Please send in your Silvio Scerri memes

Published: October 29, 2013 at 11:55pm

Email them to and I’ll upload them here.







Silvio Scerri

Silvio Who

Silvio Scerri 2

Silvio Scerri 3

Silvio Scerri

Silvio Scerri 4

Silvio Scerri 6

Silvio Scerri 7



20 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Who go fik, Silvio.

  2. tik tok says:

    You crack me up!! Love you:)

  3. dcg supporter says:

    Thanks, Daphne :) you go down a dream with a cuppa in the morning.

  4. manum says:

    Not fair to read this in the morning …… irresistibly hilarious.

  5. Sufa says:

    Forget Silvio Scerri. We haven’t heard of (or from) Franco Debono in quite a while. They’ve used him and dumped him … onto us.

  6. maltija says:

    Thanks all of you. At least the day started with a good laugh.
    Again thanks.

  7. Francis Zammit says:

    Oh my God….what a way to start the morning.

  8. Lomax says:

    I really do feel this site is my refuge. When you hear people rubbishing Renz Sapiano’s (sic) work, when I hear people praising this government, when I deal with people who are so dumb they do not even understand the most basic tenets of democracy (just to name a few) I really have no choice but come here.

    Lately I don’t comment much. I just read in disbelief (to a certain extent) and hope that I wake up from this bad dream. It is a form of delusion but I’m still hoping for some momentous event which would save us from them all. My hopes aren’t high though.

    I love this memes page. Comic relief is certainly the best form of coping mechanism in such situations. I’m still laughing at your post of yesterday: the PM and his aides highfiving each other upon their passing passport control. Definitely comment of the month.

  9. Rita Camilleri says:

    Oh God…. thank you.. am in fits..

  10. Manuel says:

    The last one, with the sweet Chinese nanna – that really made my day! Thanks!

  11. Taki says:

    Daphne, thank you for allowing us to share your humour, wit and intellect. Our only ray of sunshine on the many cloudy days we have been lumbered with thanks to the idiots around us.

  12. Toni Taghna says:

    You beat Private Eye hands down.

  13. Volley says:


  14. Scarlet says:

    Ha ha ha ! the last pic is so so so funny :) I can’t stop Laughing :)

  15. U Le! says:

    ‘Min Hu Evelyn Costa?’ by Alfred Sant. Oops sorry, ‘Min Hu Silvio Scerri?’ by Manwel Mallia.

  16. Typically Labour says:

    Ever so subtle and charming … I love Silvio Scerri … so very SS.

  17. xifajk says:

    we want to see some more memes:)

  18. kev says:

    A sherry a day keeps the pigs at bay. Even JFK knew this.

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