Chamber of Advocates releases damning statement on ‘sale of passports’ scheme

Published: October 30, 2013 at 2:12pm

The Chamber of Advocates has released what is, for the Chamber, a damning indictment of the government’s plans to sell passports and the way in which the scheme has been conceived and is to be implemented.

It is, if you think about it, also the most damning indictment of their ‘kollega’, Manuel Mallia, who appears to be the chief motivator, and of their other ‘kollega’ Edward Zammit Lewis, who is defending it all over town, to say nothing of the most junior ‘kollega’ Owen Bonnici, the justice secretary who has piloted it into parliament, and who is way out of his depth while swimming with sharks.

You can read it here.


12 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Mallia would like to widen his ‘famiglia di mafiosi’….

  2. Xejn b' Xejn says:

    One of this blog’s readers wrote yesterday that you are single-handedly fending off the all mighty Lejber political engine, two newspapers, t.v station etc etc whilst the Opposition is sitting still.

    I do not agree with such an argument. I want to believe that you are a personification of liberty and your voice is our voice. PN will eventually come around and stand to be counted, but, in the meantime dear Daphne keep it up.

  3. curious says:

    “That zone was not restricted except to differentiate between a Schengen area and non-Schengen area, Dr Comodini Cachia said.” (Times of Malta)

    This is a very crucial explanation.

  4. rjc says:

    Always amazes me how hot news always appears here first.

    Well done.

  5. rjc says:

    …and their ‘kollega’ Franco Debono.

  6. Jozef says:

    How does a 20,000 fine work? Is industry required to put up a sign asking clients to please refrain from asking questions about the scheme?

    I can see the queue forming at Mallia’s door.

    Back off, all of you. This is Henley’s and Wotsit’s.

  7. JoeS says:

    Does anybody know who the Malta agent/sponsor for Henley and Partners is? Surely they must have a Mr Fixit.

  8. Jozef says:

    Yet again, it’s DLH. What happened to the FAA and in this particular case, Ramblers?

    Surely they’d reserve the right to walk to the beach if they insist on trampling through freshly planted fields.


  9. AE says:

    Yes it is damning. Rarely has the Chamber of Advocates reacted so quickly and voiced its concern at a such an initiative.

    Even the HNWI, didn’t get such a strong response even if it was extremely unpopular. Tonio Fenech screwed up but Mallia has succeeded in superceding him and cocking up royally what could have been a beneficial programme.

    One point re point 6 of this statement – it really is actually worse than what is stated. Not only is the concessionaire being permitted to submit applications but is the ONLY entity that is able to do so.

  10. Toyger says:

    Do they think that The Great Emperor will actually give a hoot about their opinions?

    I don’t think they’ll change anything they have already decided upon, not even if we all go protesting in the streets.

  11. Spock says:

    If this is only the beginning what are we to expect from the rest of this legislature? God help us.

  12. Gahan says:

    Il-kamra tal-avukati tidher li ma oggezzjonatx ghal-fatt li l-ismijiet ta’ min ikun xtara il-passaport se jibghu mistura mill poplu. Nahseb li il-pubblikazzjoni tal-ismijiet tac-cittadini shabna godda hija l-aqwa due diligence li jista’ jkollna f’pajjizna. Il-kaz ta’ Shiv Nair huwa l-aqwa prova ta’ dan.

    Meta nara li kollox qed jinhema minn taht minn gvern immexxi minn Joseph, niftakar fil-qawl li jghid: “M’hemmx isbah mill-indafa” tghid il-mahmuga.

    Qabel l-elezzjoni smajna lil Joseph jghajjat u jippriedka it-trasparenza, voti bil-mobajls biex nahtru membri tal-awtoritajiet , meritokrazija , kollox above board ,kontra l-arroganza, mhux se nharsu lejn l-ucuh… kollox tar mar-rih. Wara l-elezzjoni kull ma qal kien “Gewwa x-xilep!” ghax hataf il-poter u nesa kull ma wieghed.

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