Now Charles Mangion is in China again – they’d better buy their flights there in bulk

Published: October 14, 2013 at 2:09am
Charles Mangion (left) with Keith 'Kasco' Schembri, the prime minister's personal assistant and chief of staff

Charles Mangion (left) with Keith ‘Kasco’ Schembri, the prime minister’s personal assistant and chief of staff

charles mangion

Enemalta chairman Charles Mangion, only recently returned from China where he formed part of the Malta government delegation at the World Economic Forum meeting in Dalian, has popped back there again, presumably on Enemalta business.

There wasn’t a press release about it. No, the government information office concerns itself mainly with the important things, like the pattern of Maltese crosses on the dress Michelle Muscat wore when she and 50 other WAGs met Michelle Obama.

A couple of days ago, somebody rang Mangion’s private office – out of which he provides his services as a notary – asking for help with some documents. “He’s not available,” the assistant who answered the phone said. “He’s in China until early next week.”

7 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    People who read that there is no Chinese involvement in the new unneeded power station project are in for a surprise; who would guarantee that the consortium won’t be bought out by the Asian commies?

  2. pablo says:

    According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, Charles Mangion could now actually be in Australia as High Commissioner designate.

    Who is the Minister’s Super One hack responsible for this website?

  3. ciccio says:

    Could it be that he is in China as notary public – and not on official business – signing on property deals?

  4. Josette says:

    Does this mean that the Minister is still working as a notary? Has he also been given an exemption by the PM?

    [Daphne – Mangion is not a minister. He is not even an MP. He was unseated by his nephew, Silvio Schembri.]

  5. Anthony Briffa says:

    Is Mangion by any chance writing the contract for the sale of part of EneMalta to the Chinese? A couple of weeks back he said something like not being involved in the negotiations due to any future conflict of interest.

  6. Jozef says:

    Guess what he did.

    Interesting blurb by our energy consultant.

    Konrad said Enemalta’s valuation will also include it’s ‘future potential’, the generated capital used to turn around the company’s fortunes.

    SWAPS anyone?

    It happened in Turin, Naples and a couple of minor regions who relied on ‘consultants’ who provided a way out of debt.

    Problem is they just took it a few years down the line, ten to fifteen times the initial amounts.

    This five year contract is telling, similarities uncanny.

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