Has the mayor of Zurrieq heard the news of his impending bankruptcy?
November 19, 2013 at 6:39pm
The Telegraph has broken some momentous news. Pubic hair is back because the men don’t care and the women can’t be bothered.
If Natius Farrugia were able to read, he would now be in a dead sweat.
But perhaps the sword of Damocles shall be staved off for a little while longer. You know how Malta is always behind the times and in any case leans towards the eastern Mediterranean in terms of fashion, style and general tastes, rather than towards Europe.
So the wax will keep him in plates of spaghetti and shiny suits for now.
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Reply to Matthew S Click here to cancel reply
Considering his clients are some 30 years behind the times, he should feel the squeeze in 2043.
No, it will be back in fashion by then.
Not in Malta!
This is really bad news for Natius. Probably, Daphne instigated it.
You mean pubic hair right? Cos I’m still trying to figure out what public hair is :)
[Daphne – That’s my auto-pilot typing. I type public rather a lot and never have reason to type pubic.]
Public hair would be everything else, of course.
GasOil always seemed so eager, it’s appropriate that they would be prone to a Freudian slip: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20131119/local/Energy-deal-depended-on-Labour-election-win-.495320#.UouuX1iA3IU
Why is The Times discussing this item now? I believe that this website discussed this topic ages ago.
I still can’t believe this part:
“Asked to explain what he meant by his declaration that the project relied on Labour’s victory and to state whether Gasol, through its Maltese representatives, had already discussed the details of the project with the party before the election, Mr Buxton said: “It is not appropriate to reply at this stage in the process.”
He said he would reply once the process was concluded.”
Is it true that they did not deny vehemently that they had already discussed the details of the project with the Labour party before the general elections?
Daphne, after a long day at the office, you always manage to make me smile. Thank you.
Public or pubic?! Please correct :)
I think you meant pubic hair not public hair, Daphne.
[Daphne – Oooops.]
Sword of Damocles? Surely Wilkinson?
I’ve always found the whole trend more than a little bit strange. The whole process of spreading one’s legs in front of an unknown person and letting him/her poke down there and pour hot wax and pull out hair always struck me as weird, unnecessary, painful and more than a bit embarrassing. Even if one goes the DIY route, the ingrown hairs, itchiness and all that is just ridiculous.
Boyfriends and husbands never demanded the removal of every hair. It’s always women, and a burgeoning beauty industry, who come up with torturous ways of making women look more ‘beautiful’. Men are biologically wired to like women the way nature created them.
A little grooming and caring is nice. A Barbie-doll image is not. Daphne had once written about one of her teenage-year friends. She used to do sport, have a shower, go out and get all the attention from the boys Most men like that sort of fresh, lively, womanly image. It oozes sex appeal
It’s a pity most Maltese women look like they have just come off a factory line: tortured, dyed hair, caked faces, breast implants and a general cheap prostitute look about them. It’s enough to send any reasonable man running for the hills.
Poor husband to be. He won’t be able to afford it-trasport b’xejn and umbrellel after all.
Maltese saying: Bla suf, la tghannaq u l-anqas tbus.
Forget Zurrieq – Marsascala’s mayor is where it’s at for a glorious example of Taghna Lkoll corruption and idiocy.