Will Jesmond and Karen Mugliett be voting for Alfred Sant in the EP election?

Published: August 19, 2013 at 4:49pm

Sant-Mugliett mhux denju

L-Orizzont, 10 July 2007 – Labour Party and Opposition leader Alfred Sant on the subject of Minister Jesmond Mugliett “lying in parliament about bribery cases”:

(Alfred Sant) sostna li hi inaċċettabbli li Ministru jigdeb fil-Parlament, liema gideb sar fuq każi ta’ tixħim. Dr Sant iddikjara li l-Ministru Mugliett b’dan l-aġir sfaċċat mhux denju li jkun Ministru jew Membru tal-Parlament.

9 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Super One called this video “2007 Konnessjonijiet Sant and Mugliett.”

    Let’s see if there is the answer to Daphne’s question in it.


  2. kram says:

    Imma dawn biex itajru lil Lawerence Gonzi minn nofs kollox jaghmlu!

  3. pazzo says:

    Opportunizmu sfrenat u faccolizzmu galor.

  4. Adrian says:

    It is hard to admit but I suppose Alfred Sant was right in his criticism of Jeffrey ‘Mistra’ Orlando and Jesmond ‘Bridge’ Dimech.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      I’ve said this many times before – Sant was Labour’s only hope. He could have been the one to steer them away from the Mintoffian ideology. But being an honest and literate person he couldn’t cope amongst them and so he pulled the plug.

      • Dissident says:

        Although I agree he was probably the most literate person that came out of the Labour camp he was still wrong and puppeted around on many issues so I wouldn’t say he was the only hope.

        To top it all he is now showing off his opportunistic side too (in true Labour fashion) by contesting as an MEP. Lino Spiteri could have been the only hope but still that was too far fetched.

      • Josette says:

        He knew what he was getting into but his so-called honesty and literacy got in the way of good government and he immediately gave up.

        Gonzi faced an even more difficult situation during the last legislature and could also have taken the easy way out.

        I wonder where we would be if the clowns which are now in power had had to steer us through the worse of the financial crisis.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh yes. He steered them so far from the Mintoffian ideology that he built his whole political programme on a crusade against EU membership.

        Back to the drawing board, Joe Fenech. There’s a lot you need to learn.

  5. Alex says:

    We should have voted for Sant in 2008. And good riddance to JPO, Mugliett, Dalli and co.

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