Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned: he started as he meant to go on

Published: August 8, 2013 at 12:48am

37 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    I simply cannot stand watching this. I have never made it to the end. What a colossal embarrassment.

  2. just me says:

    Same video, more appropriate title..


  3. Peppa says:

    Kesahlu tal-prima klassi.

  4. Fran says:

    No wonder certain types of Muscat followers/supporters write filthy and vulgar words for all to see. Their idol has absolutely no understanding of the word diplomacy, so they follow suit.

    Thank you, Daphne, for your excellent blog.

  5. Planet Malta invaded by aliens says:

    Embarrassing, infantile and arrogant.

  6. Jan Zammit says:

    This is utterly cringeworthy. Just more bridges being burnt.

  7. Sv says:

    They mean to get us out of a union they never wanted to be a part of.

  8. SkinnySackboy says:

    Arrogant prick.

  9. GiovDeMartino says:

    How very funny. We expect to address Germans, Italians, French, British etc in Maltese and then the Maltese government, Maltese banks, Maltese university, Maltese everything address us, Maltese, in English.

  10. Alexander Ball says:

    Can anybody explain why Labour always go begging to the Chinese?

  11. Tracy says:

    Dawk il-barranin kollha li jahdmu Brussels u jafu sew kemm lil Lawrence Gonzi u kemm lil Joseph Muscat, zgur li jgharfu id-differenze kbira fil-hiliet taghhom.

    Li kieku kont minflok Alfred Sant lanqas nissogra nohrog ghall-elezzjoni tal-EP is-sena d-diehla ghax bhal JM jahsibha.

    Tghid l-erba’ MEPs tal-PL kif qed ihossuhom bl-agir tal-kap taghhom ? Ikollhom batti bekki mid-deputati ewropew shabhom?

    U x’sar minnu Attard Montalto, ma nstemghax aktar.

  12. ciccio says:

    He started as a Mintoffian, and he will go on as a Mintoffian.


  13. bob-a-job says:


    February 28, 2011
    In Britain’s Parliament on Monday, Cameron singled out Malta for praise for its handling of refugees, saying he had personally called Gonzi to thank him.

    August 7, 2013
    Malta refuses entry to 102 rescued refugees (including four pregnant women and a baby)

  14. C Agius says:


    Apparently the whole world knows that Malta was legally and morally correct. You have to wonder whether the editor has internet or television at home.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      One TV and Maltastar.

      It’s the only source you can trust.

    • Calculator says:

      My goodness, the whole thinking process behind that is frightening. The neo-colonial undertones of the last paragraph/s show both how anti-EU Labourites still are and what contempt they have for the international rule of law (and, without a doubt, local rule of law too).

      • Jozef says:

        Membership of the EU contradicts their preferred methodology;

        Get close to major alien interests, sign a secret agreement and take a cut.

    • dutchie says:

      How monotonous! The usual “us and them” story. This is probably the only stuff that the majority of PL reads, next to the FaceBook pages.

      “Malstrom” again misspelled four times – great example.

      And “Dr Muscat qed jitkellem f’isem il-poplu!” Not in my name, Tubby!

    • curious says:

      L-aqwa li mxejna ‘bil-punt u l-virgola mal-ligi internazzjonali’, skond huma.

      U jekk joghgobhom, Muscat mhux qed jitkellem f’ismi.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Legally maybe. Morally, definitely not.

  15. Wot the Hack says:

    I like the twitch of his face at 1.15-1.17. Horrible sign of anger mixed with confusion.

    But I ask, why did he not act in defiance and deliver the speech in Maltese?

    What I see here is a Joseph Muscat who has actually surrendered to his own sense of arrogance.

  16. Fran says:

    I meant to say : you are certainly unique.

  17. Matt IV says:

    I wish there was a way to remove my nationality.

    I wish there was a way to cancel being connected to Malta.

    [Daphne – No, of course not. Wrong attitude. The thing to do is to make sure as many people as possible KNOW you are Maltese. I always say that Maltese are like Hawaiians. Everybody always remembers and takes note of the one they happened to meet. Every Hawaiian is symbolic of the whole of Hawaii, and every Maltese of the whole of Malta. It’s really not like being Italian, French or German – completely different, because there are so few of us and it’s considered relatively exotic.]

  18. canon says:

    But Joseph Muscat assured us that he knows what he is doing .

  19. Joe Micallef says:

    And they keep coming


    The Corriere has recently launched a widget on each page, which apart from some statistics gives readers the opportunity to state how they feel about the story. At time of writing 74% are “indigniati” or indignant or vexed or outraged.

    And that is 74% of an online newpaper which has an average of 2.5M page visits a day.

  20. Jozef says:

    Muscat’s in good company.


    Here they are.


    Borghezio, who praised Breivik’s ideas and went around commuters trains with detergent forcing blacks off their seats.

    Calderoli, who led pigs to pasture on a site reserved for a mosque, he recently described Kyenge as an orangutan.

    Matteo Salvini, who proposed reserved carriages for whites in Milan’s metro.

    Linked to Labour via Sharon Ellul Bonici.

  21. Jozef says:


    Muscat’s alone in this. He should have seen it coming a long time ago.

  22. M. Mercieca says:

    Thanks Daphne for sharing…I had never seen this before and played it four times to make sure I was not having a bad dream!!
    Maybe this link shows what Muscat aspires to achieve in a short time:

  23. just me says:

    “Standing up for the Maltese language” my foot. He talks to his daughters in English.

  24. Matthew D says:

    What’s amusing is that Daphne thinks repeated posts of this video on her ”blog” is showing Joseph Muscat in a bad light.

    [Daphne – It does. Just not to your sort, who don’t know any better. And it’s not the video or the uploads that put him in a bad light anyway. The video does not lie. The upload is a factual matter. It’s his behaviour. You just don’t get it: not everybody sees things the way you do. Have some self-awareness. Try thinking for a change. Muscat looks, sounds and behaves like a redneck. The fact that other rednecks admire his behaviour is neither here nor there. There is a reason why everyone else shown in the video is smirking with bemusement, and why he is being humoured with patience, like somebody making a scene in a shop or restaurant. But I don’t suppose you’ve picked up on that, because it’s too subtle.]

    • Matthew says:

      Seems I hit a nerve.

      [Daphne – No, you didn’t. I spend all day dealing with jerks on this comments board and by the afternoon I’ve generally had it up to here. It is the effect of a cumulative wave of stupidity, and your inability to see that there are facts and then there are opinions.

      Fact: Muscat’s behaviour was uncalled for. Fact: his English and his diction are atrocious. Fact: he came across as a redneck to people to whom he SHOULD NOT be coming across that way (forget the others, because he had no idea at the time that he would be party leader). Fact: you can see that the other people there are barely able to contain their smirks.

      Opinion among a swathe of people in Malta: wow, he’s great because he stood up to counted and they smelled the coffee. Other opinion in Malta: my God, what a backwoods prick.

      Now here’s something else: I’m onto you. Your problem isn’t politics, but me. You are in here not to debate political issues or anything else mentioned, but to challenge me and score points off me personally. There has been a entire procession of individuals who have tried this, and they are immediately identifiable by their use of language (carefully literate). I call you the bunny-boilers.]

      • Matthew D says:

        Well actually I don’t have a problem with you but with what you say because to me it seems amazing, astounding even that a person as educated as you are show so much disdain towards those of different political opinions, and cross the line into rudeness when a person debates you fairly. I think you do reognise that when you have an open blog you can’t expect solely supportive comments.

        [Daphne – The usual false logic, Matthew. Opinions are a matter of choice. So yes, it is perfectly normal, legal and acceptable to show disdain towards people for their opinions. It is not similarly normal, legal and acceptable to show disdain towards people for things that they cannot help and which are not their choice, like gender, sexuality or skin colour. I trust you now understand the difference. You speak as though a Labour voter can’t help being a Labour voter. Of course they can. It’s a choice.]

  25. patriot says:

    What Muscat should learn is that Maltese are capable people because they know how to adapt, learn languages (not just chatter in Maltese) and use them to make friends, contacts and connections.

    [Daphne – Can the Maltese learn languages? I hadn’t noticed. Most are incapable of speaking and writing even their own, let alone the English to which they are relentlessly exposed but which most fail to learn properly or at all. If I were to use the Maltese definition of what passes for speaking English, then by golly, I speak Italian and French, and maybe even Arabic, given that I can just about make myself understood.]

    That is how we moved on and survived as a nation. Sadly, we don’t have the person to lead us and take Malta back to its former glory and peaceful days (i.e. post 1987). Fact: Malta has lost its respect in a matter of weeks. Let us hope the the MLP does not ruin Malta again.

  26. Kurt says:

    I think JM is right this time. We have our language and we should be proud of it!

    [Daphne – http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2013/08/malta-it-is-a-two-lingual-nazzjoni/ ]

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