Headline in The Daily Telegraph today: ‘Malta offers EU citizenship to anyone – with 650,000 euros’
Imagine waking up to a headline like this in The Telegraph. Well, today it happened:
Malta offers EU citizenship to anyone – with 650,000 euros
Malta approves selling citizenship for 650,000 euros to non-EU applicants, giving people work and residency rights in the 28-member bloc
The worst thing about this period of Labour government, unlike previous ones, is that we know exactly who put Muscat and his Forty Thieves there because they thought they were so very smart that they actually boasted about it and moreover, they are people we know.
By the end of these five years, we are going to want to wring their necks, especially since their only excuse was their greed, their spite, their malice and above all, their sheer lack of IQ. Imagine doing something as stupid as bringing these corrupt thieves to power, people who promised passports in return for party funding, people who then said ‘Majtezwel we sell more’ and have now proceeded to wreck our hard-won standing in the European Union.
You scum. Scum. And no, I’m not referring to the Labour Party. I’m referring to the shameless, shameful twits who voted for them when they should have known better. Brainless, that’s what you are. Brainless, shameless and spineless.
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So much for using Austria as justification for our citizenship scheme:
Austria’s number one news channel has a similar story:
Austria’s top news paper has it:
A rough google translation of Austria’s Die Presse article with comments from readers below:
And finally:
And what scum they are (believe me, I know a couple).
With Joseph Muscat as prime minister, the Maltese passport has become the passport of shame.
The irony of it all, the first link listed in the “Related Articles” section is “Malta is small we cannot cope with these migrants” (21 July 2013).
They should now add …but we can cope more than well with those who can pay.
Read this:
I can understand your indignation and anger, disillusionment and frustration. Waking up this morning, anxious to learn how the news of the sale of our citizenship will be reported in the international press, I felt ten times as dismayed and frustrated as on March 10.
What is even more frustrating is the unbelievable line of defence adopted by a couple of switchers I know who, faced by this shameful (and shameless) act by Muscat’s PL, will retort: it’s all GonziPN’s fault because they neglected their own.
Then I realise that being switchers one can’t expect any better. At least for the time being, until such time as they too will have to bite their individual bullet.
Because their bottom line is about individualism and opportunism.
We need a change.That’s all we heard on all media especially on RTK .Now we exchange passports for dirty money.