The two stupidest comments beneath Times of Malta’s report on John Rizzo and John Dalli

Published: September 26, 2013 at 6:56pm
A couple of crooks - and those who voted Labour enabled them

A couple of crooks – and those who voted Labour enabled them

Feel free to post your nomination for the Stupid Award as the comments pile up beneath the report.

These are the two that struck me immediately:

1. Who stopped Rizzo to arraign Dalli?

Duhhhhhhh! Dalli stayed away from Malta with a medical certificate saying he couldn’t get on a plane until mid-March, then returned to Malta just days before the election. When Joseph Muscat was elected prime minister, he had John Rizzo removed and Peter Paul Zammit installed instead on the proviso that he would not prosecute Dalli.

2. Is it ethically correct for Mr Rizzo as an ex-COP to discuss these things with the media?

It says in the first few lines of the report that Mr Rizzo was speaking in court on oath as he was obliged to do. He did not discuss these matters in the media despite the media’s best attempts at getting him to do so, as is our job, and even though I rather suspect he would have loved to do it had he not still been a police officer.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Let’s get the ball rolling then…

    Eddy Privitera
    Today, 18:25
    Many a time what is not said, is more important than what is said ! In this case, the reason WHY John Rizzo decided not to arraign John Dalli , even if he wished to do so, is more important than John Rizzo’s wish to arraign Mr. Dalli ! Was there the fear that such an arraignment would harm even further PN’s chances in the election ?????

    • La Redoute says:

      Eddy Privitera is unfairly advantaged in the stupidity stakes.

    • Nighthawk says:

      I’m not sure Privitera qualifies for the stupid award. The “Malicious Liar and Labour Apologist From The 70s” award, perhaps.

    • Paddling Duck says:

      God bless Eddy….

    • Giovanni says:

      Well not around here as he cannot stand the heat.

    • Foggy says:

      Eddy is, as usual, tying himself in knots to obfuscate the essential facts.

      Mr Rizzo could not arraign someone who remained in Brussels probably with somewhat suspect medical certificates.

      Elsewhere Eddy moans that he was only made a senior manager at the casino when he was qualified for the top appointment. It was PN discrimination.

      If the usual quality of his arguments is anything to go by, he was lucky not to have been made janitor.

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      What happened to Mr Privitera? I remember seeing many of his entertaining comments on this blog a while ago.

      [Daphne – He stopped posting them. Maybe he felt unwanted and unloved.]

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Another fantastic one:

    m. borg (slm)
    Today, 18:07
    What hit the fan?

    If anything Mr Rizzo should be investigated for not arraigning John Dalli if there was enough evidence and thus stalling the course of justice.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Why not investigate those who removed John Rizzo so that he would be unable to carry out his intention to arraign John Dalli? And why did the new Commissioner of Police not carry on with Rizzo’s plans for arraigning Dalli?

    • MARTIN BORG says:

      @ Mr. Meritocracy . Just for the record , knowing how many M.Borgs exist in Malta, and definitely not having the primordial IQ of M.Borg (slm) I would like to disassociate myself completely from this correspondent’s enlightened sic take on the John Rizzo / John Dalli affair.

      Martin Borg (Msida)

  3. Jozef says:

    Zammit’s in a bit of a mess, sticky one this.

    No doubt he’ll be on Saviour’s on PBS.

    Ruffjani kollha.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I rather like having Labour in power. It’s so cathartic. Like a sweat bath.

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    One may wish to remember that this year Chris Huhne, a member of the UK coalition government was sentenced to jail for perverting the course of justice on a speeding offence.

  6. Neil says:

    Eddie’s spewing the same stupid questions all over the article, trying to cast doubt on John Rizzo’s testimony, implying some hidden hand, no doubt of PN persuasion, that’s preventing him from coming clean and giving the REAL reason for his not arraigning Dalli.

    Eddie – I’ll tell you here too, as I know you’re reading. You’re simply pathetic! And again I say, you were DEFINITELY happier with your beloved MLP on the opposition benches, when you could attack the PN administration at every opportunity. Your new routine of having to constantly defend this hopeless, hapless Labour government must be exhausting and hugely frustrating for you.

  7. Bullivant says:

    Eddy takes the biscuit for tying himself up in knots.

    Eddy Privitera

    Today, 17:09

    Had John Rizzo not arraigned John Dalli because Mr. Dalli was in Brussels and could not travel, surely John Rizzo would have explained WHY he had failed to arraign Mr. Dalli ! So SOMEONE must have stopped him !

    Anthony Farrugia

    Today, 17:39

    Eddy, in your position as prime apologist and in your hurry to put up this post, you did not review it. You are going round in circles and becoming dizzy. You are just spouting pure nonsense !

    Eddy : We miss your posts on this blog, they made our day in the comedy department. Please come back, all is forgiven.

  8. ciccio says:

    The Prime Minister must explain. He has many things to explain.

  9. kev says:

    Has the possibility not occurred to you that the former CoP might have wanted to charge Dalli only because that was what the former administration expected of him, and likewise that the current CoP may be acting on the expectations of the current PM?

    This is one of those cases where you can easily concoct a criminal charge out of “unambiguous pieces of circumstantial evidence” (flimsy Kesslerism), but then it eventually falls flat in court when other circumstances come to defy the logic behind the prosecution’s case, such as the fact that there was nothing Dalli could have delivered at that stage; or that the bribe was ridiculously out of proportion to any help he could afford, if any; or that there were clear signs of entrapment, at least on the lobbyists’ part (let’s forgive Barroso’s and OLAF’s ‘enthusiasm’).

    This spectacle has effectively delayed the legislative process to the benefit of the tobacco industry in general – to the tune of billions of euros, according to Green MEPs. This would not have helped the prosecution’s case, either.

  10. jose says:

    He surpassed himself!

    Eddy Privitera

    Today, 20:02

    C. Cassar: ” Pajjiz mitmum”, qalilna s-Sur C Cassar ! Fl-istess zmien meta qed naraw tant pajjizi u gvernijiet interessati li jahdmu mal-gvern laburista biex ingibu x-xoghol u l-investiment lejn pajjizna !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Report abuse

    • Nerd of Redhead, dancing OM trolls says:

      Mr Privitera, Almost 7 months have passed and no work or fruitful investments have been created.

      I would like to ask Mr Privitera what qualifies him to give his opinion on the Times of Malta, to talk about Malta, work and investment opportunities.

      To my knowledge, people who lead a country, know exactly where and how to create jobs, opportunites and investment opportunities and they get to do this work as soon as they are elected to government because they would have planned their strategies and vision for the country they’re ambitious to lead, during their electoral campaign.

      Six months have passed and all I see is people in charge who are making a huge effort to keep the stupid people happy in an imaginary way.

  11. Natalie says:

    I’m surprised that you’re surprised. Such comments are made by people who are half-informed and are unable to think coherently and logically. The votes of these people have placed us in the sad state that Malta is in today.

  12. Osservatore says:

    Eddy Privitera is the epitome of crass ignorance and he demonstrates this in his every online comment. His partisan beliefs of a most outdated nature, when regurgitating ideological tripe (no matter what) were the accepted norm.

    If I may, his is the same as ‘a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’

    He is a sad troll with nothing better to do then try to serve his masters, and in doing so, continue to make an even bigger arse of himself than the day before.

    I simply skip any comments coming from Eddy Privitera these days (and have done so for the last year or so) just because life is too short for me to waste a single second on his inane and blinkered comments. Just do allow me to make this exception.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      He is like the sheep in Animal Farm.

      Also, it’s hilarious to see him and his ilk doing mental gymnastics to now make John Dalli a hero, after all those years of slagging him off.

  13. Aston says:

    The second comment is in line with the latest trends in PL and government communications. When faced with embarrassing relevations, question the ethics / legality / motives behind the act of exposing the information.

    And this from the party that made the Whistleblower Act one of the centrepieces of its manifesto.

  14. Watchful eye says:

    Is this the same Eddie Privitera who arbitralily changed his name to Eddy not to be identified with another Eddie.

  15. admin says:

    I think you should all read Mark Sammut’s excellent blog-post today:

  16. infurmat says:

    Mr Rizzo needs to tell us if he knew of the Bahamas trip during the investigation. Was this trip in the file? If it was why did the new Police Commissioner not mention it when he expressed an opinion on the Dalli case? If it wasn’t why didn’t the new Police Commissioner investigate the trip when the news broke out?

    I feel the Attorney General needs to make some clarifications too after Mr Rizzo’s testimony.

  17. observer says:

    The Attorney General owes everybody an explanation.

  18. Gahan says:

    This is completely out of subject but worth noting:

    While Audrey Harrison was telling us why she would be voting for Joseph she was employed with MEPA as an enforcement officer and wanted to work from home (teleworking) inhaling cancerous fumes emanating from the HFO fired power station.

    Adormidera took over a year to be shot in Malta and abroad and Harrisonhad a main role in the film.

    I thought she wanted to stay home teleworking for MEPA, so that she could take care of her son.

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    Here we have a ‘pentito’ situation – no one will go anywhere near Dalli because he will fire out names (Mid Med, etc).

  20. FP says:

    After this revelation, I’d expect them to make Rizzo’s job a living hell. Won’t be long before he’d be forced to retire.

    And if Rizzo had enough evidence to arraign Dalli but Zammit said that he did not have enough evidence to presecute Dalli, then one of them must be incompetent.

    And if Rizzo is the incompetent of the two, that would mean that we also have an incompetent Attorney General, seeing that even he was of the same opinion as Rizzo.

    Shall we be seeing a vacancy at the AG’s office as well?

    Just out of curiosity, who decides that someone is to be prosecuted? Does the AG answer to the Police Commissioner? If not, what happened to his original opinion that Dalli should be prosecuted?

  21. Bullivant says:

    So what, even Attorney Generals do U-turns.

  22. aidan says:

    Ejja peppi gibhom fuq Xarabank forsi jirnexxili nerga nara programm fuq TVM. Hallik minn Sandro Chetcuti.

  23. Watchful eye says:

    The same warped logic these Malta Labour Party apologists used in the saga of Inspector Taliana. Investigate who is in the right not in the wrong. The end justifies the means.

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