Nationalist Party statement about this morning’s brawl involving the Law Commissioner/Chief of Constitutional Reform and MCST chairman

Published: August 4, 2013 at 10:31am

There is a fundamental flaw in this statement: the people involved in the brawl are not “Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando”. They are the Law Commissioner/Chief of Constitutional Reform and the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

The political/public administration issues/considerations here are:

1. that the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, not Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, was shouting “F’ghoxx in-Nazzjonalisti” in a bar at 5am, clearly after a long night of heavy drinking, and that his actions and behaviour incited others in that bar to punch a 22-year-old in the face and smash his spectacles;

2. that the man selected by the government to reform Malta’s body of laws and the Constitution was also outside this bar at 5am, where he tried to attack this 22-year-old in such a great fury that he had to be forcibly held back by others who were present.

The Nationalist Party needs to get this clear in its head. These two people are not individuals called Franco and Jeffrey. They hold very important roles and they are those roles. If the prime minister is involved in a fight outside a bar, it is not ‘Joseph Muscat’ who is involved in the fight, but the prime minister.


Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jesprimi solidarjetà ma’ Nicky Azzopardi u jikkundanna l-imġieba ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jesprima solidarjetà sħiħa ma’ Nicky Azzopardi wara li kmieni dalgħodu huwa safa nsulentat u mgħajjar minn Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono kif ukoll ġie aggredit u msawwat minn persuna li s’issa isimha għadu mhux magħruf. L-inċident seħħ kmieni dalgħodu fir-Rabat, Malta, meta fost oħrajn Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono offendew fil-pubbliku bi kliem mhux xieraq lil kull min jappoġġja lill-Partit Nazzjonalista.

Nicky Azzopardi huwa student tal-liġi u ilu għal dawn l-aħħar snin jaħdem fl-Uffiċċju Informazzjoni tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jikkundanna bla ebda riżerva l-imġieba skandaluża ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono li għal darb’oħra taw prova li mhumiex denji li jservu fil-karigi pubbliċi li ġew maħtura fihom mill-Partit Laburista fil-Gvern. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jemmen li l-imġieba ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono m’għandhiex tiġi ttollerata f’pajjiżna u għandha ssib il-kundanna ta’ kull min jemmen fir-rispett sħiħ f’soċjetà demokratika.

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista qiegħed pubblikament jinsisti li l-Pulizija għandha tinvestiga l-imġieba ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono u tressaq quddiem il-ġustizzja lil dawk kollha li b’xi mod jew ieħor wettqu aggressjoni fil-konfront ta’ Nicky Azzopardi.

Uffiċċju Informazzjoni
Partit Nazzjonalista

46 Comments Comment

  1. Edgar Gatt says:

    Jeffrey, just go to hell and stay there.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Who writes this stuff?

    “Jesprimi soliderjetà” > That’s irrelevant. This is a statement of condemnation of the guilty parties, not words of consolation to the victims.

    “Kliem mhux xieraq” > Meaning what? Why not “kliem oxxen”?

    “Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jikkundanna bla ebda riżerva l-imġieba skandaluża ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono” > Stop right there. The PN wouldn’t be issuing a statement if it were just condemning the actions of the public officials (Daphne’s already pointed out that they’re not mere private individuals). It is issuing a statement because, one assumes (one HOPES, by god) that this is a condemnation of the administration that put these two totally unworthy specimens in public office.

    It is not “l-imġieba ta’ JPO u Franco Debono” which must not be tolerated, but l-imgieba ta’ Joseph Muscat li qed jiddieheq bil-Maltin kollha meta jpoggi nies bhal dawn f’karigi tal-istat.

    Now THAT’s a stqarrija.

    • M says:

      I need to grow an extra pair of arms because a double face-palm doesn’t cut it anymore.

    • Victor says:

      Well said! And may I add that the way you put it makes a big difference.

      It’s about time the Nationalist Party got its act together and found some people with gumption to issue statements.

      It is now obvious that the time for pussyfooting is well over.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Compare and contrast with the short, pithy and hard-hitting statements being issued by the Office of the Prime Minister (the “sense of proportion” riposte). Labour may be the incarnation of cynical evil, but they must have a genius in their press office.

        If the PN keep using this legalistic, sterile language devoid of all emotion, they will not only lose the 2019 election, but 2024 too. By then, Simon Busuttil will be close to retirement. I cannot for the life of me understand why the man isn’t gripped by despair. I know I am.

        From despair comes anger, from anger comes resolve. Apparently, the PN still think they’re in government, with Gordon Pisani issuing blue-skies press statements.

    • Grezz says:

      Hear, hear.

  3. Vagabond King says:

    Unless Simon Busuttil stops pussyfooting and boycotts anything to do with the MCST chairman and the Law Commissioner, the PN has no chance of closing the wide electoral gap.

    Get up off your ass, Dr. Busuttil, and start showing us you have a spine.

    • Fenka says:

      PN should expel these two and boycott any involvement in any commissions they might be involved in.

      [Daphne – A political party doesn’t expel those who have left already. And in any case, it’s a Stalinist measure. Cancelling membership is sufficient.]

    • Augustus says:

      Vagabond king, I agree with you. It seems that I was wrong about Simon Busuttil being the right man for our leader. I’m very disappointed.

  4. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Loving the Law Commissioner/Chief of Constitutional Reform’s quote in The Times, “I am respected everywhere I go.”

    • curious says:

      “Dr Pullicino Orlando also denied saying anything abusive against Nationalists. He said he with a group that included Nationalists and he would not insult his friends in that way.

      He said Mr Azzopardi approached him unprovoked and began insulting him and his family, at which point, he (Mr Azzopardi) was pushed away by other young people at the bar who started to chant Labour slogans.” (Sunday Times)

      Who received the blows? Whose spectacles were broken? Who was hurt?

      So we have to believe that Azzopardi approached Pullicino Orlando who was with friends, and started insulting him.

    • Jozef says:

      Spoken like a Mafia boss.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Perhaps he is moving in a rather restricted environment if he thinks that he is respected “everywhere he goes”.

      • albona says:

        I do not respect him. Hence, technically speaking, he is wrong. If he were to come to my neck of the woods, in theory he would be in a place where he is not respected. So, at least we know for a fact that in an area of one metre squared somewhere on planet Earth this person is not respected.

    • DORIS SOLER says:

      Then clearly he has not been my way yet.

  5. Francis Saliba MD says:

    There is a third most important political and public administration issue and consideration here, and that is that unless the Prime Minister and the Minister i/c the Police come down like a ton of bricks on this criminal and loutish behaviour by two prominent “new” Labour Movement appointees to high office, it would mean that this is going to be the acceptable benchmark for the duration of this legislature.

  6. LIXU says:

    Dr. Busuttil, the time has come for you to show less smiles and more anger as it is amply clear that such disgusting incidents are nothing but a replica of what used to happen in Mintoff’s time.

    • P Shaw says:

      Dr. Busuttil should also stop posting idiocies on FB.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      Can he show anger at all?

      He seems to me one hell of a cold fish. I think it’s only a husk of a person that we see on the outside, and deep inside, there’s a void.

      And we really, but really, expect and hope to win an election within the next 15 years?

    • TROY says:

      LIXU is right

  7. manum says:

    The behaviour of these two men shows churning anger and personal despair.

  8. Saliba Jo says:

    I agree with you completely, Daphne, and with Baxxter. The PN needs to wake up and show that it is no weakling.

    Simon, it’s now or never, otherwise we will be witnessing the annihilation of the Opposition. A stong PN will also strengthen those genuine PL supporters who believe in democracy.

  9. Pinu Primus says:

    Sewwa qal LAWRENCE GONZI li Muscat ghad irid ipatti qares talli ta’ impieg pubbliku lil dawk in-nies. Maghhom jista jitnizzel ukoll Pullicino Orlando.

    Dawn in-nies dizunur jistghu jaghmlulek u hekk hu. Case in point din il-hamallata li saret.

  10. Anthony Briffa says:

    The PN should demand that the Prime Minister dismiss these two individuals immediately.

    Anything less from the Prime Minister should be taken that he completely approves of this disgusting behavior, and encourages them to keep acting like this, sakemm isibu xi kappel jigihom.

  11. V says:

    The “political” strategy of the PL is to occupy every empty space and at the same time to stretch people’s indifference until they get used to it.

    If the PN does not became a serious and hard opposition it will be seriously affected.

    The PL could behave like they are not accountable, but the PN could not play that game.

  12. Joseph Bonello says:

    Debono was quoted as saying “I am respected everywhere I go.”

    Sure, but only within his own perverted universe which starts and ends with Debono.

    Even in the Debono household there are those who can’t possibly respect him at all: the hundreds of creatures he keeps caged for his pleasure and delectation.

  13. Manuel says:

    The PN should be more assertive.

    It is about time that Dr. Busuttil calls a press conference (not under a tree, or near a bus station like the ones held by Muscat while in opposition) the type the PN knows how to organise and make a clear statement about this unruly behaviour by these two wackos.

    He should make it clear that the Opposition cannot, rather than will not, cooperate on law and consitutional reform with a man who brawls in public, and who has behaved so outrageously in the past.

    While on the subject, have Dalli, JPO, Debono, ever resigned from the PN? If so, can Dr. Busuttil inform us please? If they had not resigned, were they expelled from the party? If not, it is about time they should.

    [Daphne – Pullicino Orlando resigned the party ticket/whip last summer. That is precisely why he was an independent MP. Debono has made his position clear, too. There is no need for the PN to say anything, unless it wishes to insult people’s intelligence.]

  14. Osservatore says:

    There is no party in opposition and this is becoming even more clear as time goes by. Perhaps Muscat has succeeded, with his movement, to create the one party system he was after. Let’s face it, the effect is pretty much the same and unless true elements of leadership emerge within the PN, the rest of us might as well resign ourselves to at least 10 years or more of this.

    Incidents like today morning’s just go to show the lack of Muscat’s better judgement in making certain appointments and even worse, they show up the PN’s toothless reaction for what it is.

    This is not the PN that I (we?) voted for. Where are the lions gone… people of the stature of Eddie, Guido, Louis and others who made themselves heard in times of real adversity. They appear to have been replaced by kittens who are more intent on licking their paws for their appointment, than baring their teeth and roaring loudly in the public’s general interest when required.

    The statement that the PN issued is a far cry from what it should have been by totally missing the point of who these people are and who put them where they are. Assumptions make for lost opportunities to drive a point home.

    Then again, let’s just be grateful that the PN even bothered to issue this half-arsed statement condemning the going-ons. After all, mediocracy does seem to beg mediocrity.

  15. Christian Attard says:

    Mid-dehra din id-darba ma sabux pulizija Laburist.

  16. Leo Said says:

    quote: […. These two people are not individuals called Franco and Jeffrey. They hold very important roles and they are those roles.]

    The two people ARE indeed INDIVIDUALS, who hold very important roles and the two INDIVIDUALS are society-bound/obliged to behaviour in public, which is in conformity with the respective important roles.

    The honourable Prime Minister is actually duty-bound to issue a public statement condoning the sordid affair, let alone having second thoughts about the respective appointments to appease the Moviment.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The Prime Minister (“honourable” is for members of parliament. The Prime Minister is not a member of parliament. Joseph Muscat is) should just demand their resignation.

      The Maltese are fond of “stqarrija jikkundanna” but they’re not worth the paper they’re written on. They achieve nothing.

      • Leo Said says:

        Must I understand that a prime minister cannot be honourable?

        This site is fortunately a blog-site with various threads and not a site tied down by obligatory protocol demands.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “Honourable” is only used by members of parliament addressing each other in parliament, or by the speaker addressing them, out of courtesy.

        I wouldn’t expect the Maltese to know this. Fifty years of independence and we’re more barbaric than ever.

  17. zunzana says:

    Nesa Pullicino kemm beka fuq tal-Mistra, u l-appogg li tawh in-Nazzjonalistti. Issa qed jitkellem oxxen bin-Nazzjonalisti ghax Dr Gonzi ma tahx ministeru. Veru bhal tfal inffiisdin… jew niehu l-irrid jew inhassar. Hemm bzonn li nqumu daqxejn fuq taghna ghax ser jaghmluna tapit.

  18. Philip Micallef says:

    Dr Gonzi rightly said in The Sunday Times today that PM Muscat will regret the appointments of John Dalli and Franco Debono.

    I think the name of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando needs to be added.

    It is ironic that people who performed to the best of their abilities were told months prior to the election that their heads would be chopped off yet other people who simply served Labour interests within PN were rewarded. This is definitely not justice nor meritocracy.

  19. r meilak says:

    This is just the start, worse things are to follow, this is an aggression that has been bottled up for the past 25 years.

    The opposition cannot do anything about it, same as they could do nothing back in the 80s.

    This time Labour has a nine seat majority, and we’re in for a rough ride for the next five years.

  20. chully says:

    This is not just a question of being fair and gentlemanly. It is a question of staying under this clique with its friends and friends of friends for more than the present legislature,

  21. Saliba Jo says:

    Correction – a strong PN.

  22. Denis says:

    Two street-fighters. Sickos, the both of them – they behave like desperate people.

  23. thomas clinch says:

    How I wish one day I can have an argument like this with either one of these two while they are alone.

    They only do these things because they move around in a gang and are supported by others.

    An entire gang picking one on person – such manly behaviour.

  24. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This is par for the course for the PL. After all they have shining examples from their predecessors during the ‘golden years’ when ‘suldati ta’ l-azzar’ wreaked havoc in the name of ‘the people.’

  25. seksieka says:

    Iż-żibel tal-P.N. ġabru l-P.L. Nippreferi nibqgħu dejjem fl-oppożizzjoni milli nżommu magħna nies baxxi bħal dawn. Ara b’min qiegħed jinqeda Joey Muscat. Ħudhom Ġuż aħna ma rriduhomx.

  26. Pinu Primus says:

    X’imkien kont qrajt li ma jghaddix wisq zmien li Franco debono jaqla l-inkwiet lil Muscat ghax hu bniedem li jghix bil-konfront. Serduk bhas-sriedak li kien igelled.

    Min kiteb hekk kien jaf x’inhu jghid. Franco Debono ghadu kemm dahhal lil Muscat go xkora nkwiet. Cool kemm jilghabha ta’ cool Muscat, din zgur ghamlitu jishet il-mument li gabar lil Franco Debono mill-landa taz-zibel.

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