Fascinating. The National Security Minister and his Romanian wife are godparents to the baby of a 21-year-old Romanian lap-dancer

Published: October 10, 2013 at 2:08am

In Times of Malta this morning:

Marco Bonnici, 30, owner of Déjà Vu, had been arrested together with an employee, lap dancer Luciana Loredana Secan, 21, from Romania, who had been dancing topless. He was accused of operating a brothel and allowing immoral acts to be carried out in public.

This is Luciana Lory Secan. That there is the baptism of her baby, and the godparents are Manuel and Codruta Mallia.

Luciana Lory Secan_Manuel Mallia

Luciana Lory Secan_Manuel Mallia2

Luciana Lory Secan_Manuel Mallia3

Luciana Lory Secan_Manuel Mallia4

54 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:

    `pimps, thieves and scoundrels`

    • Lorry says:

      imma l-inqas jisthu minn Alla dawn in-nies faccoli, jmorru jghamdu tarbija bix-xema f’idejhom u jahilfu li jtellghuha bhala cittadina kattolika tajba u min huma n-nies? Il-korruzzjoni perfetta. U halluna. keccu lil dak is-sacerdot li halla din il-papprata ssehh.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Perfect description of typical LP voters.

  2. Sister Ray says:


  3. anthony says:

    This is one of the very rare occasions in my long life when I am lost for words.

  4. The Observer says:

    Isn’t there a decent bloke among this lot?

  5. Osservatore says:

    Liberte, egalite, fraternite. Each has been taken to its extreme.

  6. ACD says:

    Anglu Farrugia has gone off to monitor elections in Azerbaijan. He’s clearly not much of a deterrent: http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/10/09/oops-azerbaijan-released-election-results-before-voting-had-even-started/

  7. Peritocracy says:

    Special discount for Chris Cardona.

  8. Ara x’kwalita ta’ nies ghandna jiggerrew barra. U l-Ministru Mallia tghid ipprova xi darba idur ma’ xi pole?

  9. Gowzef says:

    The owner of Déjà Vue is not Marco Bonnici. It’s a government minister as silent partner with a couple of others.

    Are VAT receipts issued for lap dances? I doubt it.

  10. MP says:

    How devoted they all look. God bless them.

  11. Last Post says:

    Mur gib lil Lino Cassar u l-gazzetta tieghu ix-Xewka! Ara kieku dal-buzullotti ghamluhom il-Ministri Nazzjonalisti kemm kienu jghajtu bin-nuqqas ta’ rispett lejn l-istituzzjonijiet (kif ghamlu dan l-ahhar).

    Imma jekk l-owner tad-Deja’ Vue huwa dak li qed jallega Gowzef aktar il-fuq allura veru li l-qasba ma ccaqcaqx ghalxejn. Dan xorta ma jiskolpahomx ghax il-hajja privata taffettwa dik publika.

    B’dal-hmieg ‘progressiv u liberali’ il-Partit Laburista huwa l-partit tal-iskipp, anzi, il-partit HUWA skipp.

  12. tinnat says:

    Chris Cardona jidhol b’xejn?

  13. marianne mercieca (mosta) says:

    Mela l-klandestini li jahasra u msieken, u dawn in-nisa li gejjin mill-faqar ta’ pajjizhom u jispiccaw fic-cirku tal-prostituzzjoni u l-isfruttament, nispiccaw nitmejjlu bihom. Il-ministru Mallia jmissu jara x’qed jigri sew fis-socjeta’ Maltija qabel ma Malta ssir mecca ta’ skjavizmu modern mhux imbilli jaghmilha tal-hanin u qad parrinu.

  14. Rachel says:

    I think we should take a moment to acknowledge the passing of the faux leather sofa which met its end when that hideous suit jacket was put together.

  15. canon says:

    Manuel Mallia ma qaliniex biex inhobbuha bhal ma qallina Joseph.

  16. Bronka says:


  17. Jason says:

    I am absolutely speechless!

    So many Maltese people particularly in the UK have worked so hard to distance themselves from this notorious reputation of being associated as pimps and brothel keepers.

    Now we have a member of the cabinet associated with such characters.

    Do they not have any honour or respect for their position in society! What message does this broadcast outside Malta.

  18. TROY says:

    Minister of Just Tits

  19. ken il malti says:

    Holy mother of inflatable rubber inner tubes, can these low-lifes get any tackier in Malta.

  20. Neil says:

    I’d LOVE to here the background story to that.

  21. Mad says:

    is that a church or is it Déjà Vue rearranged for the occasion?

  22. Jason says:

    I had no idea that the National Security Minister has a mail-order bride. But looking at the state of him he would have to, because what’s the alternative.

  23. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Such a damn shame she’s an EU citizen. Them’s worth a passport apiece.

  24. Joseph Caruana says:

    Hemm xi żejża jew?

  25. Tajba Leli says:

    Mit-tajjeb ghall-ahjar. Xi hmieg ta’ nies!

  26. silvio loporto says:

    Could it be that it was through the minister’s guidance that the baby was baptised?

    What’s the use of being surrounded by saintly people and not going out of one’s way to attract others to Christ.

    Our Lord was even flanked by sinners on the cross not by Saints.

  27. rafela says:

    Certu rgiel qishom qatt ma raw xejn. Haha

  28. Min Jaf says:

    The real story in those photos is that Luciana Loredana never smiles.

  29. What? says:

    What a place Malta has become! And we’ve got another five years of this.

  30. Flabbergasted! says:

    I’m flabbergasted.

  31. fm says:

    Hmieg, hmieg u aktar hmieg.

    Kienu jghidu li Austin Gatt mahmug, mela dan x’ inhu?

    Austin Gatt zgur qatt m’ghamel dawn il-hnizrijiet li qed iwettaq Mallia.

  32. Quo Vadis says:

    Either love is truly blind or someone is so dumb that he just begin to figure it out.

  33. M. Cassar says:

    Now would anyone who would ever want to be taken seriously in politics ever dream of doing such a thing? Surely not. Would the head of government condone this sort of behaviour? No.

    So can someone please offer an explanation besides the obvious one which resembles something right out from H.P. Lovecraft’s pen?

  34. Pat Zahra says:

    Those women look so miserable. Especially in contrast to their men grinning triumphantly next to them. Something here is not right.

    • ken il malti says:

      The women look like typical mercenary Eastern European women.

      They will stick around only till the money supply holds out.

  35. Area min hawn says:

    Just have a look at the pic in The Times article of Wednesday 26th January, 2011 “lap dancer case: law is vague on definition of immorality – counsel”.

    That’s Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit in his previous life as a legal procurator. Funny how the link between him and his now boss always seems to crop up everywhere.

  36. ix-xewka says:

    U dan Alla jbierek, il-knisja tippermettilu jaghmel parrinu. Mizzewweg bic-civil ma’ mara tigi bintu fl-eta, wara diga kien mizzewweg ma’ ohra u halliha. Ara kollox inqaleb rasu l’isfel.

  37. Last Post says:

    Rari jkolli ghalfejn nidhol il-Belt. Illum kienet wahda mill-eccezzjonijiet. Innutajt li:

    a) Iz-zewg fjammi li jissimbolizzaw il-Fjamma Eterna quddiem il-monument tal-gwerra regghu qed ikunu mixghula (anke filghodu). Din bhall-Park tal-Familja f’Wied il-Ghajn li rega’ nfetah. Tal-Labour l-aqwa li jkissru u jivvendikaw ruhhom minn dak li ghamlu l-PN fil-gvern.

    b) Fil-bieb tal-Ministeru tas-Sigurta’ Nazzjonali (li naturalment jaqa’ taht Mallia) hemm suldat bl-uniformi biex bhal donnu jghidilna li s-sigurta’ ta’ pajjizna qeghda f’idejn tajba!

    U halluna… tkomplux twaqqghu lill-pajjizna ghan-nejk bid-dilettantizmu taghkom!

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