Meanwhile, we keep dreaming of oil deals

Published: November 8, 2013 at 11:52am

Rival militias are fighting on the streets of Tripoli using anti-aircraft guns and grenades, but encased in our golden bubble of Malta Taghna Lkoll, we act as though nothing is happening just across the water.

Our government is happy with its ‘oil deal’ headlines that this situation has now blown out of the water, and with all that going on, oil deal apart, still no newspaper or television newsroom has seen fit to corner the PM or his foreign minister for their view on the situation in Libya.

Oh hang on a minute, Times of Malta bothered half an hour ago – something cosy with Kurt Sansone.

The prime minister’s view is all the more relevant because the man under siege – the Libyan PM – is supposed to be his buddy. Muscat visited him when he was released by his kidnappers some weeks ago but now has nothing to say about the current situation except that he is ‘monitoring it’.

He also relayed the facts as though Times of Malta doesn’t subscribe to Reuters and other news agencies and can get those facts for itself.

9 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Joseph’s buddy in Libya is whoever is in control. First, it was Gaddafi. For a while, it seemed to be Ali Zeidan. Now he’s sitting tight to see who’ll be next.

    When Zeidan was kidnapped, Muscat didn’t condemn the kidnapping. He said he was concerned for Zeidan’s health.

  2. Spock says:

    What exactly is happening at the ‘Times of Malta ‘ ?

  3. Silvio loporto says:

    I think that most Libians must be having thoughts on wether they were better off under the Gaddafi regime or now.

    What we are seeing in Libya is a repeat of what we saw following the fall of Sadam., and Syria could be next on the list.

    The West must accept the fact that some nations are not ready for democracy, as we see it., and it is useless and dangerous to try and impose our type of democracy on them.,,just because it is in the west’s interests.

    [Daphne – “…some nations are not ready for democracy.” Malta is one of them.]

    • Silvio loporto says:

      We seem to be agreeing quite often, lately.

      [Daphne – Actually you are one of the people I had in mind when I wrote that.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Yep. I’m hoping the fighting will spread to Malta. If we can’t have Obama invading at least we can have the Libyans. Then we can call Obama.

  4. il-Hsieb tar-ronnie says:

    And only just a few days ago the prime minister was complaining that the EU has not accepted that Libya is a stable country! What a gross error of judgment. Yet another one.

    Imagine if he was PM during the Libyan crisis. We would really have needed God to save us from his gross errors of judgment in that crisis.

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