The prime ministers of Malta and the Caribbean island of Nevis: selling citizenship in exactly the same way for Henley & Partners at the latter’s citizenship conference in Miami last week
Read the link below and just substitute the Nevis prime minister’s name with Malta’s. The tragic thing (for Malta) is that Nevis has no choice but to sell citizenship because it is ranked globally as one of the countries with the lowest quality of life and has not much scope for making money through economic growth.
But Malta is an EU member state with a diversified economy strong enough to come through the financial crisis, and should never have gone down that crazy route.
Unfortunately, we have been landed with a government made up of individuals who are so blindly avaricious in their own lives that they have transferred their values to their public role and were easily sold on Henley & Partners’ plans to make millions for themselves by eroding Malta’s credibility.
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Is our PM intent on travelling around the globe for free or is he just plain ignorant? A Maltese prime minister peddling passports in Miami. What next?
He is both.
He wants to travel round the globe for free ghax min qatt ma ra qalziet….
And he is just plain ignorant.
There is no doubt about this latter attribute is there?
No doubt whatsoever.
Muscat has to understand that we cannot hope to become the “best in Europe” overnight.
If he had to reach his goal, and his performance thus far does not augur too well, he would have to work at it for at least two terms of government, and again as promised, through “economic growth” and not funny schemes.
The passport scam has thrown us back so far that the country will probably need the whole of this legislature just to get us back on track.
To get back on track we need a change in government as this government is completely incompetent. Now we REALLY need a change.
It is a pity that people voted the way they did last March. Had the Nationalists remained in government, I do believe the best was yet to come. We really would have become the “best in Europe”.
Instead with this Labour government we just keep sinking further and further. And all this happened in such a short time. I am afraid to think where we will be by the end of this legislature.
We are giving Nevis such a bad name.
On your point about Malta having no particular reason for embarking on this citizenship sale, I bet the PL had no say in the matter, or rather, when the PL asked the Chinese Communist Party to bankroll its electoral campaign and God only knows what else the Chinese communists probably made the sale of citizenship a non-negotiable part of the deal.
Mere conjecture perhaps, but what else should I be led to believe? When you see such unfathomable events unfolding you are left with two possible theories:
1) The PL has absolutely no idea what it is doing;
2) The PL made deals with so many people, parties and countries (dictatorships of course – what else?) that any logic applied in an effort to understand these events invariably fails.
I would tend towards the latter theory personally.
Could it be both of the above?
It must be a bit of both.
There is not a shadow of doubt whatsoever that secret illicit deals were made with foreign powers masterminded by no other than AST. He has a brilliant cv apropos.
Also the party in government has a very faint idea of what it is doing.
As proof of this vide its daily policy u-turns.
The only idea the PL has is how to fill their pockets fast.
Can you imagine another head of state within the EU actually taking in hand the promotion of on investment scheme which is not bound to any investment at all other than a cash payment?
What a joke.
The principle that citizenship is not for sale apart, any respectable citizenship for investment programme will have to placed under direct public scrutiny and control.
I would have thought that the Malta Financial Services Authority would be ideally placed for this. That leads me to suspect that a possible real difficulty the Government may be facing right now is the contract it has presumably already entered into with Henley & Partners, and the consequences that will ensue from any unilateral and premature termination thereof. We are still blind as to the details of this agreement.