Oh, and to make matters even worse…

Published: August 16, 2013 at 1:28pm
Bidla fid-direzzjoni: a return to corrupt practices

Bidla fid-direzzjoni: a return to corrupt practices

Neither the Employment & Training Corporation nor the Malta Council for Science and Technology advertised the position for a PRO and assistant to senior management.

It went through the ETC’s ‘Part 1’ system, in which applicants are sourced only through those already registered with the corporation as unemployed.

This was doubly convenient: making it look as though a selection procedure was used and Boffa-Billboard got the job by competing for it, while at the same time eliminating the inconvenience of having a flood of applications, which would inevitably include many from even more highly qualified people.

A position like that of public relations officer at the Malta Council for Science and Technology should be publicly, and widely, advertised.

Recruiting only from among the registered unemployed is utterly ridiculous and indefensible.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Lorry says:

    Ah! So Lara Boffa was registered as unemployed? I thought they told us she was a highflyer.

  2. Lorry says:

    For how long was she registering on part 1?

  3. James says:

    According to her extensive CV, there is a gap between Sep 2012 and Apr 2013 after which she became a director of Enemalta.

    From dole to directorship, wow.

    [Daphne – She stayed on the dole when she was appointed to the Enemalta board. That’s how she came to be picked for an interview at MCST PRO, by the ETC, from among its list of registered unemployed.]

  4. Edgar says:

    Ghax hawn bzonn bidla fid-direzzjoni. L-importanti mhux kemm int kapaci imma li titqahhab fuq poster. That is the change that some of my friends voted for and are now not uttering a word about politics.

    • La Redoute says:

      Are they still your friends, after having declared themselves enemies by the stupidity of their voting choice?

  5. La Redoute says:

    The real loser is MCST. Even if Lara Boffa were selected competitively, she’d have competed in an extremely narrow field once the job was open only to the unemployed.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    If Lara Boffa is so brilliant, why didn’t anyone hire her?

    If she was on benefits, why wasn’t she using her time to land a job (fairly) rather than campaigning for a political party?

    ETC should be monitoring the job searches of the unemployed and stop their benefits if they’re not actively seeking employment.

  7. verita says:

    Perhaps the ETC chairman is too busy changing street names and making a fool of himself at St Domnic’s feast.

  8. Victor says:

    This only proves further how the PL’s electoral campaign was nothing more than blatant lies all through.

    Wasn’t Lara Billboard featured as a highflyer and therefore made to appear that very successful persons were voting PL?

    It seems that the highest point Lara flew to was the billboard after all.

    And to think that so many people were fooled by these fraudsters.

  9. PWG says:

    I wonder how long she had been on the dole. Was it short or long term planning?

  10. curious says:

    Have you ever seen the BMWs, Mercedeses etc. driven by people who go to the Social Services offices to reap unemployment benefits every week? Here in Sliema, Dingli Street, it is on Tuesdays. Come and see – you will be amazed.

  11. Unbennant says:

    Well, Well, Well… So much for meritocracy. My hopes for our little rock are diminishing by the second.

    I’m a recent university graduate, and I will not be handed a job like that so easily. It will be months until I’ll be able to find work due to this country’s ridiculous refusal to accept new graduates with no work experience.

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