Oh lovely. We’re going to have a deputy governor of the Central Bank who’s in business with HuBastjan Dalli, until recently wanted by the police

Published: October 8, 2013 at 11:22pm
Alfred Mifsud, soon to be deputy governor of the Central Bank, going casual on the Gozo ferry with his very stylish Charles Butcher carrier bag.

Alfred Mifsud, soon to be deputy governor of the Central Bank, going casual on the Gozo ferry with his very stylish Charles Butcher carrier bag.

Given the news today that Alfred Mifsud is set to be the Central Bank’s new deputy governor, I think I should remind you all that John Dalli’s famous daughter is a shareholder in Alfred Mifsud’s Crystal Finance, clearly representing her father’s interests.

9 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Good. Now if he needs to invest the Central Bank’s reserves in precious metals, like “copper and gold,” he can call Claire Gauci Borda for advice and perhaps services through Tyre Limited.


  2. Vagabond King says:

    Next up Lino Spiteri.

    Over the past 12 months he has done his best to throw mud at Dr. Gonzi and the PN using The Times as a vehicle.

    • Watchful eye says:

      He has been doing that for the last 25 years. Dr E Fenech Adami was not a favourite either. The only break was taken up by the notorious rigging of votes in an internal contest of the MLP. Remember?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Hmm. I think a higher office may be next up for Lino Spiteri. President of the Republic, anyone?

      • pm says:

        Sorry Baxxter, but it seems that George Vella is the next President. And then we will need a new Foreign Minister.

  3. ken il malti says:

    New parents of baby boys will be naming them HuBastjan now instead of Clint or Marlon or Travis in totally Labour Malta.

  4. zunzana says:

    If Lino Spiteri was in line for being nominated for the post of president of Malta he should have refrained from being so categorically negative about the Nationalist party .

  5. anthony says:

    Apart from his close connections with Hubastjandalli, he also happens to be the brother of a certain Tarcisio Mifsud.

    Impeccable credentials, really.

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