Is this Alfred Bray character exceptionally slow or what?

Published: October 24, 2013 at 10:18pm

Alfred Bray

Another glass of that and Malta's socialist MEP will slip off her stool. This photograph was taken today.

Another glass of that and Malta’s socialist MEP will slip off her stool. This photograph was taken today.

He thinks Marlene Mizzi is an “ex nazzjonalist” (marelli, kif hasiba ragel). And not just that, but also the best one.

Somebody please tell him that Marlene Cacciattolo was born to a couple of Mintoffians, raised by them as a Mintoffian, voted Labour all her life, became hysterical and aggressive when pressed by reporters to say whether she voted Yes or No in the EU referendum, and has never supported anything other than the Labour Party.

It was Alfred Sant who made her chairman of Sea Malta – presumably because he thought that somebody who runs a small toyshop can run a state merchant shipping line – and two subsequent Nationalist governments kept her on so as not to make a martyr of her, but then it happened anyway nine years later because she has that sort of rough personality.

48 Comments Comment

  1. Wormfood says:

    Bray seems just about adequate

  2. el bandido guapo says:

    He’s probably signed off as “ex-Nazzjonalist”

    Typical case of “eats shoots and leaves”

  3. Ninu says:

    There’s a full stop missing before “ex nazzjonalist”.

    I think Mr. Bray was an ex-Mayor of St. Paul’s bay council for some time and an undertaker. Another switcher who saw the light of day

    • Antoine Vella says:

      That’s John Bray; I don’t know if they are related. Alfred Bray was a PN candidate in the 1980s and used to work in catering.

    • GiovDeMartino says:

      Do you follow Daphne’s running commentary, Ed? As far as I know you have NEVER contested what she writes. Or do you try to ignore her comments as you normally ignore mine?

  4. Joseph Cauchi Senior says:

    Alfred Bray is the ex-nazzjonalist.


  5. C Falzon says:

    ” (marelli, kif hasiba ragel). ”

    I think there was some scheme were you can switch party and get a free sex change, so a Nazzjonalist becomes a Laburista and a Nazzjonalista becomes a Laburist. The scheme was only open to Nazzjonalisti though.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Nahseb Simon “Buzullotti” kien jghidilha ” Ghandek wicc ta’ nazzjonalista ” !!!!!!!

      [Daphne – Anything featuring Mrs Mizzi really revs you up, doesn’t it, Privitera. Marlene Mizzi: the old man’s Viagra.]

      • Shoot- Me- Now says:

        Daphne, I love how even this tw*t finds your blog irresistible.

      • GiovDeMartino says:

        Do you follow Daphne’s running commentary, Ed? As far as I know you have NEVER contested what she writes. Or do you try to ignore her comments as you normally ignore mine?

  6. Ta'Sapienza says:

    I think he’s referring to himself.

  7. Aston says:

    I hate to rain on your parade but I suspect the Bray character meant HE was the ex-nazzjonalist. Why he thought that was relevant information I have no idea – perhaps he felt it would make the brown-nosing look more sincere?

    [Daphne – Clearly then, he ate shoots and left.]

    • Aston says:

      He could equally have meant eats, shoots and leaves, yes.

      My favourite is still “helping your uncle Jack, off a horse” though.

      [Daphne – Your liking for that one is misplaced. There should be no comma after Jack/jack in whatever circumstances. The difference in meaning lies not in the punctuation, which remains the same (without a comma) but solely in the use of a capital letter, which changes the nature of jack from part of a verb to a proper noun.]

      • aston says:

        You’re right, of course, it is about using capitals in the right places and the whole thing is non sequitur.

        I would still want to add a pause between Jack and off when saying it though :)

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Let us eat, children.

  8. Allo Allo says:

    Who were the other candidates in the Category? I think that Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono are feeling offended.

  9. Min Jaf says:

    Well, what does a donkey do when it wants to make itself heard? Bray.

  10. pb says:

    Kemm hi kiesha, qziez, antipatika u kburija biha innifisha.

    Ta’ kwazi sittin sena taghmilha ta’ wahda ta’ ghoxrin u tippretendi li hi xi mudella jew xi Miss World.

  11. helen says:

    Actually HE is also an ‘ex-Nazzjonalist’ candidate, way back in the 80s.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:

    Mr Bray is not slow. He is simply – asinine.

  13. SPAM says:

    I remember him waiting tables, probably still is.

  14. Banana republic ... Again says:

    50 shades of Bray

  15. virgosign says:

    While roping in everybody in the herd, the Bray(ing) fellow is referring to himself as the ‘ex nazzjonalist’. hee-haw hee-haw

  16. TinaB says:

    And of course, Marlene has to let the whole world know that she had a glass of bubbly.

    Il-vera qisa qatt ma rat xejn miskina.

    • not impressed says:

      Dak li qatt ma ra qalziet, l-ewwel darba li libsu h— fih.

      And this applies to the whole bunch who think they can run a country this way.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Min jaf kemm Daphne tghir ghaliha tara MEP fil-parlament Ewropew !

      [Daphne – Yes, and how, Privitera, you have no idea. All my life I have dreamed of being Marlene Cacciattolo, owning a toy shop, selling cat suits, being in with the Labour Party, then becoming an MEP when I turn 60. I will draw a discreet veil over the rest.]

  17. P Shaw says:

    Wasn’t Bray upset and switched to Labour once the PN government dismantled the funeral services monopoly. I think he was one of two-three operators who had the restricted licence before the funeral service market was liberalized.

  18. Galian says:

    Alfred Bray is the attention seeker par excellence. From being an ardent Nazzjonalist who held fund-raising activities in his own garage, he turned into a Joseph Muscat admirer and went on One TV defending their ‘blokka silg’ case.

    He is still waiting for his iced bun, which probably accounts for his pitiful comment.

  19. L.GATT says:

    I know him. The answer to your question is yes. In a “miskin” sort of way.

  20. Caroline says:

    I can confirm that he is the “ex nazzjonalist”. He was one of the extreme PN fanatics a while ago. Then for the last general election, have a look at this …

  21. Eddy Privitera says:

    The contract was worth €25 million, not €5 million !

  22. chacha says:

    Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party dug a grave and the ‘switchers’ (because they’re so smart) fell into it.

  23. Alfred Bray says:

    Alfred bray ex nazzjonalist what the labour goverment did with this budget the partit nazzjonalista did not do in 25years so how could i not follow Dr Joseph Muscat he is the right Prim Minister to my n opinion and of many thousands others he looks after everyone the poor middle class and even the rich he left no one out may be the only person that was left out was Daphne Caruana Galizias PROSET DR JOSEPH MUSCAT WE ARE PROUD OF YOU GOD BLESS JOSEPH MUSCAT * OUR PRIM MINISTER *

  24. Alfred says:

    what a government everybody is really proud of Dr Joseph Muscat our Prim Minister after only 8 months he did more than 25 years of what the P N did ,What has Daphne has to say to day ,What was said during the election was all lies 35 000 plus voted agaist Il Partit Nazzjonalista Why Daphne can you answer me why I was very right by voting labour and I still will do and if you r an idiot I am not MAY GOD KEEP HIS HANDS ON OUR PRIM MINISTER DR JOSEPH MUSCAT EX NAZZJONALIST ALFRED BRAY MOSTA

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