Photos of the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, at Tas-Serkin in the early hours today

Published: August 4, 2013 at 11:04am

I’ve just checked my in-box and found these two photographs of the MCST chairman at Tas-Serkin in Rabat, before the fight broke out. Now this is a personal observation that has nothing to do with the main news story. If somebody had suggested to me, 30 years ago when I was in my late teens and sitting at Is-Serkin with coffee and a couple of pastizzi after a night at Ta’ Gianpula, that three decades later I would be doing the same thing on an eternal groundhog day, I would have said, ‘No way. My God, how sad.’

This was exactly my reaction when I was told that the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, who is just a year or two my senior, was this morning busy doing something I last did in the late 1980s. He’s either doing it all for the first time, or he’s in the grip of really severe existential despair.



35 Comments Comment

  1. ms says:

    What a bunch of idiots!

  2. Mark Vella says:

    JPO ragel miskin. Jikber u jiblieh.

  3. Bob says:

    Who is the woman with most of her very large back on show?

  4. La Redoute says:

    What are middle-aged men doing trawling clubs and bars at 5am after a night out? At their age they should be tucked up in bed early enough to get up at that time.

  5. M. says:

    The woman in that unfortunate dress should definitely not have been buying pastizzi.

  6. Rob says:

    Fr Joe Borg on the subject of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, last year: ‘Don’t attack him. Just pity him.’

  7. Jozef says:

    Can’t see Carmen. Doubt she was there and let this happen.

    [Daphne – Carmen is the textbook enabler. Of course she would have let this happen. That’s how she maintains her hold over him – by encouraging him to do what he is going to do anyway. If you think she’s the sort to lead her husband away when he’s shouting “F’ghoxx in-Nazzjonalisti in a bar” and risk his ire or displeasure, you’re seriously mistaken. That was Marlene, and we all know by now how that ended.]

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    I am flabbergasted. Someone who should be devoting his time to research, publishing scientific papers, drawing up projects (none of which he is capable of doing) is spending his time pi##ing around.

    He needs to go with immediate effect as his conduct is incompatible with such an important position.

    He is not only disgracing the institution he represents but is also not physically fit for his job (it takes several days to recover from a drinking bout through the night). I suggest that there should also be a psychological assessment of this bloke – his behaviour is simply not normal for somebody who is no longer under 25.

    • Josette says:

      Actually his behaviour is not that uncommon in Malta – we have quite a few middle-aged men running around behaving like teenagers and embarassing their teenage children. This one happens to be a bit more in the public eye than the rest.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Absolutely. Nightlife in Malta of one of two extremes.

        You have adolescents dressed like prostitutes or pimps, rumps spilling out of their hotpants for the former, and fat guts spilling out of their hipsters for the latter. Both gagging for it.

        That’s Footloose. And Numero Uno.

        Or the over-40s, still dressed like prostitutes or pimps, stuffed or oversize tits spilling out of plunging necklines and G-strings up to their ears for the former, bigger guts spilling out of painfully tight-round-the-hip jeans for the latter, now with biceps displayed (the zaqq u pecs brigade). Both STILL, inexplicably, gagging for it.

        That’s Level 22. And Numero Uno too.

        If you’re past 25 and below 40, LEAVE THE ISLAND NOW.

  9. Aunt Hetty says:

    Maybe they serve strong vintage Earl Grey tea there with one’s pastizz.

    • rc says:

      Was it just Earl Grey?

      I used to have my fair share of earl grey back in the day and at 5am, I only used to want to eat my pastizz and go to sleep.

  10. Jozef says:

    Lawrence Gonzi breaks his silence, giving the green light.

    No wonder Jeffrey was in a state this morning, details that can, and will emerge.

    How fast was that, instantly prophetic.

    So they were provoked, really, how, by telling it to their face what they’re worth?

  11. Peppa says:

    Jixjieh u jiblih, il-qawl Malti jghid. He thinks he is cool.

  12. ciccio says:

    It seems that like Frankie Tabone, the Tooth Fairy’s psychological development got stuck somewhere in the puberty years.

  13. botom says:

    Shame on those two. Considering that they both hold a public portfolio one would expect more responsible behaviour.

    Even if they were provoked which is definitely not the case they should have exercised more self restraint.

    Indeed respect does not come automatically with a high profile position. It has to be earned and these have two failed miserably.

    It continues to show that they are not fit of the job. After this incident a serious Prime Minister would re consider their appointment. But of course this is wishful thinking.

  14. Connor Attard says:

    I sincerely hope that the Prime Minister can actually live up to all of his ‘Malta Tagħna Lkoll’ tripe for a change and demand the resignation of these two goons.

    He shouldn’t have kept/stuck them in high places to begin with, but by now it should be clear to everyone that people with grievous psycho-social issues should not chair constitutional reform, law reform or the Malta Council for Science and Development.

    Failure to act and reprimand these two individuals accordingly constitutes – in my view – a TACIT APPROVAL of their antics, and can even burst open the floodgates to all sorts of bad behaviour in public and otherwise.

  15. TinaB says:

    What an idiot.

    Had my parents behaved the way JPO does, some 25/30 years ago, I would have died of embarrassment.

  16. Victor says:

    Who’s that woman standing behind JPO?

    My God, hasn’t anybody told her that she just does not have the body to be wearing that dress?

    I so agree with you regarding these people being at Is-Serkin at that hour. It seems that they want to catch up on everything certain people did so many years ago.

  17. Makjavel says:

    There are recognisable persons in these photos.

    Will the police use them to establish facts?

    The ethical question would be if persons in responsible positions in government and the courts should be in such situations and places: bars at 5am.

    The problem is that ethics have been now officially thrown to the dogs by the PM, with his SO WHAT attitude towards ministerial wrong-doing.

  18. david says:

    I think this is partly the PN’s fault as they still treat those two lightly. They should make public Franco Debono’s messages to the then prime minister, Lawrence Gonzi, and go to town with all those photos and footage of JPO either drunk or crying, as not everyone reads your blog.

    I am not sure but are they still on the PN books as I have not read or heard anywhere that they have been chucked out.

    [Daphne – They left of their own accord.]

    • Gahan says:

      Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was no longer on the government benches. He was an independent MP in his last months in parliament.

      As for Franco, he himself declared that he resigned (more than one time) and Simon Busuttil publicly declared that he respected the choices made by these two and John Dalli to support Labour.

      None of these backstabbers replied to the contrary.

  19. Matthew S says:

    Now that the brouhaha about the Prime Minister’s push-back policy has died down somewhat, I think we should reflect on the wider repercussions it can have.

    As Joseph Muscat repeatedly told us, in a (perceived) emergency, his government would “consider all options.”

    I find it particularly telling that he didn’t feel the need to qualify his statement with an adjective like ‘legal options’, ‘moral options’ or even a meek ‘acceptable options’. It was a blanket statement: all options.

    True to his word, he broke, Maltese and international law when he planned the push-back. He considered breaking laws an option. It’s quite clear that in his mind, laws can be suspended when the Prime Minister sees fit.

    If they can be suspended for migrants, they can be suspended for the rest of us. Indeed, we already have other precedents. The suspension of the ministers’ code of ethics is one of them.

    What’s to stop Joseph Muscat from suspending the constitution next time around? Far fetched? Not when you remember that he’s a proud successor and fan of the prime minister who once infamously said “Jien x’niġi nitnejjek mill-kostituzzjoni.”

    As your excellent article in The Independent today points out, we need to start talking about Labour’s plans to tinker with or rewrite the constitution. In my opinion, we should object to the government’s plan on the basis that the process was not started in good faith.

    We should feel very uncomfortable trusting a Prime Minister who thinks that it’s all right to consider all options and a Chief of Constitutional Reform who thinks it’s all right to attack twenty-year-olds at 5 o’clock in the morning to rewrite our constitution.

    Apart from the fact that it’s totally unnecessary because our constitution has served us well since independence, such an exercise should be taken most seriously and be discussed in a most sombre tone.

    People felt that they might as well vote Labour this time around. Malta is a member of the EU, part of the euro-zone, has jobs and most of the population is comfortably middle-class. What was there to lose?

    What many fail to realise is that democracy and progress can move backwards as well as forward. Take Hungary as an example. Years after it successfully joined the EU, a government with a two-thirds majority in parliament rammed through a new constitution and the EU found itself issuing warnings about the deterioration of democracy in Hungary. Look at Egypt. Two years after ousting a dictator and electing a government in a fair election, it found itself going through a military coup.

    On the economic front, Ireland, Greece and so many others demonstrate how quickly a financially good situation can deteriorate.

    When people gave the movement a chance, they underestimated Labour’s ability to rape, pillage and destroy.

    What we are seeing is a gradual deterioration of democratic norms: a minister of justice having meetings with an alleged criminal, a prime minister ignoring a court’s decision (Armier boathouses), Labour supporters (for example hunters) assuming they can do as they damn well please, appointments with very clear conflicts of interest, ministers lying through their teeth about their assets, it goes on an on.

    Any rule, law or norm is liable to change according to the government and its supporters’ needs. All institutions, including the army and the police, are there to push the Labour party’s cause.

    When they’re ready with the raping and pillaging, the only thing left to protect us might very well be the constitution. We can’t hand them that on a silver platter as well.

    • Wormfood says:

      ‘Two years after ousting a dictator and electing a government in a fair election, it found itself going through a military coup.’

      No they weren’t and it is not a coup either.

  20. Anna says:

    I’d give anything to see a photo of that woman behind JPO, because I cannot, for the life of me, imagine how she managed to fit her boobs inside that dress.

  21. bookworm says:

    From the ladies’ evening wear I would say that they went to the bar straight after the August moon ball, but on second thoughts JPO doesn’t look like he’s wearing black tie.

    • CIS says:

      He must have taken it off. Most probably they were at the August Moon Ball – even Dr Simon Busuttil was there. Most probably the comments they were passing against the Nationalists is because they saw Dr Simon Busuttil at the Ball.

  22. Mark Vella says:

    JPO and co were at the August Moon Ball last night. See the screenshots (links below) taken from TVM’s 8pm news. He was accompanied by Jesmond Mugliett and wife, Michael Farrugia and partner, Vince Micallef etc.

  23. Charles Galea says:

    Am I weird , or is it strange , but I am 55 and have often been at Is Serkin at 5 in the morning . Why can’t JPO do it , without others trying to paint it as strange . The bar is full of men and women over 18.

    [Daphne – You probably slept before you went there at 5am, Charles. Men of 55 generally wake up at 5am, not go to bed at 7am. Yes, you’re right, the place is generally full of men of a certain age, all of whom have just woken up, as they say, mat-tigieg.]

    • Lestrade says:

      Those who are at Is-Serkin at 5am can be divided into two categories: local men who wake up very early and head there for breakfast; early/mid twenties clubbers and middle-aged tossers like the Law Commissioner and the MCST chairman, who after drinking the hard stuff all night long erroneously think that two pastizzi and a black coffee will soak up the alcohol and leave them fresh and rosy with no trace of the mother of all hangovers.

  24. trapezoid says:

    Why all this fuss about the behaviour of these two people? Why is everybody forgetting that these two spent the best part of the past five years backstabbing PM Gonzi and the PN electorate? What they did then was infinitely worse than anything they could possibly do now. JPO and Franco are worse than scum.

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