Still chasing that Obama-sized dream, I see

Published: October 15, 2013 at 12:48am

The White House press office releases a photograph of the President of the United States of America in a telephone conversation with Hussain Rouhani, the president of Iran.

Corto Farrugia has a photograph taken of the Prime Minister of Malta taking a telephone call from Tony Blair, former prime minister of Britain, on the subject of the Occupied Territories with which he now occupies himself.

It’s not working, Kurt.

Obama’s picture shouts ‘authority’ and ‘I’m in charge’. Muscat’s picture is that of a man being ticked off my his wife or mother for something he said he would do but didn’t.

There’s a reason why desk shots only show the upper part of the desk unless that desk has a full front. Feet give the game away.

Muscat has a makk. Obama has a porcelain cup and saucer.

Obama’s desk has been styled for the photograph. And I have a horrible suspicion that Muscat’s has been, too.

Obama looks bandbox perfect. Muscat looks as though he could use a shower and is about to break out into a hog-sweat.


U.S. President Obama talks on the phone with Iranian President Rouhani in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington

23 Comments Comment

  1. qwerty says:

    Daqt idawwar l-id li qed jaqbad it-telephone biha

  2. ciccio says:

    I challenge Muscat to copy this.

    [Daphne – He’s not got the feet and legs (and his shoes are always crepe-soled slip-ons).]

  3. Dissident says:

    Corto Farrugia needs some better photographers, I would say.

    Notice the way depth of field makes Obama stand out as the subject – composition and angle, flawless.

    The Muscat shot is in high aperture, making everything equally focused and at lazy angle, flash use. It looks like it was shot by a cheesy village wedding photographer, though one must keep in mind that it must be a challenge to get decent shots of such an unattractive subject.

    • Flux capacitator says:

      The photographer needs to go back to photo school. Look at the Muscat shot and notice where your attention goes.

      My eyes immediately go to the lamp then wander towards the window in the back on the left and finally at the kiddie craft cups on the desk.

      Then maybe I might look at Joseph Muscat.

      Now look at the Obama image and what are your eyes drawn to? I look straight at Obama then maybe I look around the room but I was immediately drawn to the subject.

      That’s the difference between a photograph and a snapshot.

      The Muscat image is not a photograph – it’s a cluttered mess of a snapshot. A child with a mobile phone could have done better.

  4. Matthew S says:

    The very fact that the photograph was taken shows that Kurt Farrugia completely failed to grasp the significance of the Obama/Rouhani conversation.

    The United States and Iran’s presidents had not had any direct talks since 1979. Whether making contact in a face to face meeting, a telephone conversation or by snail-mail, a photograph simply had to be taken.

    There’s a reason why the White House doesn’t regularly release photographs of the president talking to the British prime minister, even though they’re allies and two of the most influential leaders in the world. It’s not because they don’t communicate. It’s because there’s nothing extraordinary about it.

    Now try to figure out how historic, momentous and extraordinary a Maltese prime minister speaking to a former British prime minister is.

  5. ajeje says:

    Obama’s shot is staged for sure (who keeps the frames angled that way?)

    It’s interesting to note that there is no picture frame on JM’s desk, neither of the ferst lejdi and neither of the kids.

    L-aqwa l-magg tal-milan…

  6. Mark Vassallo says:

    The top photo was clearly NOT taken by Kurt “Corto” Farrugia as the camera angle is far to high.

  7. Freedom5 says:

    Muscat can’t even hold a phone properly. He is covering the mouthpiece and his voice must be muffled at the other end, and the cord is wrapped over his arm. Very strange body language. Typical of a bully who is also a coward. He bullies the local media, and cowers when speaking to a foreign leader.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Maybe that’s because Tony B. Liar wasn’t really at the other end of the line?

      He looks very bored. If he were speaking to Blair, he would be sparkling. Whoever decided that they wanted to show Muscat at work certainly got it right. He does nothing at work. And it shows.

  8. Brian says:

    Bilmod…. ghal ftit thawwad who is who!!!

    Tajba Daphne :)

  9. rpacebonello says:

    He looks so much busier

  10. T. Cassar says:

    It seems we’re not only losing our George Cross but the entire flag. Very patriotic of our PM.

  11. V says:

    And the flag, Daphne – where is the FLAG? Or is he working from home?

  12. L.Gatt says:

    I am sure that had the photo of Obama shown his feet, they would be firmly placed on the ground and pointed straight out and not turned on one side. Clear sign of insecurity.

  13. Colin says:

    Artistically and psychologically such a picture needs to demonstrate power.

    The angle in Obama’s picture creates a sense of authority over us (taken at eye level and giving a sense of control). The focus is Obama and his face, giving orders.

    Joseph Muscat’s picture lacks this composition, is taken from above, and makes him look small and weak.

    He is not the only focus in the picture. There is clutter and he appears to be taking orders. So both pictures convey the truth, I guess.

  14. hello who is there says:

    The shot was taken by an amateur and needed major staging. Where is the flag? We don’t need to see his feet. The smaller desk on the side is irrelevant.

    The telephone should be in front and not at the side and the documents on his desk should have been selected to reflect the message and placed correctly.

    His posture is atrocious. He should be wearing a suit and he should have a decent piece of artwork behind him. If only we could enlarge the image to check what emails in effect he was pretending to read. And why does he read his emails in print format, like somebody new to technology?

    The angle highlights how bald he has become. The message: either do something well or don’t do it at all.

  15. xifajk says:

    Din l-istorja telghet fuq it-Times, xis-1pm. Hargu stqarrija ftit qabel skond ma qalli gurnalist habib tieghi (xi nofsinhar).

    Imma l-arlogg ta’ idejh juri l-hin bhala 2.30pm.

  16. Peritocracy says:

    Iva, Ma. Toqoghodx tinkwieta, Ma.

  17. U Le! says:

    What’s with the mega huge calculator? Is it used to calculate percentages of iced buns still to be distributed or increase in taxes to make up for lowering in utility rates?

  18. Len says:

    You missed one, Daphne. Obama has someone on the other end while Joseph taghna has a dial tone sound, he is only faking it.

  19. CC says:

    Next time, photos of Michelle and the twins will be included as Obama has a full set of photos behind him.

  20. ivan sciberras says:

    By the way, could one of the clothiers in Malta donate a suit to the Prime Minister. In the picture that appeared in Times of Malta today (of the PM in Israel), he’s busting out of his.

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