That’s the spirit – now PLEASE keep at it to prevent Labour from further normalisation of the abnormal

Published: August 4, 2013 at 9:36pm


The Opposition leader has demanded that the prime minister sets up a board of inquiry – as provided for at law – to examine the behaviour of the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology and of the Law Commissioner/Coordinator of Constitutional Reform.

Maltarightnow reports:

Fi stqarrija, il-Partit Nazzjonalista qal li fid-dawl tal-fatt li kemm Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando kif ukoll Franco Debono fil-preżent huma uffiċjali pubbliċi fil-karigi ta’ Chairman tal-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (MCST) u Kummissarju tal-Liġijiet u Koordinatur tal-Konvenzjoni Kostituzzjonali rispettivament, il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Simon Busuttil qiegħed pubblikament isejjaħ lill-Prim Ministru sabiex jaħtar bord ta’ inkjesta pubblika (skont l-Att dwar l-Inkjesti) bl-inkarigu li tiġi mistħarrġa u eżaminata l-imġieba ta’ dawn iż-żewġ uffiċjali pubbliċi.

Kmieni dalgħodu Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono nsulentaw u għajjru lil Nicky Azzopardi li jaħdem fl-Uffiċċju Informazzjoni tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. L-istess Nicky Azzopardi spiċċa wkoll attakkat u msawwat minn persuna oħra.

Il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Simon Busuttil jisħaq li l-imġieba ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono hija waħda skandaluża u għal kollox inaċċettabbli f’soċjetà demokratika Ewropea b’mod partikolari meta din tkun ta’ persuni li ġew fdati b’karigi pubbliċi u li suppost għandhom iservu ta’ eżempju tajjeb għall-bqija tas-soċjetà.

Simon Busuttil fisser kif il-Partit Nazzjonalista mhux ser jittollera l-ebda intimidazzjoni fil-konfront tal-ħaddiema tiegħu u tal-mezzi tax-xandir tiegħu u li kull min jispiċċa vittma ta’ imġieba bħal dik ta’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono ser isib lilu u lill-Partit Nazzjonalista lesti biex jiddefendu d-drittijiet tagħhom.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Bob says:

    How come the Prime Minister has already dismissed and closed the case? Are we now subject to institutionalized bullying?

  2. LIXU says:

    At last, front-line leadership, which so far has been lacking.

  3. CIS says:

    Dr Muscat already brushed the investigation aside saying that the Police are taking care of it. Pullicino Orlando and Debono are friends of friends and he will not harm them. He is using them to best of advantage. He gave them an appointment and will not take it away – not even if they are guilty.

  4. Stephen Farrugia says:

    It must be the end of the world…… our country is being occupied by another landing of criminal immigrants and he is worried about what happens at a bar selling pastizzi….just incredible.

    This leader will NEVER be prime minister, you can put all your money on it.

    Take it from a Nationalist.

    • H. Prynne says:

      “Criminal immigrants”?

      Talk about sweeping statements.

      Try to be informed instead of just being opinionated.

      Especially if your opinion is steeped in ignorance.

    • Maria says:


    • Wormfood says:

      Yes a brawl that involved the Chairman of MCAST and a public official in charge of reviewing the Constitution acting like hormonal teenage idiots and attacking a person young enough to be their son.

      Remind me again, what was this culture that you Imperium types wish to protect from Africans?

      • ciccio says:

        Wormfood, it’s MCST. MCAST is another entity.

      • Stephen Farrugia says:

        wait till Africans start eating pastizzi in Rabat, then you will see a brawl with all the wine both sides would have in their head at five in the morning…

        then you will be a refugee at the Vatican…lol

      • Wormfood says:

        Thanks Ciccio, I wrote that by mistake.

      • wormfood says:

        I’ve seen them brawl several times and I’m still here Stephan. I have yet to hear anything other than whataboutery fallacies and tinfoil hattery from you.

        What is the point of thinking that Africans are inferior when you approve of a government is as nepotistic, incompetent and authoritarian as most of it’s M.Eastern and African counterparts?

      • wormfood says:

        * its counterparts

      • Josette says:

        I know quite a lot of Africans and live not far away from the main camp and I can tell you that they are certainly more civilised than JPO and Franco Debono and certainly more civilised than you (S Farrugia).

        They are probably also more literate than you given that you are unable to express a single clear thought in written form.

        You’re fairly good at expressing hatred though and have taken up racism – the ignorant and lazy man’s shortcut to judging his fellow men – with a vengeance.

      • Stephen Farrugia says:

        and you are a Nationalist that supports the occupation, settlement, integration, crime infested, African illegal immigration into Malta.

        That is even more interesting.

        Like I said before, if you love Africans so much, learn to love the Reds. The more you complain, the more I laugh.

        Our values are not your values, of a weak middle eastern religion.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You obviously haven’t read anything I’ve written. I no more love Africans than I love you.

        My values are not yours either. You talk of race. I talk of civilisation.

        You are an enemy of my civilisation. So much so that you support Mintoff.

    • TinaB says:

      Dear Stephen Farrugia,

      Were the “criminal immigrants” taken to Serkin for a pastizz and some Earl Grey tea after they landed, by any chance?

    • Jozef says:

      This is not the weird end of Youtube.

    • Liberal says:

      Go take your medication.

    • Snoopy says:

      If it was not so tragic, your comment would make us all laugh but it is actually something that should make us cry. No wonder the Labour Party were elected, with peanut brains such as these having the right to vote.

    • Pontius says:

      Try going into that bar at any time of the day or night and shouting “F’gh*xx il-Laburisti”. I a matter of minutes you will be tied to the statue of St. Joseph, a few metres down the road. The place is infested with PL supporters, mate, all day and night, so shut it.

  5. Gahan says:

    While Mr Perception raises his eyebrows on the system of how medicines are being purchased at Mater Day Hospital, two troublemakers upstage him with a brawl at a pastizzi shop in Rabat.

    So, not to disappoint Dr Muscat who is shocked on how medicines are being purchased, I would like to put one simple question: “How is it that you re-appointed the auditor general who should be the one who reported this so called “scandalous” purchasing from the public coffers?”

    Dr Muscat has to realise that certain utterances may boomerang against him, because he’s no longer on the opposition benches.

  6. Stephen Farrugia says:

    Please don’t upload any of my messages because my computer has been hacked. Thank you.

    [Daphne – That excuse has been done to death. Computers don’t get ‘hacked’. Servers do.]

    • Stephen Farrugia says:

      i thought you did not want to upload my comments and now that I told you the very opposite, you do it. You do mirror my childish manners…lol

      [Daphne – No, Stephen, I just think you’re quite unbalanced.]

    • Catherine says:

      What he means is “Please don’t upload any of my messages because I am very stupid and use lol to death. Thank you”

      • Liberal says:

        No, Catherine. He actually meant “Don’t upload my messages because they might be used against me in a court of law. And I am so shit-scared that I’ll say my computer was ‘hacked’ and I wasn’t the one posting the messages”.

      • albona says:

        Liberal is certainly not afraid of that kind of litigation.

      • Liberal says:

        Albona, no, I most certainly am not.

  7. ciccio says:

    Did you see the reaction of the Prime Minister?

    It is, once again, and as expected, the sort of reply of a 10 year old – “ghax ma tarax x’ghamilt int.”

    Do we have the Prime Minister as well with arrested development at about the age of form 2?

    He is definitely showing signs of a repeated pattern of behaviour and this fact needs to be highlighted.

    The Prime Minister is expected to consider the Rabat case with utmost seriousness. This is the only sort of behaviour we expect from our Prime Minister – l-aqwa fl-Ewropa. This case ended in violence and individuals taking the law in their own hands, and should not be played down.

  8. Joan says:

    Tal-biki dawn in-nies, u min fdalhom l-inkarigi li ghandhom aktar tal-biki.

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn iridu jaghmlu monument lil Mintoff, ghax ergajna qed nghixu dawk iz-zminijiet.

  9. anthony says:

    At this rate we will be having a rerun of tal-barrani within a year.

    There is only one way to prevent this happening.

    Expose the government and its apparatchiks at European level every time they fuck up which is practically every day.

    No wonder George Vella said “allahares nidlu fl-Ewropa”.

    This sort of situation must have been what he was thinking about.

    This is Malta’s only hope.

    The alternative is the golden years all over again.

    It is incumbent on the PN and its leadership to do exactly this. No more and no less.

    The time for pussy footing is over.

  10. Saliba Jo says:

    That’s the spirit. Prosit.

  11. Clifford says:

    If I am not mistaken, according to regulations governing the civil service, if a public officer is accused of a crime, he should be suspended from work, and disciplinary action taken against him.

  12. M. says:

    Finally! I am so sick of Simon Busuttil uploading photos of himself at practically every village feast in Malta AND Gozo every bl**dy weekend (I get them on my Facebook newsfeed), with not much substance from him in between.

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