Why Maltese democracy founders
October 29, 2013 at 12:01pm
Imagine explaining due diligence on crooked Russians, or the deleterious consequences of selling our passports, to people like these. I mean, for heaven’s sake, they vote for Silvio Parnis.
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Kapaci jtella’ t-tombla.
Ma tarax x’tip ta’ nies imbecilli hemm biex joqghodu jilghabu t-tombla minflok ma jaghtu kaz tas-serjeta’ li ghandna f’pajjizna bhalissa. Ara veru laham mibjugh.
Can you imagine Joseph Muscat explaining to them lot the meaning of “Fassttt Trekkinnnkkk”?
In fact, what does “fast tracking” the sale of a passport and citizenship mean? As if this process is not being unnecessarily expedited, why does it also need a high velocity track?
Does fast tracking in this case meaning doing away with the due diligence?
Or maybe it means performing a due diligence like the one the Clowns in Castille carried out on Shiv Nair, that individual who is consultant to the Prime Minister for euro 6,000 (per hour, per week, per annum?) with a letter of appointment which is not a contract but who has been permanently black listed by the World Bank since 1999/2000 for fraud and corruption?
As a nation, it took us decades to acquire EU citizenship, and Joseph Muscat was against it. And now Joseph Muscat wants to “fast track” the sale of it for a 50% bonus payable to Henley & Partners.
What, oh yes, Silvio, have those ladies smelled the coffee yet?
What exactly is Silvio Parnis doing with that microphone?
All the people in the photograph are marking what seems like bingo to me, they are not looking at him..
So 2 possibilities exist;
1) They don’t give a damn of what he says, or worst
2) he himself is calling out the numbers.
That’s a staged photo. He’s even looking into the camera with a totally unconvinced look and cretinous smile.
He is doing karaoke
Il “Kink” tal Coffee Morninks.
The sad thing about Silvio Parnis is that he isn’t even a demagogue, because he is as stupid as the people who support him.
They aren’t even looking at him as he speaks. Their tombola cards are far more interesting. I agree.
A photo that epitomises fully that imperfect part of democracy.
The shape of that mirror is that same as that of a good number of Labour MPs.
The average person is stupid. That means that 50% of people are even more stupid.