Negative obsession is a terrible thing

Published: November 26, 2013 at 5:49pm



You would think that a story like that of Martin on the streets of Dublin would be enough to ensure that people stay focussed on HIM, on the mystery of what got him there, and of how something can be done to help him if he can be helped.

But no. Over on Facebook, the usual suspects are instead fixating on me – why? Because I brought the story to light here in Malta? Because I identified his accent as being a 100% surefire indicator of his background?

People’s lack of empathy is just astonishing. Their obsessive bitchiness is even worse. The bitchiness alone I don’t mind, but when it blinds them to the story, well, then…

Kenneth Zammit Tabona, a man who would ordinarily be pulling every network apart to identify this man’s great-grandparents, says that I put the story up only because my “ratings” were dropping. I forgot for a moment there that this is a person who forms opinions without bothering to refer to the facts – you know, because he has a right to do so.

You are quite incorrect, Kenneth, and the opposite is true. My ‘ratings’ are the highest they have ever been – higher even than during the election campaign, when the highest this website got to on Alexa was 19. It is now 18, and that was before the story about Martin in Dublin.

Grow up, why don’t you all. It’s like being 15 again and having to deal with the freaky nerds muttering slander behind my back instead of taking the time to get their Berber frizz glossed, the pelt ripped off their gas-cylinder legs and their moustaches waxed. And that was just the girls.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    How callous, pigeon man eh?

    Let’s put it this way, his words just expose the bitter egoism eroding his insides.

    Tasteless fake.

  2. helen says:

    As another positive side of this story I got to realise that there is a Maltese embassy in Dublin and managed to make contact while I am in a spot of trouble myself in Ireland. Thank you Daphne you helped me too and I really hope and pray this gentleman finds the help he really deserves.

  3. Catherine says:

    We can’t seriously expect someone like him to understand the notion of doing something that does not result in direct personal gain.

  4. La Redoute says:

    They haven’t picked up Muscat’s message about being negative, despite putting him into power.

  5. Kenneth has your artistic rating dropped because of sour grapes? Your imagination is beyond repair if your competence fails to distinguish between a noble act and popularity.

    Your days of the latter ended on election day. Now you are what you are. A bitter loser. Ironically.

  6. Freedom5 says:

    Ara who’s talking about ratings dropping. KZT cannot sell a single painting anymore. So passé. Not even the Laburisti, who snigger at the ‘pufta bic-coff’, are interested in spending money on them.

    No wonder he is so desperate for his iced bun/s.

    • A. Charles says:

      I am going public about this. I was a member of Friends of the Museum of Fine Arts Association with Kenneth Zammit Tabona as President. This year I have not paid my dues and do not intend to form part of any group that has Mr Zammit Tabona as its president.

  7. Pufta bic-coff says:

    Their obsessive bitchiness is even worse.

    Daphne, did you expect better of him?

    Hopefully once he gets the promised apartment in Saint John’s Square he will calm down.

  8. P Shaw says:

    Daphne, for an unknown reason, you have aroused the Axis of Envy.

    You need to add Raphael Vassallo to the quintessentially erratic Kenneth Zammit Tabona and the absurd Jacques Rene Zammit.

  9. TROY says:

    Bit of a pigeon brain, isn’t he.

  10. WhoamI? says:

    Daphne, I am seriously confused. You claim that this Martin guy must have been brought up in roughly the same area as you were. You said that his accent and manners are typical of a certain type of person and upbringing, and that these do not belong to the particular school he may or may not have attended.

    Then at the same time you say that Kenneth Zammit Tabona lived a corner or two away from you, though 8 years apart – I understand that he’s 8 years your senior.

    Therefore how can you claim that a particular accent and good manners belong to a certain type of people, when we are looking at your “next door neighbour” and we can’t see any of these traits other than the tal-pepe accent?

    • George says:

      You either did not read all her previous blogs or did not understand them. Daphne went into detail to explain that the accent and manners are unique not to tal pepe’ but to a particular group.

  11. Valent says:

    I know I may sound rude but I’d gladly sell Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s passport and hand it over to Martin if he wasn’t already Maltese.

    Jahsbu li s-solidarjietà u li thoss ghal hadd iehor issaraf f’li taghti donation lill-Istrina biss.

    Yes, knowing that my compatriots act this way I would definitely sell their EU passport because THEY should be ashamed of their behaviour and not those who show empathy.

    I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised at their attitude after all, knowing the sorry situation this country is in right now thanks to their stupid political choices.

  12. A Montebello says:

    Times of Malta has let Kenneth and his Tuesday column go, and replaced him with the far more rational and informed Ivan Fenech.

    So there might be a bit of jealousy sprinkled in with that bitchiness.

  13. albona says:

    Kenneth should go and suck on a lemon.

  14. John Higgins says:

    Who knows what Kenneth’s ratings are like?

  15. Franco says:

    What a prat. My friend’s son informs me that not only have KZT’s paintings gone out of fashion, and now not selling at all, but it has also become the in thing to take them down, if one actually has one already.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      His paintings have not been selling for quite a while. This is partly because he flooded the market with them, partly because they’re facile and pointless, and partly because his core clientele is affronted by his behaviour.

      If he is Muscat’s only experience of talent in Malta, it’s hardly surprising that he’s trying to buy it in.

  16. alex says:

    What “ratings” is this idiot talking about ? Perhaps he is mixing up your website rankings with those of

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So where do they all swing? I need some inspiration for Chapter Three.

  18. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Alfred Sant’s wish has been fulfilled.

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