What a mentality: “Let’s have the most flags in the world”.

Published: August 14, 2013 at 2:40pm

Il-vera jahasra u msieken trid tghidilhom, dawn in-nies. That’s what happens when you elect an intellectually and socially challenged individual as mayor.

How about setting a record for the Mediterranean village with the most idiotic and banal ‘sindku’ possible?

I mean, really, what hope is there of this country getting anywhere fast?


Natius 4

Natius 11

7 Comments Comment

  1. george grech says:

    Issa inghaqad is-sabih Ronnie Pellegrini jghajjat ‘jaqq’.

    [Daphne – Indeed. Strip him naked, pull a condom over him (no need to buy a large size) and present him to the Labour masses as the black dick they’re busy offering to an EU Commissioner.]

    • TinaB says:

      Kollha sbieh hafna, ghax qishom qalghu daqqa ta’ trakk – l-aqwa li jitfghu ir-ritratti fuq il-fejsbuk, minn ghalihom stillel ta’ “Holliwutt”.

  2. charon says:

    Why limit it to a Mediterranean village? Make it universal. We would surely win hands down.

  3. vichy says:

    Ghall-piki u l-hmerijiet hadd ma jirbhilna hawn! F’hiex nehdew ukoll!

    • Last Post says:

      That’s precisely it: “… biex naghmlu isem lir-Rahal taghna” (to make a name for our town). These people probably think that world history is based on the Guinness Book of Records.

  4. Janie ta' Pawlu says:

    Ghax ma jmurx jaghti ftit mill-hafna flus li rekken taht Gonzipn, lil fqar.

    Nisthi nghid li jien Maltija.

  5. Il-Kajboj says:

    “Kemm inhobb ikolli hafna arbli mqaxxrin… Ola!”

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