Update re prime minister’s daughter and Joseph Calleja’s choir

Published: August 2, 2013 at 11:50am

Please see earlier post re the prime minister and his concert tweet, before you read this.

The government paid a very large amount to Joseph Calleja/the organising company to keep the standing area free of charge to the public at the concert last night, effectively buying the space for onward free distribution.

Now we find out that the head of government’s child was placed in Joseph Calleja’s choir. And we see that the prime minister has been tweeting to promote the concert.

I have received the following message in response to my earlier post, from the parent of another child in that choir:

I can confirm that at least one of Muscat’s daughters was in the Calleja choir. She was chauffeur-driven to each and every rehearsal.

There was also a party last night after the concert, attended by at least two ministers and by JPO plus Carmen, who parked their car right next to the Independence monument and were still there at 1.15am.

15 Comments Comment

  1. ron says:

    Laghqi iehor. Hareg jikkritika lit-teatru bla saqaf u mbaghad ghadu qatt ma ta kuncert f’teatru maghluq. Dazgur ghax il-flus l-ewwel.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      P.R.O.S.I.T. with knobs and bells and a great big symphony orchestra playing the Ride of the Valkyries.

      Joseph Calleja LAGHQI. He became an international star because of his superb voice. But he became a household name in Malta because he’s a brown-noser. Oh and knowing Alec Lapira (Lawrence Gonzi’s confidante) certainly helped.

      • bamboccu says:

        Kibret rasu……. u jekk jibqa sejjer hekk hafna Maltin jitgerxu minnhu.

      • Tabatha White says:

        In the long term and very long term, a superb voice lacks staying power. I imagine he’s fully aware of that and is just cashing in on the short term National Asset recognition.

        The BOV adverts were over the top in terms of commercial exposure: It’s getting to the “xi dwejjaq” level.

  2. charon says:

    Maybe it wasn’t just the standing area that was free of charge but also the Earl Grey tea.

  3. fenek says:

    Since the first Joseph Calleja’s concert was organised, I did not miss one. No regrets that I missed this year’s.

    • Giovanni says:

      Me to. If I am not mistaken you need to audition. Ara x’talent ghanda din it-tifla. My foot. So I presume that the ‘free standing’ deal included the participation of his daughter.

  4. Oscar says:

    According to another spy network totally unconnected to yours, Daphne, the word is out that as the Isle of MTV concert is identified with the previous administration, and is an event which has surpassed all expectations in quality and popularity, this government decided to hijack the Joseph Calleja concert, subsidise it, WITH OUR TAXES, and make it open to the public. U mela hi, Malta taghna lkoll xbin.

  5. Kuka says:

    So – Joseph Calleja is now standing in line to lose the public’s respect.

  6. Osservatore says:

    Had Stanley Kubrick still been around, they could have even struck a deal to appear in one of his films.

    For we must never forget, that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  7. marks says:

    Isn’t one of the NNG organisers a person very close to the LP? He is very visible at the counting hall and his father was KMB’s secretary.

  8. Nathalie says:

    Jekk veru kien hemm xi ftejhim bejn Joseph Calleja u Muscat biex iddahhal lit-tfal tieghu fil-kor, ikolli nghid li Joseph Calleja ghamel hazin hafna.

    Li Calleja ghamel kontro proposta ghall postijiet b’xejn wisq izjed ghax hu xorta dahhal il-flus.

    Calleja missu wara dawn is-snin kollha jew inaqqas il prezz tad-dhul, jew jaghti concession ta’ rohs fil-prezz lill-penzjonanti li ma jistawx joqghodu bil-wiefqa jew missu jaghmel kuncert WIEHED hawn Malta b’xejn ghall-Maltin kollha. Nahseb li ghamel flus bizzejjed biex ittinha dan ir-rigal.

    Jekk kien hemm xi rikatt minn naha, allura l-istima tieghi naqset lejn in-naha l-ohra.

  9. Natalie Mallett says:

    Well actually I thoroughly enjoyed every second of every minute of the concert. It was an absolutely enjoyable world class concert. All participants were fabulous.

    I will criticize the organizers for the lack of safety and organisation at the entrance and exit for those in the seating area at least.

    At the end of the concert as we were going back home the War Remembrance Monument was lit up with artificial lights and the eternal flame was ironically spent.

    It looked very odd and sad in a way especially after such a beautiful patriotic event with such good local and foreign talent. Can the government please sponsor this flame again.

    It really defies the meaning of an eternal flame in remembrance to our forefathers who fought so much to get to where we are today.

  10. Hypatia says:

    Excuse me – why should the government pay for free standing area? The paying area was enclosed and that is fair enough but the rest of the street is public property and should have remained freely accessible to anyone and without the government paying for the privilege.

    The great patriot singer’s patriotism starts in his pocket, it seems to me.

    By the way, his knowledge of Malta’s history did not stand out at the last night of the proms at the Royal Albert. He donned a black T-shirt with a white eight-pointed cross, reminiscent of a Knight of St. John robe which does not symbolize Malta at all but the SMOM, a totally different thing.

    If he wanted to wear Maltese costume, the Zepp one should have been it: white cotton breeches, sidrija, horga and qorq.

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