Austria’s national newspaper, Die Presse: ‘Malta: Selling EU citizenship for €650,000’

Published: November 13, 2013 at 3:13pm

Die Presse

So much for their propaganda-intended-for-consumption-by-fools, that Austria does it as well. As if.

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that there’s a snowball up there on the edge, about to come down gathering speed and snow?

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Nope, just wait for it.

  2. Liberal says:

    Shock therapy is what this country needs. Bring it on.

  3. bookworm says:

    We should incite a citizenship revolution, really. The prime minister has surpassed the limit of ridicule and is now roller-coasting a peril zone.

    I simply cannot stand the smirk on his face let alone his amoral behaviour.

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