It’s quite astonishing to see, at a distance of some months, how many warning signs the ‘I’m In’ flock of sheep missed

Published: October 10, 2013 at 9:24am

8 Comments Comment

  1. GorgBorg says:

    It’s amazing. This means he’s always lying BUT sometime he the truth must come out. WTF.

  2. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Can we play a little game?

    Which Govt Minister would you suggest best personifies one of the `seven deadly sins`? One Minister per sin please – then nominate one Minister who hits the jackpot for covering all seven!

    1 Greed
    2 Sloth
    3 Pride
    4 Lust
    5 Envy
    6 Gluttony
    7 Wrath

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      1. Greed – Anton Refalo
      2. Sloth – Louis Grech
      3. Pride – Konrad Mizzi
      4. Lust – Chris Cardona
      5. Envy – José Herrera
      No. 6 is obvious. Gluttony – Emanuele Mallia
      7. Wrath – George Vella

      The jackpot winner is of course Joseph Muscat (who else), although Sin No. 4 takes a rather curious form.

    • Tom Double thumb says:

      No competition for the Minister who hits the jackpot covering all seven: Joseph Muscat wins hands down.

  3. Osservatore says:

    “I want the truth!”
    “You can’t handle the truth!”

    A Few Good Men. So few are left.

  4. CGrech says:

    I remember watching this programme and thinking ‘What kind of answer is that? So this man thinks it’s OK to lie.’

    And time is showing us that he truly is a liar and that whole ‘moviment’ bulls**t was just that, bulls**t.

    Xi darba jew ohra jrid jghidilna l-verita dwar it-tbazwir li qed ibazwar.

  5. Liar says:

    So as a general rule Muscat lies and then at times he says the truth. Wonderful. Just simply wonderful.

  6. There is no one who is as blind as the one who has eyes but refuses to see.

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