When you’re dealing with an audience of subliterates, logic is never an issue

Published: August 14, 2013 at 2:56pm

JPO Malmstrom

The state council chairman who sucker-punched his children’s 22-year-old friend when drunk outside a Rabat ‘hanut’ at 5am with a woman who is not his wife and the Law Commissioner (also in his cups) has taken to Facebook to praise Simon Busuttil for his criticism of the vulgarities posted on EU Commissioner Malmstrom’s official Facebook page.

That’s why you should sign my petition, he tells his Facebook friends, because these things are not acceptable. Of course, it doesn’t matter to him one jot that many of the people who read and admire him on Facebook are the very same half-wits who asked Mrs Malmstrom whether she “want black dick, Cicillia” and to “take them to your cuntry and keep them between you legs”.

It doesn’t matter to him, either, that he failed to say anything about the obnoxious vulgarity and crudeness of the comments directed at Mrs Malmstrom at the time, but waited an entire week and more to praise the PN leader for criticising them – and then only so that he could, like all self-obsessed people do, relate the matter back to himself and his own agenda.

If the comments on Mrs Malmstrom’s Facebook page are not acceptable, he says, then neither are those on ‘hate blogs’ – a reference to this website.

As I said, logic is not an issue when you are dealing with people like Pullicino Orlando and his subliterate audience. I have no doubt that he himself understands the issues involved but like the snake-in-the-grass he is, he thinks nothing of manipulating the ignorant people panting at his feet, and who might be persuaded that asking an EU Commissioner whether she wants a black dick is somehow equal to a journalist reminding her audience that it is neither normal nor acceptable, in a European democracy, for the chairman of a state council to be drunk and brawling in a car-park outside a pastizzi shop at 5am.

No, it isn’t. And no number of media feints by a coward who sucker-punches somebody his children’s age is going to distract me – or my readers – from that fact.

It is Pullicino Orlando’s great misfortune that this website’s following is considerably better-educated than his.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    For a change, a very good article which is really worth reading has been carried in Malta Today. The article is penned by Caroline Muscat.


  2. Gordon says:

    Xtaqt nilqa l-istedina tieghu, imma hassni hazin u kont ma niflahx. Loser with a capital L.

  3. TinaB says:

    JPO on facebook:

    “NITBISSEM…..meta nara lil min jitkellem kontra l-kampanja tal-ACHA-Malta kontra s-Cyberbullying. Is-soltu argumenti fuq mottivi personali ma jonqsux…..drajthom. Smajt l-istess argumenti kontrija fil-kampanji l-ohra li kont parti minnhom…tas-simenterija, tal-mizbliet hdejn l-Imnajdra, tal-barriera quddiem il-Kon-Katidral, tad-divorzju…NITBISSEM meta nara min jitkellem fuq id-dritt ta l-espressjoni ta certa bloggers li ma huma xejn hlief nies bi problemi personali li jizvogaw id-dwejjaq taghhom, prezentament bla kontroll f’pajjizna, fuq l-internet. Il- kitbiet taghhom hafna drabi ma huma xejn hlief frott it-thewdin u kalunji sfaccati. Hafna minn dawk li jsegwuhom jaghmlu hekk b’sens ta’ kurzita fir-rigward ta kemm lesti jinzlu fil-baxx. Bhal meta, fi zminijiet anqas mnebbha, kien hemm min jmur jara lil dawk mizmuma f’istituzzjonijiet mentali biex jghaddi z-zmien.


    You are definitely not smiling, Jeffrey. You are hysterical because you have been exposed, you venomous snake.

  4. Manuel says:

    Thank goodness for this website. It keeps the general public more informed than the ‘suppost gazzetti’ do. Well done and thank you, Daphne.

  5. George says:

    When JPO was still an MP and busy with his public rages and tantrums, my wife posted a comment on his FB reminding him about his own Mistra case.

    She did not use offensive or vulgar words, just a plain and true straightforward statement.

    His reply was a string of insults which included the words ‘bahnana’ and ‘miskina minn mohhok’. And now this guy has the cheek to petition against cyber harassment.

  6. diamond1 says:

    Mibgheda (ghalkemm ma naqbilx li hi mibgheda) fuq l-internet ma ddejjaqniex ghax jekk trid tista tinjora jew ma taqrahiex…

    Pero l-mibgheda u l-hdura li harget fil-parlament bejn 2008 – 2013 iddejjaqqni hafna…ghax dak hu abbuzz mill-fiducja li jaghtik il-votant, il-poplu!

  7. gigi says:

    X’ gara fuq il-kaz tas-Serkin? Il-pulizija ghadhom ghaddejjien bl-investigazzjoni jew miet kollox fuq ommu?

  8. pazzo says:

    ‘Knowledge is wisdom’ and I am ready to pay a nominal fee to be kept informed by this website. My reasoning is this: who is going to police the police? So yes we need her AWACS system. Thank you, Daphne. Needless to say, since la verita` offende many are hurt but that is not your fault.

  9. Lorry says:

    “Hafna minn dawk li jsegwuhom jaghmlu hekk b’sens ta’ kurzita fir-rigward ta kemm lesti jinzlu fil-baxx. Bhal meta, fi zminijiet anqas mnebbha, kien hemm min jmur jara lil dawk mizmuma f’istituzzjonijiet mentali biex jghaddi z-zmien.”

    Ghaziz JPO jekk ma dawk il- “hafna nies” qieghed tpoggi lili, sejjer zbaljat bil- goff, ghaliex jiena nsegwi dan il- blog sempliciment biex nsir naf fuq il- buzullotti u l- kummidji li int u shabek qieghdin taghmlu.

    “kien hemm min jmur jara lil dawk mizmuma f’istituzzjonijiet mentali biex jghaddi z-zmien”

    Li tmur gewwa istituzzjoni mentali biex taghddi z- zmien certament li huwa hazin daqsekk iehor huwa hazin li nies b’ kundizzjoni mentali bhalek u shabek tigru barra minflok qieghdin tiehdu l- kura gewwa dawn l- istituzzjonijiet imsemmija minnek.

  10. Rahal says:

    Guda. Traditur u gakbin.

  11. Last Post says:

    Just to tell you and especially your readers who find your posts exaggerated and/or grotesque, that your headings and titles are by far the best that I have read.

  12. Angus Black says:

    In a civilized country, when one gets involved in a brawl and the police decide to investigate, part of the investigation would include questioning the offender more rigorously if consumption of alcohol is suspected.

    Who drove to Rabat and in whose car? Who drove away, and how?

    Then the occupants are given a breathalyser test and if found to exceed the legal limit, the car is impounded, the licence suspended and the driver is cited for DUI (driving under the influence).

    In Malta the police often ‘forget’ procedure even more often if the offender is deemed a person of some political import.

  13. Liberal says:

    If Jeffrey were honest with his praise of Simon Busuttil for his criticism of the vulgarities posted on EU Commissioner Malmstrom’s official Facebook page, then why does he permit posts such as this on his own Facebook timeline:

    Vladmir Cutajar Forte: “All this crap and arrogance from the EU Commission started since the PN, especially the handsome pathetic couple Dr Busuttil and Dr Casa and the NGO traitors who gave the impression our Government is breaching international laws. We shall never forgive, we shall never forget”.

    Does Jeffrey agree with this fascist? Of course he does.

  14. natius says:

    The PL was elected by a large majority but the impression I get is that very fey gay men are running the country, while even normal gay men and lesbians of all kinds are out of the loop.

  15. AE says:

    When is this depraved, self-obsessed inividual going to realise that it is not about him. He seems intent to try and set the country’s agenda every time it suits him.

    Buzz off, Jeffrey. Crawl back into your little hole and grow up. It’s about time. You have bored us no end.

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