Friday, in the Italian parliament

Published: October 6, 2013 at 7:24pm

9 Comments Comment

  1. 1234 says:

    Ija lanqas idea m’ghandna. Kemm gejna qeghdin sew… 4 yrs igri jghaddu.

  2. anthony says:

    A charming Laura Boldrini at her best with a wealth of UNHCR experience.

    Sheer class.

    I can never get over the fact that I preceded her by fifteen years at La Sapienza. What a pity.

  3. polly says:

    L-istess ezatt bhal parlament Malti, x’gharukaza.

  4. AE says:

    Instead of going to Florence, Anglu should be going to Lampedusa to show solidarity on this real human tragedy which is happening so often in our very waters or those of our neighbours.

  5. Felix says:

    That is giving respect to humanity, beyond race, colour and beliefs.

  6. follower says:

    Gismek iqum xewk xewk! Il-kommossjoni tinhass fil-vuci tas-sinjura u dan gie anke rikonixxut mill-membri parlamentari wara l-minuta silenzju b’capcip.

  7. oxo says:

    An example of a truly sensitive & responsible Parliament showing respect and solidarity with our brothers from Africa who died for their love and hope of a dream to live in better conditions while they were on this planet.

  8. rupert says:

    And not once did Laura Boldrini mention the EU or burden-sharing or how other EU states were not helping Italy – a real example to Muscat.

  9. ta'sapienza says:

    While our own speaker is playing Vanna Marchi in Florence.

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