From “seafarer” to cabinet minister for transport: only with Labour (and it’s not because they’re progressive)

Published: December 10, 2013 at 10:55am

From the International Maritime Law Institute’s electronic newsletter of 5 December:


During the recent 28th Regular Session of the IMO Assembly, the Hon. Joe Mizzi (Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of the Government of Malta) confirmed the Malta Government’s pledge of continued support to the International Maritime Law Institute that Malta proudly hosts.

In his address to the Assembly, Mr. Mizzi, a former seafarer himself, paid tribute to the IMO and its Member States for their unstinted dedication and collective work to promote, inter alia, safety of life at sea and the welfare of seafarers.

Of course, you won’t find any mention of Joe Mizzi’s seafaring history in any official bio – not even the one on the parliament site tells you anything about what he has done since studying ‘telecommunications’ at ‘the technical institute’ in an unspecified year and country which one assumes is Malta.

Perhaps he was an officer with the Royal Navy (no, born too late for that) or is a seasoned yachtsman who competes in the world’s great races.

19 Comments Comment

  1. RF says:

    Ghandu xi daghjsa tal-pass il-Kalkara?

  2. Paddling Duck says:

    Or perhaps he used to sail the Johnny Roger for HuJohnny?

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Kieku kien xi farka xi haga, tghidlix kemm kien jiddandan biha. La ma jsemmi xejn is-seafaring tieghu probabli qatta xi zmien jirmonka fuq xi vapur ta’ Ghawdex.

  4. r farrugia says:

    Sa fejn naf jien, Joe Mizzi jbiegh l-arials u l-boosters tat-televisions kien. Kellhom hanut il-Belt u iehor Bormla.

  5. canon says:

    Joe Mizzi was a radio officer dealing with morse code messages on board a cargo ship.

  6. Big Daddy says:

    Lucky for him (and us) that he did not use the word ‘seaman’, what with his pronunciation and all that.

  7. aston says:

    Wow. Malta’s own Berlusconi.

  8. tinnat says:

    Or is he a ‘dilettant tas-sajd’?

    [Daphne – He was a radio officer with Sea Malta.]

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    I am a seafarer.

    Anyone who ever used the Gozo ferry is.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    They make it so easy to make fun of them. A satirist’s dream.

  11. Esteve says:

    Well it obviously refers to his taking the Gozo ferry every once in a while.

  12. Paddy says:

    I believe he did some runs on “Ghawdex” to Sicily

  13. Joey Tatu says:

    Joe Mizzi spent 10 years at Datatrak wiring vehicles at the Mosta Industrial Park and retired a couple of months before the last election.

    The way he speaks could also mean he was a bus driver or even a derrick hand on an oil rig.

    You simply never know with these Joeys.

  14. Cottoner says:

    He got Bormla’s dock 1 works going, so hats off for that, then hats quickly back on when he proposed the expansion of Kalkara’s Rinella Bay ignoring residents’ complaints of pollution from the tank station there.

  15. Foggy says:

    Wow, Malta’s own John Prescott who managed to become Deputy Prime Minister without any notable successes as a departmental minister. It was said of him that he at least served a top notch gin and tonic from his days as a cabin steward.

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