Who would have thought that an ex secretary-general of the Labour Party would have this FASCINATING hidden side to him?

Published: August 13, 2013 at 6:15pm

Turns out that Jimmy Magro’s seashell friend Wendy Agius is not just a transsexual with a diploma in ‘holistic massage’ who got done for GBH (in a street fight with another transsexual) and counterfeit money.

She also an escort girl using the moniker Jade, who’s knocked 10 years off her real age and will do anything if you pay her to – just look at the glossary. She’s even up for gang-bangs, at a fee.

I mean, really.

What sort of repressed and narrow upbringing must a man have had to end up so depraved? And I don’t mean Ms Agius, either.

Given that she’s operating in Malta, you just have to wonder whether you’ll be standing at the butcher’s next to some man who’s paid to gang-bang a transsexual, or whether you’ll be talking to one at the next party.

She’s obviously got the business, otherwise she wouldn’t bother. At this point, I must confess I’m on the verge of feeling sorry for this chap. What a tragic waste of a life, and how sordid to end up having those things done to you for money.

And the men? Bunch of pigs, quite frankly.

Jade, Age 28
Sliema / Malta

170 cm
caucasian ethnicity
feminine body
red hair
hazel colored eyes
completely shaved
speaks Maltese and English
3 years escort experience

Starting from 100 EUR per hour
up to 1.000 EUR for a full day

Available to
Gentlemen, 2 Gentlemen, Group (3 or more)

Jade likes
champagne, Italian cuisine, roses, traveling

Jade also likes

Wendy Agius Happy Escort 2

Wendy Agius Happy Escort

Wendy Adult Work

32 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    She’s available but they have to be gentlemen. I’m afraid that excludes a substantial part of her potential clientele.

  2. La Redoute says:

    1000 Euros for a day with Jimmy Magro? She really must be desperate.

  3. Bubu says:

    How sad.

    [Daphne – Yes, I think so. This is the fate of many transsexuals.]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Transsexuality exists only on paper. Having fakes tits and your willy pulled off does not make you a woman. Ask a doctor.

      • J says:

        Joe Fenech, actually maybe you should do some asking.

        There’s a hell of a lot more to it than your hateful, ignorant and superficial approach suggests.

        Life scientists and social scientists agree that gender is not merely a question of whether you’re born with a willy. The biology is more complicated than that, there is a psychological dimension, and there are social influences.

        Do you find the notion of transsexuality so threatening?

  4. Silverbug says:

    What on earth are all those acronyms? She looks like a post doctoral specialist.

    [Daphne – You’ll find a glossary in the link, but if you’re of a sensitive disposition, it’s best not to look.]

  5. Not Sandy:P says:

    GFE Girl Friend Experience – hugging, kissing, caressing
    DOM Dominant – enjoys to dominate you
    TOY Toys – such as vibrators, dildos, plags, etc.
    MAS Massage – erotic massage can be provided
    HDJ Hand Job – manual stimulation
    FFM Female Female Male – sex with 2 women at the same time
    MMF Male Male Female – sex with 2 men at the same time
    GBG Gangbang – sex with 3 or more men at the same time

  6. Neil says:

    So from what I gather she basically does anything and everything (and anyone). The only reason BES (for bestiality) isn’t there is surely for legal issues.

  7. Stefan says:

    Yes, but why does she have to pay the price for our interest in Jimmy Magro? It may be a public profile but in reality it’s as public as the gay beach. Nobody will see you unless they take the trouble to go there. Or another example: everyone makes mistakes publicly but nobody would want all the people in the world to compile a list and publish all your faults in one document…I have to disagree with shaming her to get to Joseph Muscat…she is not a public person and may have trouble finding a job anywhere…

    [Daphne – “She is not a public person”. She is a public prostitute, Stefan, who publicises her wares on FACEBOOK. True, she would not have come to our interest or attention if it were not for Jimmy Magro’s indiscretion, but that’s the way it goes. And all this is valuable publicity for an escort. If she has trouble finding a job, that will be because of reasons other than this website, most notably, her criminal record and the fact that she is a common prostitute.]

    • Stefan says:

      That’s another way of looking at it, ok.

    • Angelo Z says:

      She doesn’t need to find jobs… she gives them!

      Jokes aside, I believe that if everyone had a list of their faults published, we would probably see that many embarrassing mistakes and poor decisions in life are more common than one would think.

      Still, some bad decisions in life take some serious effort and dedication to carry out. Those are not as easily forgiven.

      • Liberal says:

        If you’re referring to Jimmy Magro, those kind of mistakes – if at all – are made in adoloscence.

        In adulthood, that kind of behaviour comes through the force of habit and shows one’s true personality.

        I would never dream of making such a fool of myself on Facebook (or elsewhere, for that matter).

        Decades ago (in my teens), we had an expression for such people: “Qisu qatt ma ra mara” (He acts like he has never seen a woman).

  8. anthony says:

    It is good that we are occasionally reminded of the not so very public facets of Maltese culture, mores and morality.

    Is this also what these blessed illegali are attempting to demolish?

    Too many Maltese are sadly still living in the Malta Cattolicissima ed Nobilissima era. That was Achille Ratti eighty years ago.

    I found out for myself, the hard way, in the seventies, that the reality on the ground, in the inner harbour area at least, was not so rosy.

  9. Peppa says:

    Does she pay taxes on the money that she earns? Her fees are described as ‘donations’.

  10. Miss Forcina says:

    I draw the attention of the Inland Revenue Department and the VAT Office since this lady has been open enough to quote her price. The least they can do is set a benchmark. It would benefit her too, because everybody gets wrinkles one day or another and soon enough she’ll realise she hasn’t contributed enough towards national insurance and she’ll have no pension.

  11. il-Ginger says:

    Didn’t they arrest/deport a British woman for doing exactly this?

    Guess she’s polished a lot of important knobs.

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