Will the press stop making itself ridiculous by reporting an obnoxious and malicious individual’s personal crusade as some kind of serious, altruistic initiative?

Published: August 10, 2013 at 3:28pm
Maaaaaa, how coooooool. Those nerds really know how to have a good time.

Maaaaaa, how coooooool. Those nerds really know how to have a good time.

The mainstream press, without a trace of irony, reports Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s neurotic attempt to get parliament to enact a law, for the sole purpose of shutting up one woman on whom he is morbidly fixated, as though it is some kind of altruistic exercise in cutting down on the large numbers of teenage suicides we have in Malta because of Facebook bullying (we don’t).

Once more, they treat him as though he is normal, fail to mention that he is the chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology or that he was involved in a brawl at 5am only a few days ago, or that this brilliant iniative of his comes in the immediate wake of the internet thrashing (and trashing) he got for…yes, brawling at 5am, punching one of his children’s friends after positioning himself where that young man couldn’t see him, being photographed arriving at the bar in the early hours without his wife but with one of her friends, and being at Marrakesh at 4am with Franco Debono, Law Commissioner, and a sordid professional poker player and Malta Football Association official.

Nor has the press even bothered to ask him who this “group of individuals” is when they’re busy taking his word for it that he’s the contact person for the grandiose-sounding Anti-Cyber Harassment Alliance.

What a sad, sad little set of reproductive organs he is (and probably has, too).

Timesofmalta.com, this morning:

Anti-Cyber harassment Alliance set up

A group of individuals have set up the Anti-Cyber harassment Alliance (Malta) to raise awareness about and encourage legislation against cyber harassment and cyber stalking.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the organisation’s contact person, said MPs needed to address this issue by the enactment of a law making cyber stalking and cyber harassment a criminal offence. A conviction should result in a restraining order, probation, or even criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail.”

19 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Bundy could be in it, using Ask.com as an example, he went on to include ‘certu blogs’ as something to watch out for.

    And Balzan, whose article’s updated minutes after your posts.

    It’s the stoogies.

  2. La Redoute says:

    He’s a fine one to talk, with no fewer than three Facebook accounts littered with his deranged rants againts his imagined persecutors.

  3. george grech says:

    Does harassment include the 1000s of messages sent by his buddy the Law Commissioner?

  4. Jozef says:


    Latest update, thanks Matthew, we can see where it’s going, no need to announce counterattacks.

    Tempers up? Not at this end. Oh look, teatime.

  5. Philip Micallef says:

    Hopefully this will all be retroactive so as to expose and act on all the pre- election cyber threats on which no action was taken.

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    Did the police find out who was threatening him and his family?

    Wasn’t he being escorted everywhere with a bodyguard?

  7. Rover says:

    Is the Alliance a ‘muviment gdid’?
    Alliance taghna lkoll.

  8. ciccio says:

    Does he plan to bring another private member’s bill?

    Ah, but now he is no longer an MP and no longer sits with a government holding a one-seat majority.

    • Josette says:

      … u għalhekk daqshekk indannat. Lagħab il-karti tiegħu u finalment tilef prattikament kollox (insomma għadu Chairman tal-MCST imma minn imġibtu, mhix konsolazzjoni).

  9. P Shaw says:

    While they’re at it, they might as well re-introduce the law on “L-Indhil Barrani” so that certain foreign press and certain EU Commissioners could be arrested or taken to court.

  10. AE says:

    So once again he is going to try to set the country’s agenda by his own personal peeves. What a loser. When will he realise that it’s not all about him.

  11. Volley says:

    Nahseb dawn in-nies lanqas minn ta fuq ma jisthu!

  12. Osservatore says:

    The reason he pushed the whole divorce issue was because he had his own personal interest to take care of. Similarly, this is something from which he hopes to benefit personally.

    People like this man Pullicino Orlando will never act out the goodness of their hearts or through altruism, because whatever may have once been good has long since rotted away and wilted and no amout of figurative botox could ever restore the bona fide aspirations they might have had in their youth.

    Once the heart, soul and spirit begin to rot, it is a slide to the bottom.

  13. John Borg says:

    I watched the piece on TVM by that intrepid journalist Sergio Mallia and I could not help asking myself: is this a real journalist swallowing all this rubbish? Is this state TV? Where are the questions one should have asked?

  14. Harry Worth says:

    A petition to enact a law against cyber stalking, harassment and bullying … much ado about nothing.

  15. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    And what’s with those sunglasses at night? Loser.

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