As expected, Ambassador Marisa has been in Washington for two weeks and her first priority is hook-ups

Published: September 7, 2013 at 12:01pm

When the news broke that Marisa Micallef was to be Joseph Muscat’s appointee to Washington, I wrote a post saying that she would almost certainly see this as a way to extend her options on the market for potential husbands, that this was probably the big, if not the main, attraction.

Some of you said ‘miaow’ but clearly, you’re not as good at reading women as I am. It’s only men I ever get wrong (and badly at times) – but women, never. That probably comes from being locked up in a convent with 400 girls for five years.

So I wasn’t surprised when somebody, yesterday, sent me a link to Ambassador Marisa’s profile already up on 14 August on a Washington hook-up (more subtly called ‘meet-up’) site for ‘professionals only’.

Her interests include ‘dating and relationships’ and she is interested in ‘singles 30s to 50s’. That’s optimistic, bully for her: most women in their late 50s would be realistic about the fact that their market is 50s-70s.

The great thing about Washington is that it’s full of rich, or just comfortably off, men with fantastic jobs and pension funds and plenty of prospects for kill-me-now retirement in Florida. It’s true that most of them are married but come on, since when has that ever been a problem for a woman who’s already divorced two husbands?

Actually, I think it’s a good idea and a pragmatic choice given the appalling nature of Maltese pensions for single women, but I wouldn’t have been quite so transparent about it as to join a dating site on full public view – not as the ambassador to Washington, anyway. It embarrasses Malta and does not befit the role.

marisa 1

marisa 2

27 Comments Comment

  1. Rumplestiltskin says:

    So very crass. This is conduct unbecoming of an ambassador.

    Are our Foreign Minister and PM asleep, or do they not care? This is Washington we’re speaking about, for crying out loud.

    • Pink Flamingo says:

      Why would they give a damn? They’re trying to send Alfie Rizzo’s ex boyfriend, Labour MC Ray Azzopardi, to Brussels.

      And they’ve already sent Norman Hamilton to London.

      Also, if you think Marisa’s predatory ‘romantic’ behaviour is going to be a problem in Washington, you’re ignoring the fact of her cousin Mark in Madrid.

      Let’s hope for Malta’s sake that he isn’t caught in some alley doing what he does best (dealing in antiques…).

  2. An order of priorities is evident here.

    • Pink Flamingo says:

      Of course. The window of opportunity for a woman close to pensionable age is rapidly closing.

      However, she’s better off with a gentleman some 20 years her senior.

      Once she’s persuaded him to make her the beneficiary in his will, she need only grit her teeth and deal with him for another 10 years or so, or take a shortcut by leaving him out to bake in the Florida sun without protection.

  3. LIXU says:

    Very unbecoming behaviour for an ambassador. Daphne, you were 100 per cent right that her initial priority would be ‘fishing’ for some rich American.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Get posted, get laid.

    Oh for the life of a diplomat.

  5. zunzana says:

    Hallijhom ha jgawdu. Jiehdu ezempju mil-mara tal PM. Hekk qalet Michelle… dawn il-hames snin trid li jkunu l-ahjar zmien ta’ hajjitha.

  6. Someone says:

    Usually it takes foreign intelligence agencies months and years to set up these honeypot traps to ‘entice’ diplomats to spill the beans on their country’s internal affairs etc., and here we have the ambassador herself offering a backdoor (or front door for that matter) on a public internet dating site.

    This is yet another demonstration of our inability to provide the right people for these delicate diplomatic posts.


    PS Unless it of course it is an elaborate ruse, and it is in fact our own Mata Hari who is trying to entrap the other foreign diplomats? Worthy of the cunningest of Baldrick’s cunning plans.

  7. The Beltway says:

    The manhunt might be more difficult than predicted.

    Washington DC is full of single women and gay men. It is the fourth most gay-friendly city after San Francisco, San Diego and New York. The single straight guys are usually fresh graduates in their twenties or early thirties who work on the Hill or in K Street lobby firms.

    Unfortunately for Marisa, the diplomatic crowd is particularly full of gay men, many of whom already have boyfriends.

  8. L.Gatt says:

    What decorum.

  9. Denis says:

    From a village soap to state-assisted hook-ups. Donald Trump, I understand, is interested. Having a diplomastic wife will bring him endless opportunities.

  10. Bon Ton says:

    Daphne, absolutely spot on as usual. No prizes for guessing which “Grasas y maduras” hook-up websites H.E.cousin Mark will be subscribing to in Madrid.

  11. Ta'sapienza says:

    What trash.

  12. Anonymous says:

    She has now closed the account. The link says “this account does no longer exist”.

  13. The Beltway says:

    I have a few quick ideas for Marisa to hook up with a man in his 30s for rumpy-pumpy or a man in his 50s for something more settled. They should work faster than a dating website.

    1. Go running on the Mall between noon and 2pm. Make sure you wear something hot but not flashy. Forget the tight ski-pants. Also make sure that you carry the latest gadget with you while running.

    2. Attend one of the evening free DIY workshops offered by Home Depot or Lowes or the equivalent in Malta. Most people who attend are single and they are not interested in learning how to build their own kitchen. They attend these workshops with the hope of picking up a date.

    If these two tips won’t work, then pop into this website and post a request for additional tips, or even better, post your number and say ‘Call me – I’m available.’

  14. ciccio says:

    “Please tell us the types of events (general or specific) you would like us to host:
    dinners drinks activities”

    Hemm ahna. Tal-Labour hsiebhom biss fl-epitasers u Drings.

  15. robert says:

    Daphne – you can’t blame her for not being consistent to her line of action over the years. “If I can do it in Malta (EVEN IN MY OFFICE), why can’t I do it in the United States of America?”

  16. Vespa says:

    Why do all these people have such a sad life?

  17. Sue says:

    Remember what George Vella stated? “Qualifications are subjective”.

    There we go, Mr. Minister. What next?

  18. hopeful says:

    Labour found a way to “reward” Marisa but also a way to save the Eur40,000 a year they were paying her.

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