Headline in the EU Observer today: ‘Malta to sell EU citizenship for €650,000’

Published: November 13, 2013 at 2:58pm

EU Observer

In the EU Observer:

Malta’s parliament Tuesday approved a plan to sell citizenship to non-EU applicants for €650,000. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said the programme is meant to bring revenue to the country, reports Reuters. The scheme will entitle the new citizens to work and residency rights in the rest of the EU.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Petrovic says:

    Issa jigi l-‘hanzir ir-roza’ u jghidilna kemm sirna importanti fl-Ewropa ghax il-gazzetti kollha qed jaghmlulna riklam b’xejn bis-sahha tieghu u l-ideja genjali li jqahhab lil-pajjizna.

  2. Perhaps they’re going to bring in some Chinese spy talent. Why all this secrecy? There’s always a reason behind secret deals.

  3. Obstinacy is the basic characteristic of this government led by Joseph Muscat.

    Malta has been able to weather the long financial and economic storms that have buffeted some members of the EU, maintaining an image of stability. With one single stroke Joseph Muscat has given the impression that Malta’s coffers are empty to the extent that we need to sell our citizenship, and that of the EU, for a cash donation of €6.5k. to fill them.

    Joseph Muscat must feel very smug believing that he is right and the rest of the world is wrong. After all, the Maltese electorate put him where he is.

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