift u kien akkumpanjat ma mara li din tigi it tifla da dak il bicca mbarazz ta’ JOHN DALLI 10 minuti wara narah hiereg hand n hand maghha . Hekk sew ahna nistennew u huma peress li taghna lkoll qabbzu l kju u helsu u ahna hrigna fin 12.30. Shame on Them ta Malta Taghna LKoll. Jekk joghb ok ippublikaha.

So, from what I gather, Adrian Gauci Borda, who is married to John Dalli’s daughter Claire Gauci Borda (of Bahamas notoriety) turned up with his wife in the Orthopaedic Outpatients waiting-room at the general hospital, skipped the entire queue because the nurse began calling his name as soon as he emerged from the lift, and left everyone else stewing for hours.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Ta'sapienza says:

    Imbarazz, the lot of them.

  2. Francis Saliba MD says:

    That was an experimental trial run of a tentative innovative way being introduced by Dalli so as to eliminate the long wait and overcrowding problem at Mater Dei Hospital. If the experiment succeeds it will be extended later, beyond the Dalli family circle, so that every Tom, Dick and Harry will be served just as expeditiously.

  3. Lorry says:

    ohhh man, this site is GREAT! Prosit.

    • king rat says:

      Be carefull it is highly addictive as it is the only news that is unwashed and full to the brim on these omerta islands.

      • M.Galea says:

        And the one most likely to be targeted when JPO and the likes of him try desperately to silence the media, because this is the news that exposes them most.

      • albona says:

        I agree. Malta’s press is becoming a joke.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Am I right to say that the background to CGB’s photo is a Caribbean island? Not very clever is it.

  5. albona says:

    Socjalisti ghall-ohrajn, mhux ghalihom. Le hi, huma ta rejiet iriduha. Veru hallejthom jidhku bik Gahan. Gawdi 4.5 snin ohra poplu.

  6. Carlos Bonavia says:

    Meanwhile, the PN slumbers on.

    • Manuel says:

      Spot on. And this is a serious matter. The PN is nowhere to to seen. It is too much taken by its own affairs that it is overseeing the true, national issues at stake.

  7. Peppa says:

    Vera ma jafux jisthu dawn in-nies, kieku kont hemm ibqa zgur li kont naghmel storbju shih, u kien ikollhom idahluni bhal ma dahlu lil Adrian Gauci Borda .Mela dan ghandu xi bajda aktar minni, u kienu jiehdu lezzjoni minni.

  8. TROY says:

    The scorpion rides again.

  9. The Prince says:

    Unbelievable, until a few months ago this would be unheard of (and I am not saying that all the previous members of the government were saints). As a number of people commenting here have pointed out, “Malta, dritt ghal gol-hajt u m’ghandniex brekkijiet jahdmu”.

  10. anthony says:

    This is one of the big, big problems at Mater Dei.

    It is endemic.

    Anyone who is anybody or who knows anyone working at the hospital gets to jump the queue.

    Whether it is an outpatient appointment, an investigative procedure or even a surgical intervention.

    Whether your contact is the minister of health or the carpark attendant, it makes no difference. As long as you have a qaddis you jump the queue.

    Since the country is the size of a large parish, those with a qaddis comprise fifty per cent of the population.

    For the other fifty per cent it is sheer hell.

    That was the situation before the direzzjoni gdida came into action.

    Now it appears that plus ca change.

  11. Hermit in Waiting says:

    Yet another freak out for his iced-bun.. Oh and kudos to TVM for journalistic integrity for completely taking everything this ‘ambassador’ says at face value:


    Do they know that accusing an international court of corruption isn’t something you bandy about like San Gejtanu’s near miss with death in Hamrun?

  12. Tracy says:

    Fil-Mosta Health Centre ikun hemm geggwigija shiha meta tmur taghmel il-prescriptions tal-POYC. Is-sistema tant kienet tajba: ikollok appuntament nghidu ahna fit-8.15am u mieghek ikun hemm tlieta ohra fl-istess hin.

    Meta tasal tistaqsi min ghandu appuntament ta’ l-istess hin tieghek u toqghod warajh. F’temp ta’ 20 minuta kulhadd kien jinqieghda.

    Issa apparti li l-appuntament ghadu bil-hin, meta tasal jaghtuk biljett. Meta staqsejt fuqhiex ghandi nimxi jekk hux bin-numru jew bil-hin, qaluli,’bit-tnejn’. Ara jistax ikun?

    L-ahhar li mort kelli l-appuntament fl-10.00 am u hrigt minn hemm fin-12.30pm. Fuq ir-rubini mexjin.

  13. robert says:

    Dak abbuz. Kieku jien naghmel hekk inkun irrid tiblani l-art bil-misthija.

    • TinaB says:

      Jisthu? U ma tarax – ma sthawx jaghmlu dak kollu, specjalment li smajna u qrajna dwaru ricentiment, ha jisthu jqabbzu kju l-isptar?

    • Volley says:

      Lanqas biss jafu xi tfisser misthija.

      • Last Post says:

        Jekk taqbad tirraguna maghhom fuq dal-punt malajr jghidulek li m’ghandhomx minn xiex jisthu b’daqshekk. Ihossuha haga naturali li jekk tkun xi haga fil-poter ghandek dritt ghal trattament bhal dan (basta ma jkunx tal-PN).

        Igibu elf skuza biex jiggustifikaw dan l-agir. Taf x’qalli wiehed?: Inti tahseb li l-ohrajn ma jaghmlux l-istess? Tal-labour ghax raffi u bla grazzja jidher; tan-nazzjonalisti jahdmuha minn taht u ma jidher xejn.

        Apparti li dawn jemmnu l-‘gideb’ taghhom stess, lanqas biss tidhlilhom f’rashom li ghallinqas ma jurtawx in-nies u jisfidawhom u jmeghkuhom f’wicchom.

      • Min Weber says:

        Inhossni kommoss naqra kummenti intelligenti miktubin b’Malti tajjeb. Kommoss.

        Fl-ahhar, ftit normalita’.

        Grazzi minn qalbi.

  14. Qeghdin Sew says:

    “That’s how I operate.”

  15. U Le! says:

    Net news had better start publishing these news items if they want to recover in time for next election. And they should keep on harping on them ad nauseum until some sense is knocked back into the general population.

    • Zeza tal-Flagship says:

      I agree. Possibly the PN should have several people working on “Harping on the Government’s Misdemeanor” project.

      Not every body reads Daphne’s blog and the majority – both PN and PL – aren’t aware of what is happening.

      PN wake up and play the game the PL played at election time (and before) to the utmost, otherwise we’ll be going back to the future of the 70s and 80s.

  16. Edgar says:

    This is a small perk for the Dallis. Now let us wait till when DalliBA gets down to organising the purchasing department.

    Johnny Cash will be at his best then and all his professional experience will be made use of, same as when he was responsible as Health Minister when Mater Dei was buying equipment worth millions of euros. This is not me accusing him of corruption but I am simply quoting L-Orizzont of those days.

  17. Vagabond King says:

    She was in a hurry to catch a private plane to the Bahamas to do charity work, together with Mary Swan the fraudster.

  18. zunzana says:

    Dawn l-abbuzi ilhom isiru zmien, izda kont nistenna li dan il-gvern taghna lkoll kien jiehu passi biex jieqfu. Veru bidla ghal-xejn.

  19. Jar Jar says:

    Nispera li kien hemm qabda Laburisti jistennew biex jindunaw li ma jiswew ghal xejn hlief ghal vot.

  20. Calculator says:

    I think I’m Dalli’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate. Does that mean I get to jump the hospital queue too?

  21. William Grech says:

    While the abuse of power is quite obvious, I can hardly see how a ten minute visit made all the rest stewing for hours. It just doesn’t follow. For me these are two totally unrelated issues, although both problematic.

    [Daphne – It didn’t MAKE them stew for hours. They HAD TO stew for hours. So when the ‘privileged’ breeze in and out, that makes things more intolerable.]

  22. il-Ginger says:

    Let them learn the hard way.

  23. oxo says:

    Let us not be deceived by the reality of how most of the people in general and the like of Mr Dalli enjoy living out of posts & positions (power) granted by similar people in power.

    They carefully work through & within the systems, using all the underground contacts and all possible means and with a clever plan, only targeting to gain power.

    These people will rarely then follow polices and principles of the rules and laws imposed upon society in general but will naturally live a life under all privileges available inherited by their posts and through extended powers, very much and at the expense of the genuine taxpayers. Their attitude will shift to being selfish, arrogant and greedy in the most clearest way, although they are pretty much good actors in trying to hide themselves from such dishonest behaviours.

    I very much sympathise with the woman (and the rest of the people experiencing similar situations) who faced this arrogant behaviour. I will not judge Mr JD’s son-in-law’s needs at the time but unless he required urgent attention, he should never been allowed any preferences above other fellow human beings.

    If he didn’t warrant any urgent attention, it was clearly abuse of powers and pure arrogance at its best. It humiliates the rest of society and weakens trust in the health system and it’s administration.

    This particular incident became public because genuine people just like this woman happened to be there and seeing this happening in front of her owe eyes. Believe me that there are thousand more of these “preferences and extended privileges” which occur daily at any level of government’s administration which go without being noticed.

    This is reality. Politicians in general are responsible for these imbalances and we must not forget to mention all those people in civil service roles which allow this to happen to the detriment and frustration of the other taxpayers. This is a shame but is also damn reality.

  24. La Redoute says:

    Why didn’t the Gauci Bordas simply pay for private medical care? It’s not as if they can’t afford it.

    • anthony says:

      Private medical care you say?

      If I had their millions I would pop over to Rochester Minn. even if it was just for a common cold.

      They happen to have a clinic there which is very state of the art and even better than Mater Dei.

  25. Marianne Portelli says:

    With all the cash they have why don’t they go to a private hospital? I’m amazed at these people, ‘4 free” is the way forward.

  26. J. Borg says:

    Are we surprised? The people voted for this lot, and leopards can’t change their spots.

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