That absolutely shameless Mintoffian, Dr Joseph Grech-Attard, is encouraging the barbarian hordes over to Mrs Malmstrom’s Facebook page

Published: August 7, 2013 at 12:40pm

Some people astonish me. When I say that Mintoffians are totally tribal and that their reasoning evades common sense and even intelligence or the rationality of science (this man is a doctor), I have good reason to do so.

This man’s entire family ‘saru nies u faru bil-flus’ post-1987, yet they are still banging the drums for Mintoff and Joseph. And really banging them.

One of them even makes a point of wearing red to celebrations whenever she can, even if the celebration is not a ‘Ma taghmlu xejn mal-perit Mintoff’ meeting.

You’d think they’d be gagging to vote PN by now – no, ma tarax. Ahna ta’ Mintoff u ta’ Mintoff se nibqghu, anke jekk il-pajjiz jitkisser taht il-Labour u jsir pajjiz Ewropej taht tal-PN.

What is even more unbelievable about Joseph Grech-Attard in particular is that while he rages against immigrants from Africa and encourages his rabid hordes of Mintoffian FB friends to burn Cecilia Malmstrom’s Facebook wall like their grandfathers burned down The Times and PN party clubs (occurences which his family defended and then went on to vote for Mintoff YET AGAIN a couple of years later), he spent half his time in Tunisia where he has/had a second home.



Joseph Grech Attard in one of his camper moments, masquerading as an Islamic invader

Joseph Grech Attard in one of his camper moments, masquerading as an Islamic invader

Well, as long as we go on pilgrimages to Lourdes ma' tal-pepe, our soul is sorted and we can rage against Africans while visiting North Africa to trawl for them

Well, as long as we go on pilgrimages to Lourdes ma’ tal-pepe, our soul is sorted and we can rage against Africans while visiting North Africa to trawl for them

15 Comments Comment

  1. george grech says:

    Trid tkun mohhok maghluq biex ma’ tifhimx x’jigifieri drittijiet umani imma trid tkun stupidu meta tkun gay u ma tifhimomx.

  2. Matt IV says:

    Seriously, “normal” people have gone EXTINCT.

  3. Matt IV says:

    Facebook should take action.

  4. Copycat says:

    This man has always been the epitome of obnoxiousness. Then he has the cheek to play the missionary and a guiding light for teenagers in Mellieha. He is just a twopenny troll.

  5. TinaB says:

    This is one of Maria Josephine’s ‘intelligent’ on JPO’s timeline:

    “What I ask is… that children of illegal immigrants who born in Malta say that they are Maltese! Mela ahna pure maltese because we have Maltese blood of our fathers. Hekk sew eh Missirijietna iggieldu ghal Malta u tqatlu u dawn bla gharaq ta xbinhom jigu jghidu li huma Maltin bla ma jafu xejn fuq Malta.”

    L-aqwa li ghandha ritratt u quote ta’ Maria Theresa fuq il-fejsbuk.

  6. Rumplestiltskin says:

    What on earth are Malta’s professional bodies doing to safeguard the dignity of their professions?

    Some of the behaviour exhibited in recent days by certain individuals certainly bring their professions into disrepute.

    Their actions could be considered to be gross misconduct requiring the intervention of their professional association.

  7. P SHaw says:

    The hypocrite also organizes tours to Lourdes, and heads a sort of voluntary group that takes the sick people there. Perhaps he sees an opportunity to take advantage of the desperate and vulnerable.

    Basta dejjem fuq quddiem net il-knisja tal-Mellieha, jilghaba tal-qaddis. Gakbin iktar minnu m’hawnx. Forsi jrid jpatti ghall-zmien meta kien tabib.

    The hamallagni Mintoffjana of his family (ta’ Sacci) has passed on to the new generation, in particular his nephew Jevon Vella.

    [Daphne – I wish to point out that there are two men by the name of ‘Jevon Vella’ who are from Mellieha. One is this individual, and the other is a very decent and civilised architect who works with the planning authority.]

    • Jevon Vella says:

      Thanks for the update. For the record however, I live in Sliema and the Environment & Planning Review Tribunal is by law independent from MEPA, simply because it decides planning appeals. Best regards, J.

  8. Josette says:

    Kristjaneżmu tal-folklor u l-apparenzi. Probabbli anki lil Kristu jitfa’ ‘l barra dan kieku jiddeċiedi li jiġi hawn għax Kristu żgur li ma kienx bjond u bin-nemex.

  9. Bubu says:

    This kind of blind allegiance is usually only seen with adherents to fundamental religious doctrines. Blind faith towards your god will make you forego reason, logic and the evidence of your own eyes.

    The only difference is Malta is that most of the catholics pretty much don’t “give a toss” about Christ, but they have shifted their fundamentalist tendencies to their political party.

    Politics is a religion in Malta. Political allegiance is transmitted through familial association, parent to child. It is emotional and completely irrational. No amount of argument will sway their opinion, and even if by some superhuman dint of persuasion, you manage to make them admit that their party is in the wrong, they will still never change allegiance and they will still vote in the same way.

    Some have go so far as to set up niches with candles honouring their political gods. They say prayers to them and they stand transfixed at any inane utterance their gods might happen to produce.

    The situation in Malta is not that much different from that in fundamentalist regimes such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is only the names of the gods that change.

    • king rat says:

      So right and so true – thanks mate for hitting the nail squarely on the head. I am begining to feel swamped by blithering nutcases and this island in the sun is boiling my brains because so many are immune to plain common sense and empathy with fellow humans.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      As an outsider, there are lots of chances for mirth.

      One TV spend years mocking Dalli as ‘Johnny Cash’ and have their legions of followers indoctrinated into hatred. Then suddenly, Dalli is a hero and they have to do a mental u-turn.

  10. mark says:

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